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Hey I dunno about fakers on the forum never really paid attention much but its sad to hear that people resort to these sort of things.... I'm not sure what live skype is going to make a difference the thing you have to reallly make sure of is there is a big difference in getting plastic surgery to look good in real life and plastic surgery as an entertainer.... The way surgeons will treat you will be very different for both.

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there is a big difference in getting plastic surgery to look good in real life and as an entertainer? i'm sure most people would want to look good in real life? do people who look good as "entertainers" look unnatural in real life but exceptionally good on camera? i'd think if i looked good in real life i'd look good on camera, and vice versa.
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There is a difference yes. If you are a singer/actor etc... They will make your nose sharper and more higher for example which will look great in pictures and film but less natural in person however if you not needing to look the best in pictures/film then you get a more naturl loook in real life but it will make your nose for example look bigger or wider on camera/film.

if you dont believe me you can when doing consultation tell the surgeon you are an actress/actor and you see the difference in opinion they give you compared to a normal person.
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if thats the case then what happened to michael jackson? it looks bad in camera and in real life.

also, i look awful in flash photos, soso in non-flash photos, and ok in video. is that just an asian thing or is it just me?
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As for how I detect "fakers" on this forum: here's a few tips:

-posters who jump onto discussions only to announce how happy they are with their surgeries but never share pics, even when asked via pm
-posters who have lots of answers and advice for others but never asks questions themselves
-people who don't contribute much info on themselves or who don't answer questions directly even via private messages and emails
-posters who seem to disappear after making their post-op announcements or consult announcements...

To pretty_please: As your supposed attempts to skype with me never shows up in my inbox... who are you, really? Also, if you would like to further this discussion, just pm me so that we don't bother anyone else on this forum trying to share decent info.

To John1: you've been on this forum and posted intensely on a broad variety of topics but yet never shared pics. I apologize if you did send out a link but if you haven't, please share so others who are interested in your surgeon or silicone implants can see an example of a good result... as you claim it to be.

Jez, I think you're results are fantastic. I'm impressed with your surgeon's technique, is it silicone or goretex? Your pics look very good.

As for the discussion of how one looks via various media: I (someone with current silicone implant) find I look ok with front and 3/4 side photo shots but profile shots are terrible (and I'm sure this has more to do with my silicone implant being improperly placed hence why I'd like it taken out). I look horrid on video and the implant "ridges" is quote visible, especially in low quality video (where images are not as sharp) esp at certain angles.

As well, I am dedicating the next couple of weeks before my surgery to positive thoughts and will not be logging onto this forum until after my surgery.

For those who are interested in how my surgery goes, you are welcome to send me a pm message and I WILL share my pics upon request.
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oh wow. you think im a fake. funny.

well i dont want to share my pics cause im private. thats my perogative. if thats what you go by to make a judgement then i think you are the one who has a problem. i have pm'd many people for b&a pics and never got any either but it never occurred to me that they might be fake. if they want to see examples of good results there are plenty of website to see they dont have to see mine. and if i was a fake, i could just send fake pics. so skype and pics dont prove a thing.

i think most people including me come on this board because they have had surgery and know how rough it is and want to help others thru it. i dont think i have been promoting any doc. you should read all my posts here and on soompi and makemeheal to see if i have an "agenda". and i have asked lots of questions but i guess you missed those. but at any rate you can just ignore my posts from now on.

best of luck on your surgery.

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oh wow. quick response. you certainly seem to eagle-eye this forum.

I was actually searching for the name of a REAL patient who was going to go to my surgeon for a consult when... (not) surprisingly, you've already responded to my post!

Anyway, not to berate this topic but if you are so happy and pleased with your results then why don't you want others to see? Why wouldn't you want to show it off?

You can certainly just zoom in on your nose (as this is the part most people on this thread is interested in as it is under title of "asian rhinoplasty"). What is so "private" about this? Some others have posted shots like this and there is NO way to discern who that person is.

And if I recall correctly, you said you were going to send your pics after your road trip to "drive across the country"... no pics, no proof.

And yeah, pics prove a LOT. So, if you are a fake, then send your fake pics... it will just make it that much harder for you to do. And if you are not a fake, then prove it and I will owe you an apology.

Otherwise, good luck with the rest of your time making "convincing" posts on this forum!

I'm out...
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Thanks, My nose however I wouldn't mind sharper I could hae had silicone but didnt want to keep going back for retouches after a few years. Its gortex which they used and ear cartilege for the tip. I did spend alot of time discussing what we considered is good looking for a guy and I think thats important you have that type of discussions with your surgeon because each have their own ideals on what perfect beauty and symmetry is.

