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Hi everyone,

I'm going to Taiwan in July for my PS :smile:. I will be going with my mom whos already had PS there. I think we'll either be going to the Sappo one or Wishclinic. I forgot which one my mom went to but she had great results with a nose job (goretex implant and tip w/ cartilage) and cheekbone shaving. Now she wants to go back for a face lift lol. I'm interested in chin implant, eyelid, nose job, and boxtox for jaw line.

I've read through basicly all the 44 pages. I found out that unlike most people here, I want a "caucasian" looking nose i.e. high bridge and very pointy. I actually like that girl's nose from the bangclapkiss xanga thing (I hope ya'll know who I'm talking about cuz I compeltly forgot her name). Hopefully, my dr will give me what I want.

So far, I have roughly 5k-6k saved up just for my plastic surgery. I was hoping if someone could give me a price estimate for all the PS I want. My mom said that I should have enough for everything but the chin implant :sad:.

Another concern of mine is about the botox jaw. Has anyone here actually had it done or knows someone who had it done? I would love to know how long this acutally lasts. I read on a website that if given double or triple doses it lasts longer and can possibly become permanent.

I'm also very worried about the pain. I'm assuming they don't put you completly to sleep so that you need the breathing tube and such. I just pray that I'll be given enough to be asleep through the whole operation. How are the pain meds that they give you? And how much pain were you in once you woke up?

Thanks a bunch :biggrin:
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I just did nose... so I don't know how much pain all that other stuff is... but nose was nothing... very uncomfortable and LOTS of swelling... like your whole face will bloat up just from that.

I would think the chin is pretty painful as they have screws that go into your bones.
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I know this sounds really funny... but I had an identity crisis after this whole deal... I know that sounds super weird... and I would have never guessed that I would go through something like that, but I did...

I don't want to sound preachy, but it's a REALLY emotional process AFTERWARDS, so much more than I thought it would be. Especially, if you like your face currently, it will be tough, and even if you don't, I think it will be very hard.

I never anticipated the amount of questioning, depression that would result from a nose job.... this is my own fault, as I didn't hate my nose to begin with..

It sounds like what you want to do is a lot...
Jez... if you follow his blog, 2 months post op, doesn't like looking in the mirror anymore... not because he looks bad... but because it's such a large change! and for many reasons, it's difficult to cope with.

As my change is not that huge, I think I will be able to accept it... especially when the swelling goes down. ;)

Anyway, I don't want to sound preachy.. it is your face... do to it as you want...
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I went with a girl that did eyelid, and nose and then botox after some of the swell went down.

She said she didn't feel the botox... everything else wasn't too painful and yes, and she slept through it all except part of the eyes.
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Hi :smile:

After I have read about all your experiences with Dr. Chuang I am seriously considering Dr. Chuang as my surgeon no. 1! I would like to have double eyelid surgery and nose "implant" surgery done at the same time since Im from Europe and its an expensive trip! Do you know if its possible to get eyelash extension surgery right before or after the double eyelid surgery? Is IRclinic faraway from Wishclinic?

Best regards, Miss Kel :smile:
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no LRclinic is not far from Wish... you could walk from one to the other...

um... I know you CAN'T get eyelashes done before nose or double eyelid, as the lashes are very fragile... however, even though your eyes will be swollen, eyelashes can be done afterwards... I'm not sure... you will need to email Dr. Jong and ask him....

Also, you can do eyelashes and eyelid with Dr. Jong... this may help... as the swelling is the worst the day after surgery...
Anyway, I think although Dr. Jong is not as warm as Dr. Chuang or popularized, he is indeed an EXCELLENT doctor... his attention to detail and undying need for perfection...
On the day that I went, he was performing surgeries from 9AM-8PM with one half hour at 2 for lunch... and I was the LAST one finishing at 8... and he still was more persistent than me to get the perfect thick lashed look.
I was reading
and everything on this site matches my experience except the cleaning of the lashes and the black stitches as I spoke about.. and the fact that they say 20-40 lashes per lid... I got a couple over 50 on each eye!
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Hi all, Congrats maskd2003!! You're detailed posts are so helpful and it's great to hear you're happy with you results! :biggrin:

I was wondering if anyone knew anyone who had bone shaving done to their jawline? I saw a video from Dr. Lam in TX about how it can leave you with a very obvious "cut" look, but I feel like some plastic surgeon had to have improved on that aspect by now?

Hope everyone's happy and healthy~
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Jez did it... it's really painful, and you have to restrain from any remotely solid foods for quite a while, and the swelling takes a REALLY long time.

I know Dr. Chuang performs it... Dr. Jong used to when he worked at the hospital, however he has stopped doing it as he says there are usually other ways of altering face shape... and the bone shaving is a very painful and emotional procedure.
Either way, good luck.
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Hey Glamorous!
I was originally considering Seoul, but having heard u say that ur mum had goretex and tip w/ cartilage implant, I might also consider taiwan now! So do u know which clinic ur mum went to? and was it open or closed op? (Yes..I know..im always asking this qu! :P lol ). I didnt consider taiwan cause most surgeons use silicon, but hearing u say that ur mum was really satified with her nose....im reconsidering....How much was the cost? Did ur mum asked for a natural looking nose or a high profile one to look eurasian (like wat you want)?
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