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I think your nose looks really good. I think it looks better than the before picture, but your before nose wasn't that bad to begin with. It does look like the picture of that other person that you posted up. I can tell that your tip is really swollen though. It doesnt look fake to me or anything like that to me. It also doesnt look crooked or anything either it looks really straight and the area between your eyes doesn't look huge or anything, or anything weird. Maybe it looks different in person? but it looks good in your pictures. Well just my opinion but I don't see anything wrong with it.
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OMG Asin - your nose looks Awesome for 23 days. It looks quite natural but i do see some unevenness between the right and left. right now i like the right. The high bridge you keep talking about is hardly noticeable... I really like your new nose. A good difference from your old nose.
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your nose looks really nice. For someone who's never seen you before, it looks really natural and doesn't look operated. I don't really notice the crookedness at all. The height of the bridge between the eyes will diminish in the next 2-3 weeks, but from the photos it doesn't look too high. Mine was really Greek looking because it started from the forehead and went straight down without any curvature. IMO, I like your new nose better than your original nose.
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Hey mkryu, you are a guy? ANyways, I got my eyes done and this is how it turned out. I think it it's too high for my taste, I can't really get used to it, I think it looks too girly. I wish I did more research before I got it done, but I didn't know better then...Oh and the left eye is bigger than the right :tdown:.

Did you have your nose done?


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Yes, I got my nose done with Dr. Lee back in the Spring. Where did you get your eyes done? Did you get the incisional method or DST?
You can actually get your eyes redone with the DST method.


I think I know why you feel that your eyes look girly. Dr Lee pointed out that for men, the crease on the inner corners of the eyes should be a little bit more parallel and less tapered than women's eyelid creases.

The size difference between the right and left eye is barely distinguishable. Everyone has uneven eyes to begin with.
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Yeah I can live with the uneveness, it's the girliness I can't get used too. Unfortunately I had the incisional method, should have gone with DST, since it's easily revisable.
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I think you can still get your eyes corrected with the DST method. There's an example on Dr. Lee's site of a revision done with DST from a previous surgery with the Incisional method.
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asinn, i think your nose looks sooo gooood! idk what it looked like before but i think it looks good now! it looks like your fully healed to me. your tip isnt too bulbous or pointy! he did a good job. i would have not known its slanted if you didnt say anything about it.

did you ask doctor charles lee about how its slighty slanted bridge? did he suggest pushing it over alittle or just leave it? curious to know... jus incase that happens to me after surgery!
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lol jpor! were you able to get gortex as ure bridge and ear cartilage as tip?

What did the doctor say about the implant moving?
im scared my silicone implant will move when i get my surgery :sad:
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thanks for the nice comments everyone. i guess i am my own worst critic? i think my nose looks better in the pictures than in person, especially since they are cropped and you cannot see how it fits the rest of my face. the flash makes it look better too. if anyone is interested in seeing what it looks like, pm me and i can send you an uncropped picture.

i was actually out shopping a while ago and checked out my nose in the fitting room. it still has that "stick on my face" look. it is the most prominent feature on my face, and i am not used to that. my old nose was wide and flared, but it was small, so my eyes stood out more. even though you guys say it looks good now, i hope to see a lot more changes (decrease in swelling and less crookedness). i think i will be really happy with it if it is smaller and straighter. i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

vannyvan, when i saw doctor on the 5th day to get the sutures removed, i mentioned to him that my nose looked crooked. however, he said that my nose was perfect and straight...
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asin, if i were you i would keep pointing it out to doctor charles lee until he sees it.

i had considered many times doing my surgery with doctor charles lee. the reason why i changed my mind was because i lived in louisiana and my mother wants me to do it at hanh phuoc (houston).plus i made the 500 deposit . i think doctor charles lee is a really good doctor. i would 100% go to him if i lived in california.

i did research ,viewed forums , and search his rating/patients comments on the doctor. i read over a review from someone that has the same problem like you! this is one of the review that i came across:

**Thanks to Dr. Lee, my nose is now crooked, where it's lopsided 6mm to the left! 6mm is really obvious to anyone, and this is after he performed the second operation! He did perform the rhinoplasty the first time, but when I went back he said that I had to have something else done for him to go back and 'fix' my nose. Now it's worse! If you're planning on having rhinoplasty done, go somewhere else! Trust me, you'll save yourself time and money by doing your research well. I have to pay for my mistake and I'm helping you avoid mine. His staff is extremely nice but don't let the office's impressions fool you. **

that was a bad review about doctor charles lee but ive also heard good ones.. every place has its pros and cons though. but your nose looks good. it really gives you a 3d features. [email protected] if you want to send me the full view.
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i actually saw that post, among a couple of others where the author warned others to not go to dr. lee and to pm her for information. it worried me a bit, but i figured every doctor has unhappy patients. even toriumi, who is supposed to be one of the best, has many negative reviews. i also think that some of these reviews might have been written by people who were very early post op (like 1 or 2 weeks) so what they were seeing was not anything near the final results.

i don't know anything about hanh phuoc, but i hope he is good. if you do find that you're not comfortable with doing your nose with him, don't be afraid to back out even though you have made the deposit. it's better to lose $500 than having to live with unhappy results for at least a few months, then have to spend a lot more on a revision.
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i forgot to mention that person who made that comment wanted a revision right away and gotten a worst nose then before..(thats why her nose came out even more crooked) ...
i wont do anything else to your nose. let it heal and itll come out a lot better. it takes 6-1year to see the full results!!!

after 6 months your nose should look a lot better. my sister had hers done and said the crookness should go away when it fully stops swollen. she said the swollen is what making it seem like that.

i didnt mean to scare you with that post earlier
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sliverlight: Did you have the DST done for your eyes? Cos it looks very similar to what Dr Lee does for many of his patients. Though i must say I'm not a fan of his particular eyelid style, especially for guys. I don't think it's too high for you.
The crease height is quite low IMO, don't worry about it. Most surgeons talk about having a low crease on guys all the time, but i beg to differ. It really depends on the case and a medium-high crease doesn't always make a guy look more feminine.
As for asymmetry, i think very slight asymmetry is common, especially if you had it prior to surgery. I have that too, and you probably didn't notice it pre-op cos the eyes were smaller back then so differences weren't that obvious but now that the eyes are bigger, differences are magnified.

BTW, thought i'ld post up some before and after pics of a girl who had her nose done in taiwan, but i'm not sure which doc though cos my chinese is reallly bad. I got it off the fashionguide website. Beautiful results, it totally transformed her face. Plus it looks really natural too.. hopefully she doesn't mind me posting it here lol.

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