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thanks for the concern... no, that's not it for me... it's because the first time, I didn't do the cut and removable stitch method... The method that was used on me is known to undo itself oftentimes...

yea... I still have double eyelid, just lower...

I just need to do the permanent method next time.
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Hello everyone :smile:

After all ur recommendations about Dr. Chuang from Wisclinic, I really got desperate.

Now Im in Taiwan and I can't sleep cuz I'm getting my surgeries done tomorrow. It took me about 16 hours to get to Taipei Airport from Norway. So let us see if it was worth it.

I'm gonna have double eyelid surgery, -not the Korean style since I have very thin skin on my eyelids. Then I'll undergo an epicanthoplasty to make my eyes look wider and last but not least I'm gonna have rhinoplasty! :smile:

Dr. Chuang recommended me to use implant which is good when you don't need a very high nose. He will also do tipplasty on me. All the other things he told me were the same as Maskd2003 wrote earlier. Actually, I printed Maskd2003's trip to Taiwan out and highlighted everything I should ask about.

Wishclinic look very professional and clean ;) There were a lot of sweet girls and one of them behind the desk was very "open" with her boob-job. So... I saw her boobs, touched them, and so on. It was so interesting... yeah you know what I mean ;)

They other clients who got surgery done today, showed me their eyes and noses (They're all so kind). And I have to say that the result really depends on how you look before the surgery. But lucky me, the most clients and "ladies behind the desk" told me that it will be amazing when I get my surgeries but they didn't understand why I need these surgeries. (Neither do my mother, sister, and friends understand me) But I just feel that it has nothing to do with how people think I'm looking. For me I just want to feel prettier, satisfied and happy everytime I look at myself in the mirrow.

Anyways... I told Dr. Chuang that Tanjhj recommended me Wichclinic and I told him how much we all talk about him. He gave me a reasonable price I think... The value of Taiwan dollars just felt a bit, so you get 33,055 NT$ for 1 US$ in the Airport. (Maskd2003 got 32,9 NT$ for 1 US $... not the big deal but I just though that it will be more expensive since it's summer Holiday soon...)

I'm almost dying to get my surgeries done tomorrow! CANT SLEEP!!! I had this butterfly feeling in my stomach in almost 2 weeks now!!! Hope that some of you know what I mean...

Uhh... furthermore... Taipei looks like a NICE place for shopping... can't almost wait to shop like a crazy... And the Deja Vu Hotel is very good for the price. I'm staying here for 12 dayz and I got a good deal with the Deja Vu Hotel. 1700 NT$ each day = about 52 US$.

I'm SOOO thankful for all the good advices and experiences you all have shared in this forum

Kiss and hugss Kel
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good luck girl,

you're having exactly the same stuff done as my friend except she got alar too.
You will be really swollen for quite a while, don't be frightened, and I'm sure it will be very depressing for a while... but you gotta keep in mind that it will all go down in due time.

I so feel for you... went through the exact same stuff... except I wasn't too nervous until I was on the table. Anyway, you'll sleep through either all of it or almost all of it, so don't worry...
hey, you gotta check out the big night market and get out of the area to do some shopping (way too expensive near the clinics). I got some AWESOME shoes... came back with 6 pairs!
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Oh my god kel... ur gonna look soooo different when u get ur surgeries done. aren't u scared that people u know would find out that u had plastic surgery? at least for me i care. anyway, the way u guys talk about plastic surgery seems u guys have a lot of money. am very jealous:hysteric::smash:
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I suggest kel to have a change in hair style to 'deter' people from her surgeries, amazingly it works to a certain extent! :smile:

I'm not sure if kel will be on this now because you'd just have the surgery but I hope you went with someone so you can feel better with company whist in post op.

I was thinking does Dr. Chuang from Wisclinic have like loadsa time free because he sounds like he doesnt have a long waiting list to me, all seems to sound like go there and get it done the next day or two?? These people must have fast hands!!
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Hi Maskd2003 :smile:

Thank you for ur support. Everthing went perfect :tup: and I wasn't nervous or something, I was more "I can't wait" happy.

