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Teehee that would be me! :tender: I will be going end of this year since I have to wait to heal before doing revisions. I'd be happy to help you out if you are going to Korea at that time.

Now as far as the skin stretching goes, it seems like you have extra skin left over to be getting a higher bridge. Best to talk to another doctor for a consultation that way they can tell you if your skin is ok to get a higher nose. Unless your skin is really thin, they usually will say it's ok. :smile:
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Dr. Jung is the most well known doctor in Asia that uses goretex. Almost all doctors including Dr. Kim at BK, Dr. Chuang, Dr. Jong, etc prefer silicone. 90% of all nose jobs done in Asia are silicone.

Dr. Jung travels a lot to tutor other doctors his knowledge... and many doctors try to become his understudy...

But for more than a standard increase, you need to go to Dr. Jung. If you add more silicone than what your nose bone structure can support, you risk extrusion, visibility.. etc down the road. You can add much more goretex than you can with silicone.
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Thank you so much, Kimosa. I had my nose done in March this year, and I know that it should take another year for the nose to totally recover from the surgery. I will definitely need another rhinoplasty next year, but not sure about the end of this year. well, I'm getting my eyes done next month and not surprising me, the doctor would tell me I had the worst difficulty to have surgery. I mean for the nose, he told me he couldn't make it too high. then for the eyes, he said my eye bone was too low and he could not make them too big. for my cheek, he said he didn't do it. when I was in his office one day, there was a lady came in to get her eyes checked out after her eye surgery(a month)her eyes were blochy and I could see the red line on her eyelids. it's been a month, her eyes still were not recovered. it did scare to see, and I don't want my eyes to look like that after a month. I need to go back to school after the summer. but I do want to get it done though. if the result is not so impressive, I can go to Korea to have it fixed?
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Hi Nini1021,

Here's his email: [email protected]

Kimosa is another person on this forum. She is going this year end I think. You can try asking her.

I think the skin has elasticity all right.. but if its stretched too much, it would look a little fake in my opinion. Maybe after sometime though, it will loosen and become more natural.
Like a rubber band... but if overstretched for a long period of time, it will lose its elasticity and become loose.. like the example you said, the big implants taken out.. leaving loose skin.

Then again, all is my personal opinion.
The doctor knows best! haha :tup:
I think you could email the doctor and see what he says.

when are you planning to go? Korea or Taipei?
Dr chuang is in Taipei..
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Thanks Maskd. you do know a lot about rhinoplasty.
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Thank you, Kneenose for telling me Dr. Chuang's emailing address and some info about the skin elastcity. I agree with you. I don't want a Caucation nose on my face, so I don't want my nose skin to stretch toooo much that a giant goretex implant can fit in there.it won't look nature. but my nose is still really low after the surgery, and I need a much higher Asian nose. I may go to Dr. Chuang since he speaks Chinese. I'm tired of this communication problem between me the the doctor.
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Hey nini1021,

I might be worse than you.
I have almost NO nose bridge. So I am also wondering if I should use gortex or silicon.

I dont know whether my bone can support silicon. But gortex has only been used for 7 years.

But I dont really like Dr Jung's perception of the female nose.
I think they are too wide at the bridge for my personal liking, and also very very straight.

Well, I've emailed Dr Chuang and I'm waiting for his repy.

Hey but if you go to the sgexpat forum, there are a couple of gals who did noses with Dr Chuang complaining about their nose becoming crooked now. I'm worried about that too.

I think its important that the doctor will be willing to do free revisions should there be complications.. right?

Yeah, I think communication is damn important! haha
Unless you can go with someone who can speak Korean....

So currently your implant is silicon?
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Kimosa, I had my rhinoplasty done in Virginia. he was a vietnamese doctor, who can't explain well to me in English. he seemed to try to push me out of his office all the time. but he was very responsible even though his English was not very good. he told me the truth, not at all tried to say something I liked to hear in order to make money. all he wanted was to give me a nose to fit my face since my face is round, a high nose wouldn't look nature on my face. I'm glad he does cheek implant, so I think once my face is more egg-shaped, a higher nose will look nature on it. like I said before, he couldn't speak that much English, so I don't even know what he put in my nose. but he really did a good job. there was no pain during and after the surgery. he just numbed my nose and I didn't even fall asleep during the procedure. it took only abouth 45 minutes. and my nose was swollen for a week. once I got back to school, everyone thought I looked prettier. the thing is, nose is the most important part of your face. it's in the middle of your face, and give your face a 3-D look. as long as your face is not round, fat, and have a nice nose, you should be fine since eyes are really easy to be taken care of. just apply makeup(double layered eye tape, eyetalk, mascara, eyeliner,black-circle contacts), and your eyes will look twice as bigger. so, nose and cheek are the parts that definitely need the surgery. I have pictures of before and after the surgery. how come this web site wouldn't let us post pictures?one more thing:girls!! when you look at those gorgeous Korean actresses' before and after pictures, don't just assume they look like that after the surgery. makeup is also important. they did the surgery, their eyes will be a bit bigger, nose will be higher, but they won't look as pretty as how they look in those pictures. they have tons of makeup on! in my opinion, some of those actresses didn't do the surgery at all, all they did is to apply makeup. if you do some research on pictures of actresses before and after makeup, you will know what I mean. I too look two completely different people before and after makeup:wlae:
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by the way, Kimosa. what do you mean by revision? you mean taking implant out, adding something in it, or taking it out and put in another implant? anyways, that "nono" doctor will just "kick" me out of his office :tdown:he never wants to do anything I want him to do:crybaby:
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Nini1021 - I'm sure we'd love to see pictures. When you post a pic, just hit that yellow mountain that is above where you are typing the message and put in the URL or you can hit the paperclip and put it as an attachment I believe.

Revisions basically means anything that needs to be revised or fixed or tweaked. Alot of times people aren't happy with how they look & for non-emergencies doctors will say wait 6 months then come in & they can redo it.

Seems like your doctor is those old fashioned doctors that does it his way?? Hehe my friend went to one of those & ended up doing a revision because he made her eyes look too round :nuts:
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what do you mean by "old-fashioned"? I think round eyes are pretty, why did your friend want a revision? my doctor said it all depended on your skull structure, if your eye bone is too low, he can't make it high. not sure wtf was he talking about. he loved giving me bad news:cursing:
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Old fashioned doctor I'm talking about is one that is set in their ways & doesn't listen to what you want, plus this doctor my friend went to didn't speak much English & insist that you will look good his way.

Round eyes are pretty but he made it too semi lunar shaped and a bit too high. She wanted a more almondy shape. ;)
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yeah, he didn't listen to what I wanted. he just told me I didn't have enough skin or I have a ****ed up skull:nogood:anyways, let me post some pictures, let me find them first. which doctor did your friend go to. I'm interested in seeing him now since I want a semi lunar shaped eyes:rolleyes:
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