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he doesn't speak good english for explaining in medical detail... but it's broken English, and he gets the point across...

ok... Kel!!!
I'm so happy that you're so happy... god, you're so much better than I am. I got done and the next day, and the following week... I was like, "what the... What did I do??? I went from pretty to weird looking" But, after 3 weeks, (I'm very conceited by the way) strangers have been complimenting me again... which is a relief.

oh btw, he took out the fats because if you don't the crease will look unnatural in many peoples' cases.

I can't believe you like your tip already... but that's great...Is it smaller?!? my tip is still swollen big... going to be for at least 1.5 months! and so is the girl that I went with. The doc says this will take like 2-3 months to deswell...
tell me about the tip.. how does it look now? I'm so curious.

Eyelids a lot of times deswell and swell at different rates. don't worry. the crease will get a lot lower over time.

you know you sound like the girl that I went with... no worries... :smile:
She didn't think she looked so different but her friends and family did... she gets big double eyelids when she puts on eyeshadow... something about the weight of the makeup? Anyway, after the eyes and nose, in my opinion also, she changed a lot. her eyes are real big now. and her nose is a lot smaller... but it looks really natural... Don't worry, but I'm sure some people will know or suspect when eyes and nose are done at the same time. ESPECIALLY family...

I went shopping after 1 day after I took the bandage off.. still really swollen... it all depends on who you are. Just ask the hotel receptionist what the night market is called, or a cheap clothing area is... but be aware, there are 2 night markets. one that sucks and one that has cute finds for cheap.

nose with silicone and all refinements of nose : 60000 twd... the L silicone shape is made up of 3 segments... 3 different types of silicone.
nose with goretex and all refinements: 68000 twd.

silicone is good if you only need slight increase (face looks better with a not so tall bridge or already have a bridge)... if your nose is wide, you can add a lot of increase with silicone.
Goretex can add lots of height no matter what...

btw, you all should know this.... not all of Dr. Jung's patients get goretex. He prefers it, but all those before and after photos he has on his page are not all goretex...

Kel, I'm sure you were pretty before! Either way, I'm really glad that you're so happy!!!

meowgirl... yea, maybe I will join you guys... we'll see... were you thinking Dec? or Jan? I prefer Jan.... but we'll see...
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Hi Guys! I have also been talking to Dr. Chuang through e-mail, and I have finally decided to go to him!
I plan to go Late dec/early january...
I know I dont know you guys well and I have been part of this forum, but i would love to join you!... i am scared to go all the way to taiwan and have surgery all by myself!
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I might be going early Jan... if I do, I think I will go to Dr. Jong for double eyelid...
otherwise, I'm going to China cuz I have family there... I think Meowgirl and Keropi? are going during that time for sure? you can contact them.
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The two clinics are close together... so I can assist you there if I go.
hope all you ladies know some Mandarin or know someone who does who is going with you...

End of the year is a long ways from now... must be pretty frustrating.
the smaller crease on my eyes is not a big deal to me.. so I don't care about waiting...

oh, btw, if anybody is wondering why I'm going to Dr. Jong for eyes, it's cuz I just like how crazy perfectionist he is, and he's a bit more conservative... doesn't like advocating bone shaving, etc... Don't let anyone tell you Dr. Chuang is too conservative. He really makes your eyes big (I'm like the only one who doesn't want my eyes too big--- he showed me what it would look like.. and I was like, "no, that's too big for my tastes... too shiny and like anime"... but keep in mind, when he shows you with the toothpick like thing, it's going to look fake compared to the actual result because during the procedure, he takes out fat, or excess skin) ... and I can't say too much about the nose yet, but the bridge so far... Let's just say whenever I watch Korean shows, I always think that the way my bridge is looks exactly like a lot of the girls' in there. bridge is very pretty... nose tip is getting much smaller now... like before surgery size... soon it will be even smaller... HAHA!!!! my nostrils have always been really small, I could just fit the tip of my pinky in it before... and I wear 5.5 on my ring finger. now... my nostril is the same but the shape has changed due to the implant.... if you look at it from below it looks like kind of an egg standing up... I hope that makes sense... big end at bottom... very natural by the way.
ok... so that's my update on the nose...
the eyelashes have been implanted for more than 3 weeks now... half of the implants have done their seeding... and shedded and will start to grow again in a few weeks, the rest are still there... just growing... Either I'm really careful with my eyelids, or I am just a freak of nature and half of them are just growing upon implantation (they say this happens rarely to very few hairs or not at all).. I don't think I'm that careful. I wash my face like normal, wiping over my eyelids, etc...
They look really good with a coat of mascara and curled, have to put a little more work into it as the lashes are so thick... won't have to use mascara once the dormant ones grow in... Docs in the US say that 90% of the hairs will be successfully implanted. Dr. Jong said 95%... either way, I will have at least 45 on each eyelid...
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actually... no... my description is wrong.. I just took a pic of my nostril.. it's like a rounded tear... bigger end towards the top... I didn't have alar... the implant just makes your nostril hole narrower.
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Hi Maskd2003.

