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Hey guys, I was wondering with the ear cartilage graft for tip plasty would my nose cartilage be enough? As in i have alot and i mean alot of cartilage on my tip so rather than taking it from my ear do you think they can just refine it?
Thanks XD
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they take the cartilage from the septum which i think is the cartilage which separates your nostrils. whether you have enuf or not would be determined during your exam or even on the operating table. most asians dont have enuf.
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hey people!! I was wondering if anyone had been to the Jeong Won Clinic in Seoul if so could you please share your experience with us? I was in contact with one of the surgeons who seemed very friendly. They provide free accomodation for the first 3-4 days AND FREE Meals!!! How good is that!! These clinics are so cool they are fully catering for us patients now ahaha. This clinic claims that they have operated on celebs so that seems trustworthy right??
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Heya John1... have been watching the forum silently as i was considering rizk and dr shah too.. though i live in asia..

I don't really understand what do you mean by "wing it" for alarplasty? Do you mind explaining to me...? Thanks.

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The reason i want to avoid using rib is because im really into my skin..
so i dont want to have a scar under my breast.

I prefer using my ears instead...however if its true that using 2 ears hurts more then rib.. then i should just withstand the pain and use rib since ear hurts more.
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wing it means that he doesnt have much experience but would give it his best shot based using his gut, not experience. but seems he has done many more than 2 so i dont think he would be winging it.
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LOL! I thought it has to do with alar wing.. or something..
turns out to be that my command of english needs some improvement.
Anyway, hope you're recovering well from ur surgery and really glad to hear that you're happy with your results! :biggrin:

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Hi viv_bee

You have to consider that if you only used ear cartilage, you may not get as much height that you want or need on your bridge. Also, the effects may not last as long and you may need to get it revised since the ear cartilage may curl or warp later.
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I have narrowed my choice to Dr Shah, Dr Sam Rizk, probably Dr Nassif and Dr Jung from Korea..

Currently, I am researching on Taiwan's surgeons... Has anyone heard of Dr Ryan Hsu or Dr Kao with respect to nose job?
Or has act. undergone a surgery with these 2 doctors.. can you all please help me out and give me a reply...? Thanks alot!! Any help is appreciated... can post on this forum.. or feel free to PM me. Thanks.
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i can imagine using 2 ears being more painful.... or more uncomfortable. i've had cartilage harvested from one ear, and that one ear was really painful for the first few days. if i had both ears, i think my head would've been throbbing left and right and i'd be dizzy.
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i'm looking at rizk's site, and i was wondering how this one asian patient was able to achieve her results using only septal cartilage and probably ear?

(4th patient down on the right side) Rhinoplasty NYC Nose Job New York

it doesn't really look like her nasal root was heightened, but the lower portion of her dorsum and tip was dramatically augmented.

"29 year old asian female who had a flat dorsum and tip with thick skin 1 year after rhinoplasty with dorsal septal cartilage implant and tip cartilage grafts for definition and support of thick asian skin. Notice the increase in tip projection and natural angle between nose and forehead and nose and upper lip."

i'm guessing the "tip cartilage grafts for definition" are ear cartilage grafts? either way, it's amazing work.
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Hi, I'm new to this forum and I wanted some feedback from people who have gotten rhinoplasty. I just got a secondary rhinoplasty using goretex and ear cartilage from Dr. Jung in Korea on June 24th, so it's been almost 4 weeks since my surgery. I went to him because I heard a lot of good stuff about him..basically I had silicone used in my first rhinoplasty and the silicone was starting to show through at my tip and was making my skin very thin,and so had to get it done again. I told him I wanted my bridge raised slightly higher, alar reduction, tip projection, and I just wanted a smaller slimmer pretty nose. But right now, my nose is so long and big. It is not pretty at all. People say I've lost my babyface and look old now. :sad:All I can see on my face is my nose, and it looks really bad. I can't believe he made it this long. I look so weird, and don't even look Asian anymore. Does anyone know if the length will shrink as well as the height? I really regret having my nose done again now, and am considering revision. I really wanted this to be the last time. :sad:
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you pretty much got the same procedures i did except i got silicone instead of goretex.

i will only tell you that i, as well as other posters who got bridge implants, went thru a similar freak out phase and everything turned out ok for us.

some thots:
1. your bridge takes anywhere form 2-6 weeks to noticeably drop. i assume this was the case after your 1st surgery?
2. you should ask your surgeon how thick was the implant that way you will know how much height is added when the swelling is gone.
3. you should also ask how high up he put the implant
4. since this is ur 2nd procedure you should have a pretty good idea how quickly you heal and how much swelling you have left and can gauge how close to final it is. but i would save the worry until you get to week 6.
5. i heard its not good to have a revision so soon as there is increased risk of infection which would be even worse. you probably have to wait 6 months for a revision unless you just want to get the goretex removed. but i would just give it more time since you made it this far.
6. dont play with your nose as that will only delay healing. put warm compresses on a few times a day to help speed the deswelling.

ultimately talk to your surgeon and express your concerns. if he is a good surgeon like you say then he probably did a good job and you are just swollen.

best of luck!
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Hey guys,

I just booked with Dr. Shah in Chicago but now getting cold feet... essentially wondering why his prices are so low. Do you think it's because he is not as experienced? Does ANYONE out there know of any Asians he has worked on and what their feedback was? 3 weeks to go before my surgery and getting really really nervous.
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