My surgeries took about four hours. They started with my eyes... and it didn't hurt at all.. only at the last five minutes with my left eye.. I could feel Dr. Chuang cutting something out... uhh... the thoughs were painful... hehe

I didn't feel or see anything with my Rhinoplasty... They told me latter that I was good at sleeping very quick... hehe... :P

Now I am SOOOO happy... even under the operation I was smilling all the time.. until I fall in sleep of course.. :yes: I don't think I'm VERY swollen cuz rigth now I'm crazy about the result... crazy in the good way :wlae:

I have just been in the bed with a plastic/Icebag on my eyes and nose. You know.. I have to do that 4-5 times a day...

I can feel and see that the result is GOOD... and of course even better when all the swellings are gone... hehe... Sorry if my spelling and grammar suck... In Norway we usually don't speak English.

My eyes are pretty big right now and my nose is so cute! Especially the tip! I'm CRAZY about the tip! CUTE CUTE and HOT! :wlae::yahoo:(Hehe... I didn't know how to add smileys before... but now I do)

Do you have any idea how much the crease will fall down? Cuz the left eye's crease is a little little little bit higher than the other side...

Hmm... How goes with ur nose? And I'm sorry about your eyelids... Dr. Chuang told me, that he will choose a middle thing of the Korean Style and the traditional style for me since I have thin eyelids... and that it will last forever... What I didn't understand was why he took some fat out from my eyelids... I though I didn't have that much fat that it should be taken out... hmmm.... But his the Dr. and he knows best... I think I told him that five times since we met. hehe

I haven't relly checked the city out now.. Because I was so concentrated about my surgery... but I did have massage yesterday after the consultation and so on..hehe... The massage clinic is just beside the Deja Vu Hotel and it costs like 500 NT$ for 30 minutes :tup:

The places you recommend, where are they? Did you take a bus? Actually everything is CHEAP compared with Scandinavian... hehe.. I think I will find a dentist on Monday to get my teeth checked... why not when it almost costs like "A double eyelid surgery" in my country. hehe

Right now... I'm realistic and just happy! I know the swollen will go down! I look SOOO much forward to seeing the final result... ´

When did you go out for shopping after your rhinoplasty? I don't know if I should stay home for maybe two days...??? Or is it waste of time and money?

Kiss ang hugss Happy for real Kel:supacool:
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Hi :smile:

I don't look SOOO different, because I had a bit double eyelid before... and with make up everybody would think NICE eyes!!! hehe... With the nose I didn't get a high brigde since I have a pretty small but a bit flat nose... But if some of my family members ask I would tell them the truth or if I feel that the "final result" doesn't look like another person, I would just say... "No sweet darling, I just loose weight"... hehe... I have a... how can you call it.. hmm.. maybe a woman body with you know curves and so on... And I did actually worked out a lot before a went to Taipei... and when I return I'll work out like CRAZY!

The funny thing with me is, I ALWAYS LOOK DIFFERENT! Hehehe.... From year to year I change... I don't know why but it's actually weird.. hehe... (I gain about 15 kilos in a year! So... believe me people remember me as the "once she was hot and now she's not" girl. :P

Furthermore... hehe... I had EXACTLY the same thoughs as Meowgirl. We KNOW how to move the attention... hehe... You go Meowgirl :tup:

Hey Meowgirl... Dr. Chuang is busy.... I saw it... That's why you should call him two weeks before the surgery... I was just lucky to get a time... Under my consultation we were interupted many times... and i didn't ask about all my questions...Not because I really got any questions I didn't read about in this forum....

