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Hey harajukugal! Glad to see someone who's interested in doing bone shaving too! Maybe we could do it together and offer each other comfort or something haha

Maskd2003, unfortunately for me, yes it's bone :crybaby:I've been contemplating for a long time, because sometimes I get really depressed about my round/fat face as my face just looks blown-up in pictures. I wouldn't mind going through the pain, provided the doctor provides excellent post up care. Just in case I ever freak out over a little problem, I would want the doctor to be able to answer my questions patiently instead of avoiding me! Do you have imjase's contact? It would be nice if he can explain how the surgery went, plus the post op care!

Btw, Dr Chuang is still recommendable for rhino right? Just trying to calm my silly fears here! :P
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Hi everyone! Thans SO much for posting your thoughts and experiences about this sensitive topic.

I was wondering for the people who have gotten their noses inserted w/ implants....
Which implant is recommended?? Silicone? Goretex?
Pros? Cons?

I am interested in getting my nose done and w/ SO much different kinds of info on the net, I'm hoping someone could help me.

TIA! :smile:
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hello aznddalgi! haha yeah i was just thinking that maybe we could do it together! it sure would help to have a buddy :smile: when do u plan to go? i'm going around 28 nov, and planning to stay 2 weeks in TW.. and man do i understand about the round/fat face thing. i would really love to have that kinda small, sharp, v-shape face.. *sigh*

btw do u speak chinese? i think for dr c, actually all plastic surgeons, you have to really communicate what you want & possibly repeat it a few times so the doc knows what kinda results you want.. i've read that dr c tends to be conservative so unless you tell him that you want dramatic results, he'll tend to stick to the safe side.. :smile:
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no, I don't have imjase's contact... you can try going to the Singapore forum and try pming him? I don't know... sorry.

girls, I didn't mean that it is a rare surgical procedure... I'm just saying that it's not done very often at all, because it is so scary.

Yes, Dr. Chuang is good for the nose...

Please don't assume that a doctor is conservative based on internet info... Everyone has their own expectations... some people's expectations are too high, and that is why they say the doctor is conservative. Tell the doctor exactly what you want... please don't exaggerate because you're afraid that he is conservative. I do not think he is, btw... heck, this guy puts D cups on 95 pound women... he performs bone shaving procedures that many doctors refuse to do.

yea... if you don't speak Chinese, I highly recommend you go with someone who does... and even more so if you doing bone shaving!

I do know that his aftercare was superb for imjase... I think you may need to stay longer or have a doctor in your hometown who will monitor infection for you with the bone shaving...

We are our own toughest critics! Just remember that...
take care... wish the best!
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Most people from the forums seem to be more comfortable with this material.
infection rate is very low.
extrusion is very low.
shaping is harder for surgeon (may not get as defined of a shape)
mobility is very low.
Dr. Chuang said old people can see a little bit of white when they stretch their skin on the bridge.
harder to remove if something goes wrong.
only 7 years history as nose implant.

Most popular in Korea, China, Japan, Asian countries (90% of all procedures).
Not suitable for Caucasian skin.
infection rate: 3%
extrusion, mobility, visibility is very low only if surgeon places it correct and chooses the correct size. Shown great success amongst Asian patients.
shaping is generally more desirable.
easy to remove.

There is no ideal implant. Da**!
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It's really interesting that you girls say this.

I was worried about this too before I went to Dr. Chuang... I know ps is for yourself... but I mean, really, it's also so you look great to others... haha..

If I show a person in the US, two pretty Asian girls... one really pretty by Asian standards vs that actress in Hidden Dragon, crouching tiger, or memoirs of a geisha... a lot of them will choose the latter... or let's say Lucy Liu... god, I never thought she was as gorgeous as Caucasian people say... and she does have a kind of strong jawline...

some things go without saying... like small eyes vs big eyes... or fat nose vs slim nose... but others are very subjective.
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I actually like the after pics better... but I watch way too many Asian movies (Korean, Taiwanese, etc) :P

But, at the same time, I can see how the jaw can look kind of weak too afterwards...

Caucasians are all about jaw implants and especially cheekbone implants... and Asians are always trying to diminish it... the tastes are so different!
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thanks for clarifying abt dr chuang maskd2003! :smile: yeah i agree that it's very subjective.. the internet can be very misleading sometimes. exaggerating would be a little dangerous, as u said, i think what's most important is that the doc knows very clearly what his patient's expectations and desired results are.

haha what u said abt him and his breast enlargement jobs was really funny :lol:

btw did u stay at deja vu when u were in TW?
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yea... I stayed at deja vu... it's not as nice as the pics... and the bathroom is kind of funny... you'll find out... but nothing to worry about... I shared a room with another girl. The hotel can fill up fast too!

But, it's definitely comfortable enough, unless you are Paris Hilton... haha. No worries there, I assure you...
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I'll post my before/after pics for the eyes with the Atlanta doc...
just so you can see...

I know lots of people are wary of going to an American doctor... and it's totally understandable.

hope me luck!
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Don't get me wrong, I liked the after pictures just that I saw some lumpiness that made the skin not look so smooth. But the shaving was nice.

Anyways good luck maskd2003! Have you set a date yet? :smile:
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