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The only reason why I don't really like Rizk is that he seems to make the tips of the Asian noses I've seen too thin (with the exception of the dentist lady, who wanted a "subtle" change) ...I really, REALLY like how he does alar base reductions and the patients' noses look much thinner width-wise, but it seems like he just hacks way too much off for the Asian patients. He sounds like he may be able to do a good job but I heard he doesn't do imaging...NOT sure about that though so you might want to make sure. He also seems to be getting a little "commercial" and that always makes me nervous. I won't rule him out completely, but I am still very unsure of him.
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Thanks for info John1! Everything you said makes sense. I will make sure to ask whoever I decide to go with not to place it too high up between my eyes. I suppose it will look big for a while because of swelling. I am afraid of the prospect of rib cartilage warping too so that's why I'm leaning more towards Dr. Shah rather than Dr. Jung. Dr. Jung has so much experience with Asian noses (he could probably just look at me and tell me what will look good) but he seems to prefer Goretex so I'm not sure how good his technique will be with carving rib. I want to make sure this is my last revision!
It's so hard to decide when you can't just walk into their offices and meet them in person! Pictures can't really tell the whole story.
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yeah definitely go with someone with lots of experience in rib. supposedly the secret to prevent warping is in the way you cut the cartilage. shah seems to have a lot of experience with rib since he studied under toriumi.

for the bridge shah said he was going to use septal and something called perichondrium along the length of the nose. i was surprised by that cuz asians typically dont have a lot of septal and as it turned out i didnt even have enough septal for my tip strut. so definitely go over this with him i was curious how he was going to get enough septal for an area as large as the bridge. the problem with septal is that they really dont know how much can be harvested without a physical examination (caucasians usually have more than ample cuz they have big noses :yahoo:) so you should ask what his plan b is in the event you dont have enough. if plan b is rib then you should think about if you want rib in your bridge. read up on that as i was thinking to do the same until i read of some bad experiences with rib on the bridge.

he was going to use ear or rib for the tip. some doctors object to rib on the tip but i dont know why.

very tough decisions. i ultimately went with the tried and true silicone but that definitely has its own drawbacks too. no perfect decision unfortunately. best of luck and let me know how it turns out!
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Again, thanks for all the tips John!. Sure glad I found this forum. Felt so alone and was getting so confused with all the info from the surgeon's websites. They all sound fantastic with great pics but after reading some horror stories on this forum, they can make big mistakes too.
You're right about Asians not having enough septal cartilage to build a bridge... consulted with a local surgeon in town who said the same thing and he wanted to use medpor since he had no experience with rib. When I emailed Shah my pics, he said he would use rib to augment my bridge but didn't mention anything about what he would use on my tip. Will make sure to cover all this during the phone consult.

Also, will read up more on bad experiences with rib just to see what I'm in for.
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i just wanted to say that i got my nose job around 3 weeks ago (nostril and tip) with dr lee and im happy with the results. a lot of people complain that dr lee doesn't spend time with patients but i found him to be pretty patient and considerate.

im definitely willing to answer any questions about the surgery, healing and consultation processes.

good luck!
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Hey there,
Congraulations on your nose job! I have been on the forum for about a week and no one has yet offered to help me, despite a few posts.

Where is Dr Lee's surgey? I was considering Oz cosmetic or Shimmian. I plan to go to korea in december this year to get tip and alar reduction. I would be very greaful if you send me b&a pics. I do have lots of questions but could you personal message me so we can talk??:smile:
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Wow! Just got Dr. Toriumi's quote: a whopping total of $30,000! Guess I'm ruling him out (can't afford him at this stage of my life).

Hi Noseconcerns123,

Glad you are happy with your new nose! Would you know if Dr. Lee is experienced with rib cartilage? Are you referring to Dr. Charles Lee in Los Angelos? I just checked out his website, good page on Asian rhinoplasty. But looks like he prefers silicone.
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Hi kktg9202,

Unless I'm wrong, I think Dr. Lee is in Los Angelos, CA. If you're interested, check out his website:

As for Korean doctors, the one I hear most about on this and other forums is Dr. Jung from Shimmian clinic. His website and contact info is:

Also, Dr. Park from Oz clinic... sorry don't know his contact info but if you do a search on this thread you will find it. Quite a few of us have been talking about him.

Good luck!
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i replied to your first post. as i said, i really think you would find it very helpful to read through this thread. it will take a while but it will be worth it. or at least 12-18 months worth. i bet most of your questions will be answered.
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im pretty sure lee has not done much rib. i think he would use scalp before rib but that he is also very reluctant to do. definitely a silicone guy.

toriumi has been blasted on other boards for his work. people seem to either love him or hate him.
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Yeah, I'm getting that impression too about Dr. T. Even his website FAQ section is a bit on the defensive side... stating common misconceptions of what he does or prefers and his explanation. It's really too bad that he's so expensive... his work seems excellent and very thorough.
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Hey Manimani and Gonnawin,

I'm pretty serious about going with Shah. I like that he spends time listening to his patients's wishes. I know he's on the conservative side but I'm hoping he will agree to what I want. I'm not too keen on keeping the "soft" nose tip (code word for flabby, I think- and frankly, I think the Asian example on his website is not the kind of modification I'm looking for... I think a more projected and defined tip would look better). I want more definition and height on my tip as well as height on my bridge. Hopefully he'll agree.

I'v booked a phone consult. If all goes well, I will take the plunge and book the surgery for sometime in August. I've decided not to go with Dr. Jung because in case things go wrong, I will be in a foreign country and illiterate in the language. It's a bit scary.

Would any of you want to join me in Chicago? Even if you just want to drop in for a consult to check out his photo album?

We don't have to share a hotel room (since I like my privacy) but at least we could meet up and go the office together so we don't have to feel so alone!
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BTW, John1: what bad experiences about rib implants have you read? I've only come across the warping issues (due to poor carving techniques) and resorption over time can occur with some people. Also found that site about that poor guy with the terrible "nose job gone wrong" from a surgeon in Texas where his incision got really infected... but then this probably could happen with any type of open rhinoplasty procedure done by any surgeon. Just a case of extreme bad luck and bad post-op care, I think.
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Thanks John1 and Flame

John1: I know you helped me and gave me alot of advice. I have been reading a few posts everyday as there are 475 to get through, i didnt mean to insult you by saying that no one has helped me.....it was a general moan! Im sorry!

Flame: Thanks for the links. I am already talking to Dr Park by email, but I have come across Dr Jung at the Shimmian Clinic, but I have heard mixed reviews. Why have you decided not to use Dr Jung? Is it because its a forgeign country or experience?
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Hey flame,
I was also considering flying out to chicago to check out Shah's in office photos. I haven't told family or friends about this so it would help if I knew someone else going through this.When are you planning on going?

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