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THANK YOU for the encouragement --- you're the resident Mr. Congeniality, for sure! Super-intelligent and everything too! Ever thought about going into the field yourself? I know you'd do killer consultations, for sure, haha! Thank you, I'm a lot less nervous than I was last week... but still worried about the whole thing! I'll try to do more of this: :yahoo:, as you demonstrated! Looks fun! Hahaha :biggrin:!


I think my post must've been hard to see but I can't pm :sad: and you can email me @ [email protected] ! Can't wait to talk to you :biggrin:!


The conversion is 2.54 cm = 1"... So a 3 cm cut is smaller than 1.5". 1.5" is 3.8 cm. Good luck!
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I'm thinking of going to taiwan to get some botox done and maybe eyebag lift. Also might bring a friend also. Anyone planning to do surgery around that time?
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Hi PrettyPlease!

I did email you a couple of days ago but didn't use the right address (maybe)? I just sent another email so if you don't get it... how many underscores are in your email address( 1 or 3)?

Why are you less nervous now? Have you spoken with him or seen him in person? How far away are you? How long do you plan to stay and what are you having done?
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Hey PrettyPlease,

If you don't get my email, just pm me. Your email address doesn't seem to work.

We should chat and provide each other with support that our "overly worried" friends may not be able to do! But really, don't worry so much. I think we are in good hands and picked a good surgeon.

If I don't hear from you... then good luck with everything!
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yeah best thing to do is try to not ruminate over the results too much until you get closer to 6 months. hard to do i know!

when your friends say you look different, what do you tell them?

actually turns out my relatives did notice but were too polite to ask (typical asian behavior). they noticed the eyes (so obvious) but didnt think i had rhino too. they thot i had my lips made thinner or something. haha. my mom thinks my eyes look too big :nuts: and sometimes shes weirded out by my new look. i dont think she approves of the whole ps concept.

im about a month post-op. the epi+bridge work did give me that stretched out look. i also had like a deep sunken look at the tear ducts of my eyes. kind of discomforting. but that got a lot better as my swelling went down by about week 3 when my bridge fell. i dont think my eyes are too close together, just elongated with visible tear ducts. my doc told me the skin will relax even more and to reevaluate at the 6 month mark. but it definitely gets better as the swelling/bridge goes down. how are yours doing?

if i could do it over, i would get the rhino first then evaluate and see if i still needed the epi. i think the added bridge height and pulling of the skin would effectively accomplish much of what the epi did.
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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to warn you all that there are a lot of fakes on this forum... people pretending to be potential or previous patients but who actually work for different docs (either to promote one or bash others) so.... just be careful who you communicate with. Maybe better to get a skype address and see person live while you chat and don't rely on what they say in emails as truth. It's VERY sad because the purpose of forums is to share info in order to help each other out (lessen the workload of doing intensive research on each doc by oneself) but that is not what is happening!

I am also currently communicating with one that I am sure is a fake and for whatever reason, is trying to "scare" me into changing my mind... I think you know who you are!

So stop playing with people's lives and pay attention to your own!
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Flame, I wasn't able to skype you? Should I be worried about you too then? Just kidding :nuts:! Although you didn't say who it was or anything, you should let us know if they are on the board because I really wanted to know and now I have another reason for worrying --- after telling my friend that I was finding somewhat of a support group online here along with imagining what my friend would say if she knew that too! Hahaha! Hope it all turns out there for you though! August is coming :biggrin:!
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Hmmm... that's odd, I don't see your attempted call on skype. It always indicated when I've missed a call and will signal me when the caller is one that is new to my contact list.

Why don't you pm me as to when is a good time for you and we'll try again. I'm a bit weary of any of my contacts that I've met on this forum and would rather have a discussion face to face.
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dont mean to be picky but how does a face to face conversation mean that the person isnt a fake working for another doctor?

i can see where a doc may create a fake persona to promote himself (imo min22) but to scare people off from another doctor is a bit much because it doesnt mean the patient will use him at the end of the day. the good docs are so busy i cant see them spending time to do this. and if they ever got caught they would be sanctioned and perhaps lose their medical license. if they hire an employee to do this they would worry about that employee talking to the authorities if s/he ever got fired.

but certainly they would self-promote as that is quick and they wont need to lurk on a board much at all. just my opinion.
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Actually, it was 2 missed calls. Within half an hour or so of when you were online, but offline on skype... I'm also wary, not "weary" though ;) (LOL!), of people I've never met too, but maybe not enough so, eh? I'm good for right now too, by the way!

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