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it's just too far just to do a eyelid... I have a Korean doc here in my hometown. Believe me, I've considered.

I considered these options truly seriously:
1. Dr. Chuang
2. Dr. Jong
3. Going to China because I will have my mom and some family
4. Here... we have a Korean doc in my town.

Even though my parents have free flyer miles... I'm most likely going to do it here... just a lot easier. Eyelid is a really minor procedure, so it's not as worrisome.
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Hey meowgirl and Keropijennifer thanks for including me.. when you decide when and where you wanna go please let me know :yes: Harajukugal also, when you sort out your exam schedulel, keep me updated. Still trying to find someone to go with in Sept/early October sigh, may go myself...just have to be brave about it hehe
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is sept/early october better for you? are you going to tell your parents this time? I'd rather you go with someone, or met someone there as post PS is quite emotional I hear.. just dont want you to be alone!! Like I said, your mum will probably want to go with you to make sure you're safe :P
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Hello I'm new. As an asian guy ,I've been wanting a nose job too. One of the earlier post says Japan is better place for guys to get a nose job. So, can anyone guide me? I'm looking for a well experienced doctors in Japan and of course... cheap too. I'm too lazy to edit my profile here, but I have a myspace account. "Fiendnis".
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You're not going to get cheap in Japan... I don't know anything about Japanese clinics either.

umm.. the one thing that I don't like about some male Asian noses... and I see this in Japan, Korea, China, etc... is that the bridge is too thin, and tip too pointy... really feminine. Western and Eastern tastes are really different for males. For females, the taste is about the same. refined narrow nose, big sparkly eyes, oval face....

haha... I like Chinese farm boys better than Chinese male movie stars most of the times.

In your situation, if you go to Asia, make sure you go somewhere where you can communicate really well! so knowing the language is a must... If you know exactly what you need and how much of it, that would be the best... that is assuming you understand the proportions of a face and what goes with what.
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Thanks Maskd! So after 2 weeks exactly, you were just swollen ( is it just around the alar sides or on the nose tip ? ) but did you have any type of bruising? I'm just scared that if there are any bruises AND swelling, it would be really difficult to cover that up. I'm still undecided where I want to go. I am considering Korea/Taiwan but I dont understand/speak the language. If Korea, then I know someone there ( I don't want her to know about it ) Since I only have 2 weeks total max to be back at work in the states and considering that I won't presentable to the public for 2 weeks, I dont think I would be able to travel/shop around Korea /Taiwan...
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hey shoe_girl! I'm fr the east coast. I haven't decided when I will go. I need to more research... I'm really scared in terms of only having 2 weeks to have it done and recovering by the time I get back to work. I really don't want anyone to notice that I had something done =( I'm not even sure how soon will I be able to get the surgery as soon as I land considering I haven't spoken to any doctors yet. I wonder how long between the consultation and the actual surgery. Ideally I would love to have it done the day I land .. hehehe

Have you decided which doctor yet?
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I didn't have any alar work.. so my nose was just swollen on the bottom half after two weeks. I took sinnech and never had one bit of bruising... did for my eyelashes though.

Anyway, I did go with a girl who got her nose narrowed (alar work). The tip is the thing that stays swollen the longest, according to doctors: generally 2-3months .

I will tell you how I healed, and I consider myself to heal normal or better.

After one week and a couple of days, you look normal to strangers. And it will continue to look really big for about a month...After one month, my nose looked exactly like my old one except for increased height.
I did tip refinement and implant, by the way.
Now, at a little over one month, the tip is still swollen
... but continuing to decrease in tip size.

Some people who I do not see very much at all noticed a difference. In fact, I would say most people that I'm around even somewhat noticed...

I will say this: I like the height of my nose... it's pretty tall now... I had "good height" to begin with according to the doctor. I just added 3 mm, but it makes quite a big difference, believe it or not. My nose has always had little nostrils, but the implant makes it seem even smaller even though I did not do a reduction on it...
but, anyway, let me reassure you that Dr. Chuang is extremely good at alar reduction should you need it... what he did for my friend is exactly as good as some of those alar reduction photos that Dr. Jung has.
Alar doesn't take too long to deswell. For my friend, it was 2 weeks. But, I think it hurts more to laugh or smile if you get alar done.

In my opinion, I would trust either Dr. Chuang or Dr. Jung.

Unfortunately, swelling lasts a long time... and beware the first few days after surgery, you're going to look seriously messed up!

ok... good luck everyone.
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Hey Berry,

I've decided on Dr Chuang for nose job cause ive heard most feedback on him, ofcourse there are other good docs but its hard to find feedback about them.
Researching PS on the net gives me a headache..lol espcially since i cant read chinese. Now that maskd and my friend from another forum both went to him i feel much safer, ive also been emailing him for awhile so theres a familarity there.

Have you emailed Dr Chuang? He gave me his number, i think if you call at end of day he may have time to talk with you. Ive called his clinic before but only spoke to his nurse Teresa who was pretty nice and helpful. I speak fluent mandarin which is easier, but she also speaks some english i think.

I will actually be taking 10 days off school so i def want to be healed asap as well... From everything ive read after 10 days you should look somewhat normal, ofcourse close friends and relatives may notice.. make-up helps too im sure haha. Maskd only stayed in Taipei for 8 days, so i think it'll be alrite, altho everyone heals differently.

Oh yeah u should be able to have consult and surgery on same day, thats what i had planned on doing on my original trip... get it over with as fast as possible lol! My friend who went did that, but be sure to specify that with the doctor, cause Dr Chuang is very busy... When i called before Teresa told me he's be very busy on June 2nd, and sure enough my friend said she felt a bit rushed that day.
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Thanks so much maskd and shoe_girl! You guys have been really helpful thorughout this thread! =)

Researching is so difficult espeically if you can't visit the doctor personally beforehand. No, I haven't emailed Dr Chuang or any of the other doctors mentioned here. I just stumbled upon this thread recently..Do you mind if you pm me his number ? Fr what I've read, Dr Chuang speaks english right? I speak very basic mandarin . There's no way that I can desscribe in mandarin what I want ( narrowing the tip of my nose and maybe alar reduciton but I don't know if I need it )

I'm just so nervous and scared of going to an unfamilar place, not knowing anyone, not having anyone including my family know that I will be getting ps done and then dealing with the recovery when I get back to work ( btw, I work in an environment where there's alot of contact with clients ) at the same time, hoping that no one questions me..

Pl let me know when you plan on going. I think I want to shoot for August but it's still too early to really be definite.

Agian , thanks guys! =D
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Hi everyone. It's about two weeks ago that I had my surgeries... My nose is recovering VERY well... but my eyes... I still think they are TOO big... Im so afraid right now cuz I have no idea HOW MUCH smaller my eyes will be... I didn't have a very swollen face... that's why Im so afraid of my eyes right now... Everyone who has done double eyelid how much did it change after one month? two months? (u know in size... how many %)... God... I really wish that my eyes are going to be much smaller... it still looks weird... and I think I look weird too when I put on some eyeshadow and mascara... Before my surgery.. I was like pro in make up... but right now I really think that I suck! I definitely hope that my eyes are going to be prettier than before surgery! God, this is SO frustrating!
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