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Good question! I'd like to know the answer to that, too.
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I'm definitely not wearing make up for dr. kwak's consultation. I asked dr. choe to see b/a pictures but whoever it was in the front desk said that they don't have the time for it that moment because they had to perform a surgery. So that's really annoying now that I know that it's their job to show me the pictures. Hopefully dr. kwak's consultation will be better.
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I just had my nose done about a month ago with silicon, however the tip of my nose looks weird and the skin is red... I was just wondering if this is normal? I am really scared of extrusion also. Does anyone know what the signs are? thanks
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hey e_baby

I had my tip done too and I'm about 2 months post-op. The tip does de-swell quite a bit from a month to two months, so I wouldn't be too worried yet.

As for the skin, mine is also reddish (better than before, but still kinda red). I don't know if that's normal either, but I don't think its extrusion.
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I've been going through old posts one by one and am AMAZED at this transformation. Holy cow.....PS is generally an enhancement procedure but this one takes the cake for complete transformation. And the end-result is actually quite natural-looking.

How thick of an implant would be needed to achieve such a drastic transformation in bridge heighT?.....going from nearly no bridge to such a high bridge? I'm thinking it's got to be even >5mm.....probably 6 or 7 or 8mm? Is that even possible with silicone? I thought thickest silicone implant they could use (safely, that is) is 5mm.....? Goretex supposedly can give more bridge height (safely), up to 8mm (e.g. 4 sheets of 2mm thickness each stacked together). But that post-op nose in the photos just appears so defined and pointy (almost looks like a L-shaped silicone implant??) that it doesn't look to be goretex based.
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Heya.. :smile: Thanks for sharing with us the pictures.. Maybe you can post the url of where you got these pictures..? I can read chinese (i think some of the forumers here can too)
.. so i can possibly find out who the surgeon is.. and share with everyone here..

Thanks a million!
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was it an L or I shaped implant?
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looks like silicone to me given the definition along the ridge.
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it makes it look much narrower at the pointy bone at the center of your nose. i couldnt believe that he didnt actually break the bones to achieve that effect.
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To the ladies & gents who've had ALARPLASTY......

1) can it be done independent of or after a full rhinoplasty operation (bridge augmentation, tip work)? Or would this be not advisable?

2) can it involve just RESHAPING of the nostrils (e.g. from a round shape to oval or triangular) WITHOUT reducing the nostril size (i.e. overall circumference)? My nostrils are not large by any means and no PS I'd consulted with ever recommended alar reduction in my case (plus I heard that you've got to be extremely careful when deciding whether to proceed with alar reduction since there's no going back if too much is reduced).......but some mentioned that nostril re-positioning & re-shaping from the round shape to oval or triangular can contribute more projection for the nose tip. So I was wondering if anyone here has done NOSTRIL RE-POSITIONING & RE-SHAPING without nostril size reduction?
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