Believe me, at first I was considering Dr. Kim, BK Clinic or Dr. Jung's clinic... Even though Dr. Kim is famous and so on... I still believe that mouth-to-mouth advertisment is better! Experiences from people in this forum say much more than anyting else. And I heard that Dr. Jung is GOOD at doing guys' nose... like the Badboy... But I'm a girl and I think it was Maskd2003 that mentioned that Wishclinic is more girly... hehe... sooo...

Believe me I don't regret anything! I just got my surgeries done TODAY, and I can imagine the final result! Dr. Chuang is realistic, patient, has good reputation, carrying and professional! He understands what you want! I told him so many times... what's really matters at the end is that the result fits my face!

My result really does fit my face! I was crying after the operation because I was so in shocked about "my dreams come true" appereance! I'm happy and I will from now on really try to love myself. Now I can look in the mirrow (with my swollen face) and feel good! Feel really danm good! I said earlier that I had the feeling of butterflies in my stomach... hehe.... imagine that they all are trying to get out from my body... hehe... right now I AM THE BUTTERLFY... hehehe... I know that I have a Weird humour... hehe

Kiss and huggs!
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wow kel! Im soo happy that youre so happy, alot of people get emotional after as maskd mentioned, but obviously the results were exactly what you wanted so YAY! How long you going to stay out in taiwan for? Its so cool that people now have actually gone ahead and done their surgery and had pretty good experiences :biggrin: Well done gals and guys I'm just waiting for the end of the year for mine!
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Hehe :smile:

I'm staying here for two weeks :smile: I can't see the final result but I can imagine that its good! :smile: My face is actually more swollen now tan before :sad: But that's the part of this hard process. I have a kind of a tape over my nose, so I can only see the tip! ...and the tip is cute.. hehe... Are you going to taiwan or Korea?

Until now I don't regret anything about choosing Dr. Chuang but the after three days I will see my nose witout the tape :yahoo:

I will update you guys!

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Hey :smile:

Dr. Chuang speaks good English... you won't misunderstand him... Normally Rhinoplasty costs 60.000 NT$, Double eyelid 25.000 NT$, Epicanthoplasty 9000 NT$. The total price is 94.000 NT$... and Dr. Chuang gave me a discount on 6000 NT$ which means my price was 88.000 NT$. So... I can't tell what the exact price would be with only Rhinoplasty. But if you are getting ur nose done in Taiwan, tell Dr. Chuang that Kelina and Tanjhj recommended you:tup: then you will get a special price... I think...

Hmm... My face is really swollen today! I'm serious REALLY SWOLLEN!!! In this morning I almost couldn't open my eyes... It's like crazy! Hmm... but I still think that my tip is CUTE :P Hehe...

Hope that you could use this information :idea:

Hugs Kelina
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Ups.... Forgot to tell u that he used L-implant for my nose. You probably know all the advantages and disadvantages from the earlier messages in this forum... So... at the end it's ur dicision to pick the right one for your nose.

Dr. Chuang use both I, L implant or Goretex. I think he told me that Goretex is good if you REALLY want a high Brigde and want to look natural! But Natural doesn't mean beauty... He said that like hundred of times..

I just want to be on the sure side... cuz he told me that Goretex only has been in a human body for cosmetic reasons for 7 years. If something goes wrong in the future.. you can easily takeout the implant.

With cosmetic surgeries, you'll never know what happens later like 15-20 years...! It's the risk you are willing to take with any cosmetic surgery!

I told myself, it's SO worth it cuz if I didn't get the sugery, I would think I'm ugly everyday, be shy when the hot guy speaks to me, have low confidence and so on. And at least 15-20 years beauty and maybe for ever...I think "you only live once" so why not get the best out of it?! Of course I prayed for God to have a safe and good surgery and get the expectations I was looking for (and which probably last forever)... but Eyelid and nose are "easy" surgeries for the most Drs. Especially for Dr. Chuang... Dr. Chuang is famous for Double eyelid, Rhinoplasty and breast augumentation. Boob-job is a bigger procudure...

Hope that is was useful info :supacool:
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