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exoticasian, no worries... it doesn't change you that much.

I don't look that different... Nobody should do surgery to completely change their looks, because most of the time, they'll end up looking like freaks. it's only for an enhancement purpose... look at Pamela Anderson... oh god, that looks horrible.

In spite of all those before and after Korean pictures of those actresses, people really should stay level headed about this. Plastic surgery is not magic. Yes, some of those pics do show a huge amount of change... but most of them, there isn't. Nature still has the commanding voice. Most of the pics are comparisons between unphotoshopped high school pics to photoshopped, professional makeup, perfect hair shots,perfect lighting, etc... makeup makes a huge difference... even foundation alone makes a girl much prettier.. plus, a lot of them have lost weight too in the after pics... makeup, and hair make just as big of a difference if not more than a simple nose job.

oh, and I did end up telling the bf about my eyelid thing, so he knows.

double eyelids still change the face way more than a nose job... in my opinion...

My future children are still going to look like me even though I did a little tweak work...

I never really looked too much like either of my parents, but I don't look no more or less of their child now.
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It's incredible how much the swelling goes down within the first few wks. I get what u mean now when you say ur nose swells alot straight after surgery! the pic soon after ur op and the last one really look completely diff!
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silicone is not placed under the nasal bone, but it's placed under the cartilage.

Since it is L, it actually decreases mobility also since the tip is wedged in between your nose.. very hard to explain in just words... but to use L implant, you have to have the right skin for it because if you don't your chances of extrusion are higher.

goretex is placed under the bone... I think?... it's in tiny sheets... each sheet is less than 1 mm thick...
and they're layered together.
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yea.. that crossed my mind too Keropi... but that is just what I heard on the other forum.

I know a lot about silicone... including the placement...but as far as the goretex... I'm not sure of the placement.
This is literally what it looked like in Dr. Chuang's office too...

Dorsal Augmentation - 1 Week Post-Op - 3mm Layered Gore-Tex
This is so weird... I got 3 mm increase... and it was perfect for me... but a girl on the other forum got 5 and she says it's not enough? As you can tell, 3 mm adds a lot.
oh my god... people, don't do alar reduction if your nostrils are small! This is freaking scary....
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Jeunesse, exoticasian, & shoegirl...

I have been obsessing over getting a nj for the past month or so, everynight, reading everything i can find on it. I've wanted a rhino ever since i was a teen. After all my research, weighing the pros and cons, i think i will do my surgery here in Toronto.

What I want done:

Nostril reduction, take in alar (floor) base
take out some fat in tip, add ear cartilage (no synthetic implants!)
don't really need or want an implant for bridge as I am trying to avoid any synthetics

I've made appointments to see the following three Doctors:

Dr. Colin Hong

Based on what I've read; I am confident that I can satisfactory results with one of these doctors if I bring pictures of what I want; what i DONT want ie pinched tip, ski jump nose, etc.

Dr. Colin Hong, even though not much is said about him on any message boards is a prominent ps in the asian community. He did an alar floor reduction for me before which took literally 30minutes to do with a local anesthetic. I was fully awake the whole time and was quite happy with the results considering i asked him to be very very conservative. but now i think i am ready for more of a change.

All my consults are not for another month from now, but i will keep you guys posted on this board.

Jeunesse - thank you for responding. I read your posts on the revisionrhinoplasty site as well and found the answer to what i was looking for - i just needed to know which ps you went to so that i DONT go to that person.

thanks again everyone, i'll keep you guys posted!
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For those people that have done PS in korea...

where did you stay? hotel? guestroom? if so, which one?

i'm trying to find a cheap place to stay for about a week. HELP please. =)
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Hi moonie,

Which country you will be travelling from? When you'll be going there? and which clinic you'll be going?

Me & my friends will be going to BK Clinic in 5th Nov till 14th Nov to do some enhancement, and we will be sharing our hotel to save $$$.
There will be 5 of us in total but still counting more to join us.;)

I can be reach at : [email protected]

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HI! thanks for replying. =)

i'm going.. july 5th... to august 10. i only need to stay at a place for a week.. because i have family for the rest of my stay. i'm going to YE beauty.

i was just wondering.. where you guys stayed.. and approx. how much it was?

thanksss =)
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