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Hey Mask,

Thanks for your reply!

hahha ok so for eyes, would the LRClinic be a better choice?

yeah, I do agree that the eyes on Dr chuang's website..didnt look so "appealing" when compared to other PS.:graucho:

I think the LRClinic had better pictures of the double eyelids. But of course Korea, has beautiful ones too.. but I was thinking to all do it in ONE trip you see. hehe :yes:

I wonder which one comes first.. eye or nose. Would either doctors think like "eh... so you are doing OTHER surgeries at OTHER clinics eh? NOT all at mine!!??!?! :cursing:"

I'm not FULLY aware of how serious face shaving can be. I just know the healing process takes a long time.. and will have to be on liquid diet for 1 month.
Can you tell me more?

Ok, so the PS will have to see me to access what I am suitable for yeah?
But when I pull my eyes at the corner towards my nose. It just looks too wierd for me! hahahaha :nuts:

I suppose after I do the nose, the skin will already be a little stretched towards that direction eh? (especially when my nose is so flat)
so.. thats a free epi??? hahah :wlae: *just my imagination.

Hi Shoe_girl,

First of all, I'm sorry about your trip. I was reading all the way... its so sad.

For me, when I go do it.. my family wont know too! hahaha they probably wont understand. They ALL have sharp tall noses! (am I born by them? GRRRRrr :cursing:)

I'm at 25 now... so I really dont know if its "BABY" fat? hahahh.. when I was younger, I had really nice oval shaped face.

I agree with you to a certain extent.. ahhh but it sucks when I sport ANY hairstyle that doesnt cover my sides... I look like a pan cake! hahahah :crybaby:

Ok I'll take a picture of myself and send it to him soon.
He wont post my pics yeah? :confused1:

By the way, what is the difference between buccal fat removal and face lipo?

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There is a website link somewhere in these pages... don't know where exactly... sorry... anyway, it will be a good read if you're really considering the doctor.

I did nose with Dr. Chuang and then went to Jong for eyelashes. I suggest you tell Chuang that you had a friend that went to Jong for eyes and she recommended him... and for Jong, tell him a friend went to Chuang for nose and recommended him... Haha... I know Jong will not mind for sure, since I went to him with a bandaged nose. He just said, "ah... we will need to impress the other doctor with our work!"

I don't know too much about face shaving... to tell you the truth other than some serious risks... and that your face will be swollen and big for a LONG time... one US doctor on youtube said something like 6 months for noticeable swelling to disappear?!?

You might be pulling your eyes too close together... either way epi is a really really slight change in eye size... In my opinion, it just makes your eyes more almond shape instead of round round when just doing double eyelids.
Also, yes, when you do the nose, the eyes will get a little epi from that automatically. :smile:
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Hey Maskd2003,

Hhahaah its so funny when you said how you did it with the two Doctors!
Especially with what Dr Jong said. Cracks me up! :roflmfao:

Hmm maybe thats why he was sOooooo good with your lashes? To impress the other doctor! HAHhaah

Yeah I guess you're right that I pulled maybe too hard on my eyes.
However when I pull it lightly, I seriously dont think it looked quite any different with MY eyes... maybe I'm not suitable for epi.

Anyway, how's your progress? :tup:

Everybody! How about discussing on ways to conceal the fact that we did PS? :P

What do you think would work? haha
Wearing a HUGE spectacles? Those nerdy type?

Do an outrageous hairstyle?

Do braces???

By the way: I heard that doing braces will help in making the face slimmer.. after the whole course.
Anyone seen instances of these?:confused1:
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The braces thing really doesn't make sense to me... I guess only a dentist would know for sure... People's faces sometimes get longer and they might attribute it to braces when it's really more puberty changes.

My nose is doing great. so are my lashes.. no problems...
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GAHHHhhhhh.. puberty!

Way over it.. zzzz

Anyway, sometimes I have a silly thought.

Only at the age of 25, do I start to wanna look pretty. Is it kinda late? hahah...

I told my bf of what I am going to do and he said.. "oooh just a few more years left for prime age.. still wanna do it? " hahah

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keenose... I'm in my 20s too... haha...

25 is not late at all for plastic surgery (in fact, it's EARLY.. when else are you going to do it? when you're 16??? haha)... I don't think most people get stuff done when they're young (unless it's double eyelids)... that's kind of messed up.

Also, I plan on being glamorous until I'm at least 50... lol... haha....

Just a few more years? Your boyfriend is silly... there are HOT women who are over 30... especially Asians... there are so many in even their 40s that look like they're 20 something...

You've got much more time ahead of you still!

not that you care... but here's my opinion... the face shaving thing would just be too traumatic if it were me... people's faces really pretty up from the eye surgery... the nose is less of a difference but still plays a major role.

