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I emailed Dr Kao twice, its been 2 weeks already, I do not have any reply from him. Im not sure if the email address is correct. I use the email from his blog. For those who managed to contact him, what is the email address you use? I wanted to do my nose.

Im also considering doing it in Korea. Who is the best doc for nose?
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hi, i am kiki, vietnamese. i m thinking getting a nose job this September. Either HCMC, Vietnam or Seoul, Korea. i think about korea cz i heard it is famous for asian plastic surgery esp. rhinoplasty but I dn't speak the language and afraid to go by myself. it will be helpful if anybody can recommend me to a Dr from Vietnam. my nose is high already, i just need to have it slimmer and tip need to be more narrow. thanks
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hi! have you had the opration done yet?
i am also considering yap too, and dr de leon of la nouvelle...
pls tell me which dr you decide to go to. i need an advice regarding which dr to choose... thanks in advance!
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Hi Kiki ,

I plan to go to korea this september too , for plastic surgery , not nose job , I want to do another . And like you , I don't know korean and I think I have to go alone too , so if you're interested , we can go there together .

Where are you from ? I'm from France , and I'm vietnamese too ^__^
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Hi ala, I was wondering if you know by any chance, how much Dr. de Leon charges for the whole shebang, alarplasty and rhino. What about the hotel accommodation, have you canvassed how much it'll cost?

Also, does he do cartilage harvesting (rib or ear)? I read he does silicone implants from flipgrl's post.
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he emailed me about the hotel/ accomodation. although i doubt if thats really him who sent the email... anyway, he said room costs 5k+ but be availed for 4k and includes buffet breakfast. i dont know about rhino, i only inquired about alar and tip plasty... he (?) said 45k for both.

you can go to their website and try email them and ask for a qoutation about rhinoplasty.

im curious, from where r u? im planning to undergo the operation next year. how about you? maybe we can have a field trip! :P
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45K?!?! Please tell me it's in PHP. 45K USD I would have gone to Dr. Davis then. Geez.

I'm in Cali, sure girl we can go along together. I'm assuming you're based in the Philippines? I sure hope so, coz that 45K price tag doesn't sound right. I'm broke as hell
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Yeah warping would really be a setback and that risk is something to discuss during consultations. I think as long as the dr you choose has a lot of experience with autologous cartilage then that risk shouldn't be a too much of an issue. Shah seems to be technically knowledgeable in this area, I just wish he had more samples to look at like Hsu and Kao's sites.

In my case I would be open to a combination of rib, septal and auricular cartilage... it really depends on what the doctor suggests. I don't think you have to worry about getting a Michael Jackson nose just as long as you go to the right doctor. I guess for our situations it really is about the screening process. By that I mean viewing their patient photos extensively, hearing their aesthetic views & philosophy, and getting a feel for the doctor's character and personality. If you meet someone and you have a funny feeling about them, then don't waste your time with them. Find someone you completely trust and feel comfortable with.
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oh, its in php. sorry about that! :nuts:
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Anyone interested in sharing the experience of rhino in korea feb next year sometime? I need someone to split the accomdation hotel expenses =] it is really nice and near all the clinics. Would be good if i didnt have to do this alone XD.

By the way, has anyone on this forum actually met someone off this site and went with them for surgery, if so do you mind sharing the experience with us, im keen to know. thanks! :biggrin:
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Kiki ,
I want to send a private message for you so we can talk more details about this but I can't . And the rule not accept to post email here . so I ddon't know how to contact with you through email ?
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