Here is my most recent pic.


I'm a bit drunk there just came back from the club ^_^

I would still say frontwise I'm not happy with my profile but side and other angles it looks great. I think to achieve a very nice front its hard with my type of face because its too round but what I've been doing is reducing my body fat and I think my more recent pics you can see my face is gradually thinner so we see if it makes an improvement on the front angles.

MJ if you look at when he started surgery he looked much better in photos/videos etc then when he had to keep retouching his nose it started getting more and more abnormal since he kept on retouching...

Flash photos don't flatter asians because of the effect of light on the front of the face. Most asians will look fatter or their nose fatter than in real life because of this. That is why most actors/actresses get their nose higher or more pointer to accomodate this. It is also to do with if you have a high bridge. Hence the reasoning why many males have high bridges....

Bottom line is most asians have this problem and thats why you see that most prefer to do non full frontal pics when posing and their pics are slightly angled to the side because it compliments their face better when it flashes.

Before After...

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very interesting. yeah when i was healing i thot i looked better in pics (super high bridge). but now that i have deswelled not so much. in the mirror i think i looked ridiculous when i was healing and better now as i have deswelled. but i wonder what i look like to other in real life, like what i see in photos or in the mirror.

they say the camera never lies but i hope it does as far as asians are concerned. you in film or photography that you know so much?
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Others see you like what you see in the mirror, then on film then in camera so don't worry too much about how you come out in camera unless you want a career in music/film...

I think the saying the camera never lies is very false. There are way way too many models out there female ones which are not amazingly good looking when you see them in person but with the right camera and photographer and makeup can look amazing and then there are those which are amazing under any condition...

Makeup can do amazing things...

e.g. this is me visual kei with makeup before surgery.


I would say your hairstyle has the greatest effect on your overall appearance after surgery and if you notice there is a reason why most asian singers,actors etc have these type of hairstyle like the one I have above... I would say that with the wrong hairstyle I would like different but there are some guys which can look great with any hairstyle e.g. Eric Mun and people like me which have to stick with one unless we want our flaws to accent out...

Yes I'm in the entertainment business. ;)
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Depends on your face shape and ethnicity e.g. chinese/thai/korean/japanese...

Certain face shapes suit you better than others and there is alot you can do with it trust ;)

If you see all the hairstyles I went through lol....

Can continue this via pm if you wish so we stop clogging up the thread here if you want to discuss more..
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Hey just out of curiosity where in the entertainment like actor in asia somewhere. =]
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Thank you for the info.

I think Shah might have meant Asian noses, since although Indians are Asians too, he does set apart "indian" noses from "asian" noses on his website, as there anatomy is completely different anyway.

For anyone interested - I emailed both Dr. Shah and Dr. Rizk for information, and here is what they said, summed up:

Dr. Shah told me what I wanted was "realistic" and "conservative" (I sent him a morph of the nose I wanted thru photoshopping my face. I was surprised, since I want my alars reduced wute a bit.) He said he would have to project the tip and do an alar base reduction. He also said he would have to thin out the bridge a little bit.

I asked Shah for pricing, I still have to wait until he gets back to me. Keep in mind that he is a new doctor everyone, he is not very famous yet and I think he has only been in practice for about 5-6 years. This is what I HEARD though. One person had to only get her right nostril fixed by him and he charged her 900 dollars...only 900 for a right nostril. I need to know what he will charge me for a full procedure though.

All Rizk said was that what I wanted was "very attainable" but his assistant spoke to me, so I am guessing I would have to see him in person for more info. Rizk seems like he's getting a bit too commercial for me and although I LOVELOVELOVE his results for Caucasian/African American/Latina patients, his work on Asian patients seems to be lacking. Dila, who emailed me back, siad he taught a rhinoplasty course in Japan and Korea...but the nose of the ladies on his site (except for the dentist) don't look too hot. He does a great job of thinning out the tip but the nostrils don't look very good and overall to me it just looks unnatural.

I am reluctant to see Charles Lee - he seems too commercial for me and the fact that he puts silicone in the nose puts me off a lot. I have heard mixed stories from him and honestly the pictures on his website do not impress me too much. But that is just my opinion.

FLAME - please keep me, or us, updated on how you feel about Shah! It is wavering between him and Rizk right now, seriously about 50/50 and I am so confused about both! I am afriad I won't be able to go in August because I have prior engagements but please do keep us updated for information, anything would be greatly appreciated!!

Gonnawin if you go to shah too, please let me know too! I am so sorry I recieved your message but I just can't work this darn website to respond!! I don't know how :sad: I'm going to keep trying...grrr....
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