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We're not considering Asia just because it's cheaper. They do a better job also when it comes to Asian noses. After air tics and accomodations, a Korean job might cost the same.

Congrats on your successful surgeries. I think you look pretty before and prettier after.
you might not care what I think... but I've actually heard the things that your doctor has said before... it makes sense.
I think if you were to raise your double eyelid, you wouldn't be able to increase it by much since the eyebrow is a bit close. But, your eyes are beautiful right now!
And, the nose, if you raised it too much, you also have to consider how high your forehead and chin are... You might need to increase the forehead if you want to increase your nose height for that natural curve...
Gosh, I don't want to sound like the nono doctor, haha... but I've been to Dr. Jong, Chuang, and I know what they have said to other patients, there are limitations.
oh, also, I'm pretty sure it's silicone that you got.

Plus, I think the height of your nose is really good now... I actually don't think you should raise it... very pretty increase of height.

Anyway, it's just my opinion, so ignore me if you want. :okay:
Just get another doctor's opinion before you fly over and find out that they say the same thing as the nono doctor... haha... that's so funny... that name.
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right, Asian doctors do better jobs on Asian plastic surgery. foreigner doctors won't understand what we want since they are not like us. thanks for you complimenting me, maskd. I did get some balls to post my full pictures. but I don't plan on keeping them here for long tough, maybe a few days. I wanted you to see and give me some advices like you did in your last post. anyways, we are all pretty in different ways. but surgeries can enhance our beauty and transform our lives. I hosted those pictures before registering, now deleting images in my profile doesn't delete those links since they are not in my file. what should I do? can't believe the web site let me host pictures when I wasn't even a member. well, if I can't raise my nose bridge higher, at least I can make my tip a little more pointed. I talked to another doctor, she said she need the bone from my ears!! I had heard about it before, that's cool. I just don't want the round shape for the tip of my nose. and I will also do a chin implant. anyways, how do I get rid of those links of my pictures?
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that imageshack web site sucks! it let me host my pics without registering. but if I register, I can just delete my picz in my profile and the the links for the picz will not work at longer. but the thing is, they let me host picz without registering first. then who is responsible for those picz? I tried everything to delete those links, but nothing worked. I'm pis**ed. by the way, who is the dude who got a rhinoplasty with Dr. Jung? I thought it was you at first, but now I know you are a girl. anyone help me with this imageshack thing please?
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Hi all~

I had a question, do any of you know if alar reduction and an alarplasty are different? Or are they the same procedure?

Regarding Nose Jobs, I was wondering if they have a procedure where they remove a small "sliver" of skin from the outside of the nostril curviture where it means your cheekbone.. in order to "shorten" lengthy nostril wings? Idk if that makes any sense, but if anyone has any insights onto it please let me know.

I'm wondering if there are any PS in Korea or elsewhere (I'm Korean-American) that does a "narrowing" (mentoplasty?) of the inner bones of noses? I mean my nose isn't crazy wide, but I feel like narrowing the bones would make my nose look much better. I'm still debating about implants.. as I fear the "fake" look ... anywho happy researching and love love love this forum!!

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Hi Guy

My friend who did nose job,used healing swollen medicine--made by Chinese herbal.The name is "pieng geir ung.She swollen just 3 day..Chinese ppl use it for healing after operation.

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Like everyone said before me, we are not going there for the cheap price. Actually I thought they were going to be cheaper than U.S. but when I really started researching alot of places are equally expensive or moreso than over here.

Nini1021 - I got to see your pics before you put it down & you are very cute. Eyes look fine but definitely understand if you want bigger rounder eyes. Nose height looks fine, you definitely have to consider the rest of your features & what looks good overall. Some people have a very high pointy nose but when looking at their whole face, the nose looks too perfect or out of place or just looks good alone but not all together. I think it looks good with your current face but I forgot what your tip looks like but getting a sharper, less round tip would look good. That might be what you need more than a higher bridge & usually they get a piece of your ear cartilage & shape the tip & if needed reduce the size of your nostrils if they are fleshy or wide.

