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hey guys, um does anyone know how to get rid of like fat cheeks? im thinking of doing this radio therapy (Fat-zap) to make my face more defined but apparently its not permanent. and now considering to just cut out the fat, its not much, has anyone had lipo on the face or buccal fat cut out, help please? oh btw this is not the same as the square face surgery
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Oh my god, thank you SO much for the information. I have only been talking to him through email, so this was SO helpful for me!!

When he told me what he was going to do to me, he said he would do an alar base reduction AND a tip projection. Urghh so confused, but I do want to thank you a ton! Gonnawin and Flame, since we are all interested in the same doctor could I have your email address?? I am going to try to PM you once I figure out how to work this thing...but I haven't yet :sad: I would post my email address here but I don't really feel comfortable posting it....do you think you could PM me your email address and I will email you if you feel comfortable? (It's just hard to talk on these boards sometimes and I don't always check them)

sighhh more nervous now :sad: please do keep us posted.
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Singing and Dancing but as you can see I'm not famous ^_^

Things didnt work too well with the label I was with but thats in the past now and in the future I will probably go independent but in asia its really about money if you want to be famous but with me I like to create new concepts.

Best results is reducing your body fat then its botox. I tried the fat removal of cheeks and botox and they were only really temp measures but botox can last for 6 months and if you keep getting injections done can last awhile...

However my best results have been from just reducing my body fat levels and better diet.
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mkryu a few (hundred) pages back spoke about this. i think he said he went to the gym and did like face exercises??? search for his posts and i think u will find it. id be scared to lipo your face. lipo can look real bad on ur thighs and belly so...face yikes! i also read when you get older you lose fat so removing fat now makes you age faster?
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john1 -

Hi, I am also considering Dr. Shah as well...however I have been reading these past few pages and I was one of the people who posted on the Make me Heal boards (if you couldn't guess, Mani11 is me)..

I know Shah is really inexperienced, which kind of worries me. He seems like a good guy, the results on his website seem pretty good and overall, it sounds like he could give me what I wanted. I am just afraid because he's still building clientele. I like that he only does one nose a day, seems to have lots of experiences with Asian noses, and can do alar base reductions (I don't know how well though..) I don't want a radical change on my nose, but I do need to reduce my alar width a LOT...like I don't want my tip and bridge super high, I just want the bridge thinned out slightly and the tip also less bulbous.

I get the feeling that you are a little skeptical of him, which is perfectly fine. We must all be careful when picking doctors to make sure we don't end up with botched noses. Do you think you could give me more info on why you think he is a little sketchy? I just want to make sure I don't get involved with a con man.
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(even tho flame thinks i am a fake and she should not read this) i consulted with him when i was going thru my search 2 months ago.

the thing that made me curious was that he said he did 1000 rhinos (that was in june) and i knew on makemeheal the number quoted was 800 in the spring. so thats a lot of rhinos in a few months. the numbers were fuzzy.

he also told me 300 asian rhinos which i was surprised about given that most of his photos are caucasians and there are not that many asians in the usa and he is not known as an asian specialist. and if he worked on models mostly in nyc, i dont know of that many asian models. fuzzy here again.

because he uses natural and is not that expensive, i really was strongly considering him. but i just couldnt get past the numbers being fuzzy. others may be ok with that.

bottom line, if i had to draw a conclusion, i would say 1) he is a good surgeon. he is knowledgeable and conservative. the videos are very helpful in terms of evaluating his results and there is very little negative about him anywhere on the boards and as you know makemeheal is where lots of people go to vent; 2) i think he is a good buisinessman and knows how to market and is aggressively trying to build his clientele so i would say he perhaps embellished the numbers a bit for marketing and because he wants to appeal to an asian client. perhaps not. maybe his numbers are accurate. but for me, im risk averse and i didnt want to regret ignoring a caution flag if something went wrong. if something went wrong, i needed to be able to say to myself that i did the best i could. plus, there are drawbacks with rib (longer heal time and difficult to reverse), so that for me was enough.

hope this helps. but there are some slated to see him in a few weeks so they would give the best advice. everything i said is speculation.

p.s. for alarplasty be clear on what method he will use. the crescent i undersatnd makes it look more natural. others give you a more cut off look which is not good especially on asian noses with thicker nostril walls.
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Best thing to do is look at their certificates and what seminars they went to and if they are featured in magazines. Thats what I did with my doctor. Sorry to jump in this convo but from your requirements you are better off with a much more skilled surgeon esp if you want to reduce your alar width alot since there is no going back if the doctor oversteps this.

I do think you will find that a higher bridge and more refined tip to be less bulbous you won't need to reduce your alar that much it just depends on the overall symmetry of your face and nose.

Also they should be able to provide you pictures of similar procedures with previous patients when you do a consultation.
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My personal concerns over revealing too much personal info on a board was because I didn't want someone to suspect I had a nose job (if all goes through on this ;)) --- who would then google "asian nose job", then find this thread, then know it was me :faint:... Hahaha... That's it for me, and I'm sure it is likewise for many others... I do hope you are feeling better now, though, @Flame... You sound as stressed out as I was when I first talked to my friend... I didn't really sleep that night either! It made my stomach hurt worrying too, hahaha...