I really think that the Dr. Chuang speaks good English. He is the only man in China/Taiwan I really understand... of course his grammar sucks and so on... my grammar sucks too... hehe...

Anyways, my tip isn't really swollen... I have from the begining a petite nose. Dr. Chuang told me that he won't make my nose look too high since I have a bit flat forehead. He didn't recommend the alarplasty but he did put cartilage in my tip.

Right now my tip is a bit rounder than the first day but it's not swollen in the wide. It just look a bit higher than my "real" tip.. you know... It's funny that my tip isn't really swollen... (The rest of the face is VERY swollen right now) Maybe he made my tip much smaller than what Im seeing right now... if yes, that's just better.

I'm so happy cuz it's like ur dreams come true. I have been thinking about this for YEARS! Actually since I was a little girl. As I told u guys... when I wroke up and saw my new nose and eyelids, I couldn't stop crying! I cried because I just didn't believe that I really did it.

I went to Taiwan by myself... I didn't have ANY support from my family... At the end my family didn't WANT to hear about my surgeries... My grandparents in China won't talk to me in the phone when I mentioned the surgeries. Both my grandparents are high educated doctors... that's why I REALLY REALLY wanted their support... I didn't get anything. Do u have any idea how I felt? Sometimes when I was home alone, I just cried... cuz nobody wants to listen to how I really felt. Two weeks before a have the appointment with Dr. Chuang, I was crying INFRONT of my family (Have to mention that Im not that girl who is crying infront of anyone...) and I had this terrible fight with my mother... the best she could do, was walking away while Im crying infront of her for the first time in my life! Believe me, that really hurts my feelings...

I DO look different (that's why I wanted this operation) but people would still recognize me. Normally, your appearance will change like 70-80% when u do eyelid and nose.. that scared me a bit... But I had already a bit double eyelid and cuz I got loose skin I could actually make my eyes look bigger just adjusting my upper eyelid. So... sometimes I have BIG eyes and other times a have smaller eyes... so.. peps are used to see that I always look different... (You know girls can see the different but the boys wont.. hehe I asked my x-boyfriend at that time.. he can't see anything different... hehe)

Right now Im happy cuz the surgeries went succesfully... I think that everybody who is getting a cosmetic surgery has to be patient and realistic, that's why I can be SO happy... hehe... and sometimes it's okay to say...wow... I think I look good :smile: Isn't that why we want to change our appereance? To feel good about ourself and to feel the truth you... ??? If you haven't seen the movie "Todos sobre mi madre" = "All about my mother", you should see it... every sentence in the movie is SO true.

Now I dare to be myself! Yeah :yahoo:

Hugs Kelina
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my nose was small to start off with too.. I don't think he put cartilage in the tip... just the implant. maybe this is why....
Did he do anything else to the tip of your nose? like take out fat or cartilage or sew the two halves together? I'm so curious now...

I'm really sorry to hear about your family situation. My parents still haven't seen me yet as I am across the country from them. But, the girl who I went with, they found out when they picked her up from the airport.. I think they were pleasantly surprised.