Also, as you get into your 30s, you will start loosing fat in your face... if you read up on buccal fat removal, most doctors do NOT suggest this procedure for 20 somethings... because if you do it... you may end up looking haggard when your face naturally "loses weight." Stick with lipo if you're even going to do it.

PLEASE PLEASE research!!!

and... oh you know... your face is probably AT LEAST a little better shaped than you think it is... once you fixate on something, it becomes worse and worse in your mind.
I asked Dr. Chuang if he wanted to do something to my face shape... he laughed at me... and changed the subject. I asked Dr. Kim for botox... he said, "why? your face is oval..."
And, though I was never too serious about changing my face shape it was because in this one mirror at my Korean hair salon, my face looked really wide... haha... now, I really sound immature and psychotic.

ok... enough blabbing....
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Thanks, Kneenose,Maskd for your help about Dr. Chuang. yes, he is very impresive. I have a question that I have been wondering for a long time. I want to do a second rhinoplasty since the first one didn't give me 100% satisfaction. I want my nose to be much higher. well, the doctor told me there was enough skin on my nose that it would rip if he made it too high. but I know that skin is very elastic and it can stretch a lot. when I squeeze my nose brigde, I can feel there is still extra skin on my nose. anyways, your body including you nose is always changing.I saw my stepfather's(Caucation) picture of when he was 18 and when he was 50. there is a difference. when he was 18, his nose was high, but not as high as when he was 50, which looked like it was crooked on the bridge. I think more skin will grow and stretch after the first rhinoplasty then I can have the second one. think about breast implant. the doctor won't give you a giant implant the first time you want it if you are skinny. it's not safe, it can rip your chest skin since it's too big for your skin to hold. but the doctor would give you a smaller size and after years, when there is more skin strech or grow out, you can have more implants. I saw Dr. 91210, there was a lady who wanted to have a implant reduction since she didn't want to be a striper any more. after the doctor took her giganic implant out, there was soooo much extra skin that had been streching after the years she had the implant. the doctor had to sow the extra skin to the rest of her chest. will it work the same for the nose? I definitely need the second rhinoplasty.
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I have no idea... If you want a much higher implant, go to Dr. Jung... for really high implants with the exception that you have a naturally wide bridge, you need to use goretex... and I think Dr. Jung is the only doctor that I know that is good at it.
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I know he did a good job on your nose. but how am I going to Korea? that will take me years to get ready for it. plus, I don't even speak Korean.
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I think it called "cookie cutter nose". I got mine done 3 yrs ago oversea. It was a quickie only take about 45 min. However I still have lil scars under my notrils, but after I got it done the bridge of my nose look a lot taller.
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I didn't go to Dr. Jung... I went to Dr. Chuang...

I agree going there would be tough. There are a few people who have gone there alone and did not speak Korean.... but I think this is pretty darn scary... I think he does have a translator currently (Taiwanese doctor that is kind of an understudy)...
best is if you can find a Korean girl that is going overseas and try to tag along with her...
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Thanks.Maskd. sorry I didn't read all the previous posts. thanks for your advice. anyways, how good is Dr. Jung? why are you so sure he is the only one who can raise my nose high?
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Hey Maskd2003,

LOL thanks.. thats really makes me feel better. But.... you are still.... younger than me aren't you?
Gahh guess I'm starting to feel old. LOL

Oh yeah, I did know someone who got eyelids done at 15 or 16... sponsored by family.

Oh from what you say... Dr Chuang doesnt encourage face shaving too? I've emailed him with my pics and all, asking him what I should do and all...
See what he says. :rolleyes:

I dont think I'll do the buccal fat removal though. Same reason as what you said.

hahah yeah.. I am trying to do as much research as possible. Recently I started reading the sgexpat forum too.
But the first thread I found.. wasnt too optimistic. There were some complaints about nose jobs done by Dr Chuang. That the nose started to turn crooked.. for 2 people.. (at least) because I saw one person post that, and another replied that she has the same case.

Hmmm well... one thing for sure is, I can never sport a "hair away from face hairstyle" without looking like a pancake!

Ooh so its only ONE mirror that made your face look wide? Mine is.......EVERY mirror! hahahahahha

Oh yah.. I wanted to ask you this... why did you choose Taipei instead of Korea?


If you wanna to go Korea, and need someone who can speak Korean... try asking Kimosa. She is going alone.. and she can speak Korean. You two can go together!
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If you wanna to go Korea, and need someone who can speak Korean... try asking Kimosa. She is going alone.. and she can speak Korean. You two can go together![/quote]
Thanks. Keenose. do you have Dr. Chuang's email address? I also want to contact him. who is Kimosa? by the way, have you read what I wrote in the prrvious post? what do you think about skin stretching?
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