However, knowing that there are experienced and knowledgeable people on this board (john1, jez, and many others actually!), I would like to ask your opinion...

I am going to be having an alar reduction because it really is my nostrils that I dislike and after staring and playing with pics of myself, I decided I was going to do something about it! I'm usually lazier than that, though, so I give myself some pats on the back for that, :nuts:! :biggrin:! Teehee on me! Anyways, going on, I am set to have surgery with Dr. Shah (weird typing it because it feels so unreal :nuts:!) for the alar reduction but I do not know how much I can expect to reduce (in terms of actual measurements in millimeters or something?) --- I was so nervous that I forgot to ask him, but feel that the feedback and response he gave me sounded very knowledgeable and I had read about one of the methods he chose on his website ("sill excisions") so I got the overall feeling that he was very knowledgeable and that I would like to pursue the surgery with him :smile: . Enough rambling, this is my nose before (meaning, right now):
1- Up nose, 2- Neutral expression, 3- Smiling

In my opinion, my nose will often look quite a bit different in photographs versus in real life and I just wanted to let you know that. So, once again, I was just wondering if anyone knew how much I can expect to take off (in terms of measurements?) each side? Thanks for any help!

(P.S., I might delete them soon because I'm nervous about having them online, but once again, thank you for any info!)
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I can't really give a good answer here because your nose is part of your face in the whole. Hence to give a good solid response would mean the nose would have to be considered with your whole facial shape as a whole. Making a perfect nose like from the pictures might not suit your face and those which have spent alot of time studying aesthetics of the type of facial shapes will give you the best advice. i.e. get a surgeon which has experience with dealing your facial shape and he can give you an answer on the perfect ratios.
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Thank you for the link. Has anyone mentioned Dr. Rizk in this thread before? The work done on the 50 year old asian is quite impressive.
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when you do your pre-op consult, have him draw the incision lines on your nose so you can see. in most cases taking out 2mm is enough. but everyone is different. and jez is right, that it also depends on what he is doing to the rest of your nose and making sure it fits with your entire face.

in terms of sill excision, i have read that that does not give the best looking result. plus, if your issue is flaring (your nose gets wider nose when smiling), sill exicision wont do it. it will probably make your flaring worse. the flaring is having excess skin on your nostrils which allows your nose to expand when you smile (the sill is the ridge of skin along the bottom of your nose and reducing that does not get rid of the excess nostril flesh).

there is also something called the weir method which isnt as good either as it results in cut off look at the corners. the crescent method supposedly is most natural looking. you can google these. definitely talk to shah about which he intends to use.

so bottom line, make sure he uses the best method and make sure he doesnt make your nose look too small. getting too little taken out is fine cause you can always take more out later. getting too much is disaster as there is no going back. good luck! you will be fine. shah is conservative.

p.s. can you delete after you post?
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yes there has been some discussion on him here. i think he makes asian noses too small. just my taste.
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Rizk has been mentioned a few times on this site. His work is impressive on Caucasian/black/latina patients, but on Asians in my opinion he makes noses look too thin and unnatural. The only Asian I could say he did a good job on was giving the dentist lady a good alar base reduction. Otherwise, he "carves" noses up too much.

I need to make my nose a lot smaller and I am confident he can do so, but I am wary of going to him, as he doesn't seem very personal when it comes to answering emails and just says what I want is "very attainable" (his assistant told me that..not even him himself) To me, I feel like he has the capabilities. I don't know if he'll give me what I want aesthetically, and plus he's EXPENSIVE (15K)

Pretty-please, ah so you are going to Shah too? It seems like a ton of us are interested in him! Do you think you could keep us posted on what happens? I'd really appreciate it!
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@ jez,
Thanks for your reply, first off, and it's too bad I'm such a scaredy-cat when it comes to posting pics :sad:... You look great, by the way! Did you have any alar work with the work on the bridge? Hope the healing brings more and more what you love!

@ john1,
Thanks for the info and yes, it would help me along to see where the lines are drawn (for where I'm gonna be cut up, ahh!!!) (LOL) and good reminder that removing tissue is permanent... which is a concern that I will definitely have to juggle with my wanting to remove what I think might be quite a bit... Thank you once again and I will be deleting the post :smile: as I am a scaredy-cat for having pics up too! Or did I misunderstand what you said because I'm sleepy from just waking up? (I don't get too much smarter as the day goes by either :=D, haahaaa!) Thanks again and hope your healing goes fantastically!

@ manimani,
Hi! Sorry I missed your posting at first, but yes, I would very much like to keep you updated! I will see how shy I am about sharing pics later on (will probably be by email if I get less shy about it ;)), but I wouldn't mind at least keeping in touch in words about it! I have high hopes with him as he does sound very "up and coming" as I read somewhere! And I went on the plastic surgery forum that you posted on and would like to say good luck with your search and surgery as well, manimani!
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