If you needed to do this for yourself, it's fine... they will come around. a few years ago, I did double eyelid... at first my mom was really against it, but seriously, my eyes were really sleepy looking (pretty ugly, the one thing that I disliked about my appearance)... and I had to talk and talk to her about it while we were on vacation in China... lots of arguing.. Finally, I somehow got to do it, my dad didn't even know... he would have said no, but when he later saw the good result, he was happy for me.
Both of my parents now think that it has changed my life for the better... and they think I made a good decision. My mom even knows about me wanting to redo it as it is disappearing.

Chances are when they see you all healed up, they will understand. This is your life, and I feel so much for you, because obviously this meant a lot too you, and you had so much opposition. And, if they are not impressed by the results, they will come to realize in time how much happier you are.
The thing is this: Family usually are not angry because of the concept of plastic surgery, they're more worried about YOU and your safety... and they don't understand that it may be worth the risk... but you'll be well and good and HAPPIER... it's always an upward battle before the surgery. Afterwards, family and friends are WAY more accepting.
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I really appreciate ur understanding... I almost wanted to cry when I read ur message...

It's so weird to cry... but it really feels good! Kind of a relief for all my emotional issues I have oppressed for years...

If I didn't find this forum, I think I wouldn't have my surgeries done yet... I'm inexplicable happy reading all ur experiences and advices... It really made me taking the final step and fighting for my dreams! All the support you guys give each other really help a lot... It helped me to think "It's SOOO okay to do something for yourself and for once go against the family's words".

I hope I can help as many as I can in this forum :smile: Cuz I know how it feels to be "lost in the field of picking THE surgeon".

And Maskd2003 one more time thank you... cuz ur experience really meant a lot for my choice of surgeon... not because Dr. Jung or Dr. Kim are bad... Im sure that they are at least as good as Dr. Chuang :yes:.

And thank you Tanjhj for making a good deal (better than nothing deal) with Dr. Chuang. It's so expensive to travel from Europe to Asia... so.. every discount/special price (whatever u call it) does mean something... and I think it was Meowgirl who was "jealous" (in the good way) of that we are so rich... hehe... I'm actually a poor student... and I spent my scholarship/grant which I got at my final year at the high school (just graduated)...hehe... I know... I should be shame of myself.. hehe but they told me that I could spend the money as I want to... hehe :wlae:

I hope that all ur surgeries will go perfectly well :smile:

Best wishes from Kelina :tup:
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Uhh... btw Maskd2003... is it normal that you dont feel any pain after the surgery? Or is my nose just "dead"???.... But I do feel something in my tip when I touch it softly... Hmm... It's just weird that it doesn't hurt at all!!! And perfect of course...
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Really??? Does it help with the swelling? Cuz when I wroke up today my face was more swollen than yesteday... so I though maybe if I sleep less then I could spend more time on putting the icebag on my face...

Hehe... furthermore I cant sleep... Maybe it's cuz of the jetlag... or it could also be that Im spending the whole day laying in the bed.. because of the icebag you need to lay down... The nurse told me that I have to put the icebag on my eyes for 30 minutes and then relax for one hour... and repeat it like 4-5 times a day... I just want to do everything right... so.. furthermore I love watching "Grey's Anatomy" again and again... :yes:

hmm... if the sleeping is good for the swelling I should maybe try to sleep.... :wtf:
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Uhh... forgot to tell about the tip...

I think it was cartilage he meant... He told me that he will cut something out from my nose and use it for the tip... He didn't mention that I could use the silicone for the tip... I did ask him if it was possible to buy cartilage... but he said no... I should use my own cuz it wont change anything functional and so on... I told him that he could put things into my body but not remove anything... That's why I was a bit shocked that he removed some fat from my eyelids... I didn't ask about it and he didn't tell me about it.. so I though that he didn't know that he would remove some fat from my eyelid before I was under his knife... hmm...
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yea.. it doesn't hurt... it just feels numb... slowly as it deswells, it's no longer numb... that's another way that you can tell which parts are still swollen...

well.. 1st and 2nd days you are most swollen. this has nothing to do with sleep... on the third day it will start to go down... and yes, sleep certainly helps!
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trust me, you wanna get excess fat removed from the eyelid... otherwise, if it's not the right balance of fat... it's not going to look natural... look kinda weird.
maybe, he thought you were only referring to the nose about taking stuff out...
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