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Hey moonie,

Actually I have chosen to stop taking my birth control pills for 4 years 5 months ago, not just because of the pS but it did serve as one of the main reasons. Im sure it makes no difference as Im sure alot of women that the pill and still have PS. The only thing that springs to mins of taking the pill whilst in surgery that it may cause the blood to become a teeny bit thinner? again not enough to be a major issue.

Yes I have the same concern with exercise! esp when I job my nose is alwasy runny and I NEEEEED to blow my nose, not only that Im sure it will make all the blood flow faster... maybe you can walk instead of jog first just to be sure.

I know a girl that had her boobs done and she went jogging 3 weeks after PS.. surely this isnt good?!!
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oh moonie if your concern is of the pill being not effective and not how its effects your surgery, then just use the good old fashioned rubber haha :P To be honest with you, Im not going to let me bf near me after PS for at least 3 weeks, I doubt id be in the mood and I dont want my nose to get bashed, as the earlier thread concerned about kissing!
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LOL! i couldn't help but laugh at your answer. :nuts: but you are right... i'm sure there are 100's of girls on the pill during PS. good old fashion rubber.... oh dear. haha. it's actually not that bad because my boy toy will be in canada and i'll be in korea for one month. which is a good thing. =) and i think i'm going to go with your advice.. maybe i'll do a light jog or fast walking. i have the same problem!! i have to blow my nose while jogging too. i'm sure it's fine tho. thanks! :yahoo:


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Hi Moonie,
Did you get alarplasty and tiplasty ONLY? no implant? Did it swell a lot? So what caused your bridge to look bumped then?
Because I've planned to get alarplasty and tiplasty alone, without any gore-tex implant. I'm also scared at the thought of having an implant in my nose.
Thank you.
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Honestly, i'm sorry i can't tell you what i got done. i have no idea... sorry!!:sad: but personally, i wish i just got an implant... but you know wut? everyone heals differently.. and there will always be mistakes out there. mine didn't swell at all.. healing was very fast and easy.. and pain was absolutely minimal. i think the fact that i got no implant contributed to this tho. My specific procedure was done poorly and therefore the bumps weren't completely carved down perfectly. (that's my theory)

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I've been following this thread and found so much helpful info. Also found the Sgexpat forum and posted there once as well. I just got eye & nose surgery 1 week ago and still look crazy. I went to a Chinese doctor in Houston and supposedly he does it very natural and doesn't charge an arm & a leg either.

I got my eyes bigger to a medium fold but they look really weird right now. Also got an L shaped silicon implant at the same time which bruised my nose up pretty badly and especially in between my eyes making me look really weird :weird: (Where are all the pictures of people all bruised up and stuff online? Seems like I'm the only one!)

One thing that upset me the other day is when I went in to get my stitches taken out I noticed a needle sized dot above my new right eye crease. I asked what it was and the doc said it was a stitch. No big deal I guess it was just holding something up or whatever. Now that I try looking up that little dot created a semi fold like 1mm above the other crease!! I will be seeing him Tuesday so I'm hoping he can fix this.

So I guess I'm wanting some reassurances b/c it's hard to find pictures of asian rhinoplasty as it's healing in stages.

1) Has anyone had nasal implant and had alot of bruising & swelling in between the eyes? It basically looks like it protrudes outwards instead of inwards like a normal nose.

2) I can't look straight and open my eyes all the way right now, I have to kind of tilt my head and look up a bit and if I do look straight my eyes feel like the muscles are pulling. I'm hoping here that this is normal until the swelling goes down?

Btw, I am really interested in going to Korea to get Goretex put in and my silicon taken out just b/c of the good reviews about that and probably having a more natural feel.

P.S.- If anyone is interested in chatting about the surgeries and such PM me your AIM or email address. I'd love to talk with others as I'm sitting at home doing nothing but healing lol :yes:
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How many days has it been? If it's only the first week, the swelling on the bridge and between the eyes is normal...it takes 2 weeks for the area between your eyes to finally unswell. Don't worry about that.

Now, if you have been following the Singapore forum, you probably have also heard from a gal who did goretex with Dr. Jung, that it does render a slightly wider bridge. Just so you know...

the eyes. I think that is normal. I went with a girl who did the double eyelid... now the second crease.. you need to check... it may be due to swelling. because even though I didn't do the double... one of my eyes had a high crease for a week and a half just because of the swelling from the nose.

ok.. hope that helps.

Don't feel too down. I think most people underestimate the degree of swelling that goes into this stuff. It'll take a while for it to look pretty. Don't worry too much!
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Thanks I feel a bit better. Swelling around my nose is a little bit better now but hopefully it's just because I swell up pretty easy.