So I saw my bf for the first time yesterday & although I am still very swollen on my eyes & my nose still slightly swollen & barely bruised, he looked at my eyes & confirmed that it doesn't look right. But he did say when he looked at me from far away that it didn't look so bad lol. I think it's absolutely hilarious that he said that. :lol:

At this rate of my deswelling I hope I will be fine by December. If not, I will stick my face in snow if there is any when I get over there. :roflmfao:
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The thought of going to another country where I don't speak their native language might be too scary especially if they don't speak English well. I would hate them to do something dreadfully wrong and because I didn't explain myself correctly.

I've also seen some of the Koreans before, and after photos they don't really impress me. The attractiveness is just as good as before so changing the nose has not change the overall attractiveness. I'm scratching my head if it was really worth knifing original beauty. I've also see allot peeps posting they want to keep their natural ethnic look and making a slight change to their nose, or in such a way to go unnoticed by your friends or whoever you hang out with. I once thought about this, but after thinking it carefully, you want to do a nose job to enhance your overall attractiveness even if it means your friends can tell it changed but at the end of the day, if it looks harmonious and symmetrical to your face, well balanced and naturally compliments other features of your face, then do it because you will meet new people who may appreciate the changes.

There also someone mention they don't even want to look like Eurasian. Eurasian does look good. Accordingly to research that was conducted by an American study they have more of symmetrical face and are very well structured. They even said they have more sex lol.

I'm looking only to enhance my noise so it fits my overall image. Not going out of my way for the perfect noise but out of my way for a nose that fits my face. If the nose change the look of my face and I feel good about it then all the merrier. Like anything, I want to do a job that going to make me feel comfortable.

No intend to offend anyone though.

At the moment I hate my nose. I'm always worrying about the camera angles LOL. :sad:

I'm still contemplating about London.
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what do you mean till December? my doctor told me I only need a week to recover from eye surgery:idea:anyways, how high can my nose tip raise if my ear cartilage is in it. does she need both my ears? anyways, I gota do whatever I gota do to be beautiful.
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My doctor & other doctors told me I had to wait 6 months to heal before operating on me again. I'm not sure why your doctor told you that :confused1:

G'nite Nini1021 lol j/k Nini. The 1021 just flows in now but I will try to stop the fingers from typing it hehe :amuse:
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6 months before you can reoperate is standard...
For healing of the eyes for it to look natural is generally 2 weeks-3 months.
If it is a high crease that is expected, it can take much longer.

1 week is way too short for it to look normal. I only know one person out of like hundreds... (been to lots of forums) that healed that quickly. Plus, no doctor has ever told me that.
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I swear that's what my doctor told me when I asked him how long would it take for eye surgery to heal. anyways, I still have a month before school starts. let me do it soon then. Thanks for you complimenting about my look, Kimosa. honestly, I picked the best pictures I have taken, you would laugh if you saw the silly ones. those ones you saw are the ones taken when I had tooooooons of makeup on. see, makeup is also important. I don't really believe those before and after surgery pictures of some Korean actresses. their original faces have medium-sized eyes, have nose bridge, but need makeup to enhance the eyes and the nose. I didn't notice huge differences between the before and after. it's just the makeup. if you have eyes, and some nose bridge, you really don't need the surgery, just learn how to do makeup. I chose rhinoplasty is because I had no nose bridge before surgery whatsoever. now I have bridge, even though is not so high, I can use makeup to enhance the height. anyways, I'm not that experienced with makeup yet, but I'm working on it:yahoo:
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Hey gals... sorry for being late. was busy for the past few days.

Nini... I knew because you mentioned earlier that using fake eyelashes, some dark circle contacts and make up will give you that effect. So thats why I thought you should have the lashes in this photo hehe.

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