I don't really wash my face right now, I just get some toner and wipe my face down. It's really shiny where my nose is but that could also be because of the silicon.

I'm not sure if my mom can go with me next year to Korea but I'm still interested in getting Goretex and probably want to go to either Dr. Jung or Dr. Kim from BK who I heard are good choices for the nose.

Anyone planning on visiting Korea next summer? :wlae:

Email me at [email protected]
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Hello people!! i've been watching this thread for a long time-

If this will be of any help to you guys- I hear really good things about Dr. Park at the Oz clinic in Seoul Korea
the site is http://drpark.co.kr/eng/index.htm

he is known for doing good nosejobs and eyelids as well~!

i've been exchanging emails with dr. park and he seems really cool. he also did a virtual surgery when i sent in my photos!

I'm actually planning on seeing him for my eyelid surgery. is anyone else getting their eyelids done?

I'm planning on going in september. I don't have family in seoul and havent the slightest idea about lodging so if any of you guys are cool and up for hotel hunting and splitting/staying together then we should arrange that or something!
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i've had work done at jelim clinic before. hahaha they pissed me off pretty badly and i am a pretty mild temperament kinda gal ^^

consultation: dr. yang does not spend much time with you, he seems pretty impersonal and rushed. this made me feel uncomfortable but because i saw his work on my cousin, i went thru with it.

i know that he has good credentials and i dont doubt his ability but his bedside manner upset me so much. his staff is also impolite.. namely, the nurses are b*tches~! i was referred to jelim by my cousin who's had work done at jelim. she liked the outcome but they upset her as well. during her experience, she also came across RUDE nurses. she has guts and is fluent in korean so she had no problem giving them a piece of her mind though ^_^;;

i went to get my eyelids creased (thru non-incisional technique..bad idea, shoudlve went for the permanent bc it came out!! if you wanna know abt it ask me)

and while i was under local anesthesia i could hear dr. yang and nurse talk about trivial unrelated topics like trips, or how to pronounce english words, or their lunch... this is while hes suturing my eyes!!! i was thinking, OMG, would u guys pay attention to what u'r doin please? and when they direct u to the room, the nurses have major attitude issues!! and when im asking a question...they talk as if it is the most ridiculous request, or they "look down" on you and scoff, basically hint that youre sooo beneath them. i could understand this behavior if i were being rude as well, or if i sounded stupid (since i am korean-american and i know some korean ppl can be a bit xenophobic )...but my korean is conversant and i speak it without a noticable accent...

also...i was in immense pain and the nurse scoffed at me!!! i was in the post-op room and i was shaking and sweating because of the pain and the nurse was not in the least bit accomodating... i had such a bad experience there~!!!!

but, my cousin who got work done there is really happy with the outcome. if you dont care about politeness or service then this could be the place for u.. :smile:

ALSO** they rip you off like mad!! i had like,the least invasive procedure but was charged $3000USD. I was clueless, and they took advantage of that... because that procedure is typically ~$1000USD, even $600USD in most other clinics in korea!!! i found this out too late though :sad:
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Damn, that really sucks! And on top of it, you got ripped off on the price :cursing:

I will tell you that the surgeon I went to down here has some pretty bad bedside manners too but my friend said he did a good job so I put that aside since he was also alot cheaper than another surgeon I talked to.

He loves to reply in yes or no and if I want reassurance coming out of his mouth, I have to repeatedly ask him the same question. Then I had more questions to ask at the followup and since he was running around like a chicken with his head cut off, I forgot to ask all my questions. He just darted out the door after taking out of my stitches. :cursing:

I'm kinda worried about getting my nose done next year. I'm just getting more and more into debt when I should be paying off my credit cards. :supacool:

I just can't wait till my eyes stop feeling like I'm pulling the muscles. :nuts:

Good luck with your eye surgery, hopefully it comes out nice and even :yes:
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its totally normal for you to not be able to open your eyes all the way.

did you get the method where the skin is cut+sutured, or where the skin is sutured+sutures are taken out to make the crease?

a lot of my friends have gotten eyelid surgery ^^ we all hate and regret it and are terrified for the first few weeks or so..but the result is always good :smile: i hope urs is good too!~*
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my nose was shiny for the first two weeks. It will go away as your nose gets used to the implant.
May I ask which doc you went to?

Also, I washed my face everyday with a hot towel (never wore makeup) for the first two weeks.


double eyelid is a very minimally invasive procedure, and easy to do, as far as surgeries go. If you find an experienced doctor in the US, you might be better off; much less hassle and no tickets to buy, etc. There is a Korean doc in my town that charges 1600 for double eyelid, and he is a board certified doc with his specialty in ethnic facial plastic surgery. But, maybe, you are comfortable with Korea...
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