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Hey shoe_girl,

Thanks for that information. I was still waiting for Dr Chuang to give me the details on how he does that.

Later on, I'll make a post on what Dr Chuang said...

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Hey Nini,

I heard from Dr Chuang that if you get it from the ears, your ears will be painful for 2-3months and with scar.

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Can you try EDITING your posts with the pictures?

Try to delete them from there? Replace them with some words?

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Sounds great! where can we buy those?

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Okok.. here are some updates and replies from two doctors I've been emailing.
Dr chuang (WISH) and Dr Jong( LRC):-

I sent my photos to both of them, I want to do eyelid with Dr Jong and nose .. and maybe some face job with Dr Chuang.
Anyways heres the details.

As I mentioned, I have TOTALLY no nose bridge...
Dr Chuang.. actually recommended me to do Goretex! In fact, he said that he ONLY suggests me to use this material.. because it can give me the height and a natural bridge. Implant will not fit me well.

He said I needed alarplasty, tiplasty and tip defatting ( DE- FATTING) ... gosh my nose sounds horrible.:P

Total of 4 procedures:
2) tip
4) defatting

The cost of this whole thing is......NT 68,000:wtf:
(much more costly than Maskd2003):crybaby:

Then about my face, he says I have a round face most probably by cheek fats and maybe wide cheekbones.

He recommends two solutions for me to choose:-
1) face liposuction + botox .... NT70,000:wtf:
2) cheekbone reduction(malaplasty) + mandibular bone shaving osteotomy......... NT250,000:wtf:

So costly to get a nice face shape!!! :wtf:

I am actually asking him, which he would recommend for me.
I was asking him if botox alone would be sufficient for my case.. waiting for reply.
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For Dr Jong about the double eyelid procedure.

He recommends for me to do the incision type, since my skin looks thick to him.. hahah

Cost of double eyelid :NT20,000

Possibly, I might need an eyelift as he said my eyelids looked droopy... so that might cost another NT10,000

I asked if it was possible for me to get big eyes! lol

He said that besides getting double eyelids, there are several other ways to get bigger eyes. I have replied, asking him to elaborate more.

But he seems like a very short and simple guy.. because he replies emails in KISS way. (keep it simple and sweet) ;)

I have asked him about where there will be scars for the procedure. He says it wont be obvious........which means.. there will be scars? :wtf:

PS: Can double eyelid incision scars be totally gone? I really dont want to close my eyes and show those scars... its such a tell tale to everybody! :sweatdrop:
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Did you say that Dr Chuang learnt from Dr Jung in Korea? I thought I remembered something like that.

Do you happen to know if Dr Chuang is GOOD in Goretex jobs?
I'm a little worried.

Because if he did learn from Dr Jung, personally.... I dont like Dr Jung's work and perception of the female noses.
I think they are way too straight and have a wide bridge. Looks very fake.

I wonder if all Goretex jobs look like that?

Can Goretex jobs look nice? With natural curves and shapes?

I'm also worried.. since I know that Goretex is a permanent thing. If the surgery goes well and the results look good, no problem.. but if it doesnt, revision work simply means deformed nose!

Having only 7 years history is also a worrying factor.

ARGH... Am I worrying too much?:crybaby:
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I think Goretex noses look more natural than silicon shaped noses. Plus they are usually a bit softer & become part of your nose whereas silicon kind of just sits on top & is a seperate piece.

Your eyelids will have a scar from where they cut it to take out the fats & skin & eventually it will disappear. Some people will have some scarring but that can be due to the doctors skills or just your body's way of healing. Over time it should diminish though ;)
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I trust in Dr. Jong's skills. I think he said that just because he cannot guarantee no scarring. Everyone is different when it comes to this. Some not at all... some a little... but almost everyone who does this procedure comes out with eyes that have either little or no scarring and no one can tell it is not natural.
Dr. Jong performs eyelash implants which is super detailed, precise procedure... and not to mention, tedious.

Second, I just want to say: My nose looks natural. I go to a Korean hair salon, and the girls there had no idea I had had any work done... one of them was telling me how she wants to go back to Korea to do her nose... She never suspected ONCE that my nose is fake...

I really feel that Dr. Chuang did a great job. My nose is perfect. and not a bit fake looking! The only thing is the tip of my nose feels a bit hard.

On the same note...this may sound funny but I don't think I got "prettier"... people keep saying that I look more Caucasian... and say that my brow looks different.... how strange.
My sister who is super honest said my level of beauty is the same... but I look like I have white blood somewhere in me... argh! I get hit on pretty much the same amount as before when I go to stores, etc. The nose thing (even though I have a great nose now) was frivolous. I would not do it again if I went back in time... but the double eyelid ($65)... TOTALLY worth it!
So, with pretty much most of the swelling gone... that's all I have to say. ugh... I hate the caucasian crap... I really do... my nose doesn't even look caucasian, either... Caucasian noses tend to be super tall... mine is like Korean actress tall...

OK.... I need to erase some misconceptions here.
If you have an existing thin bridge, you can usually add 3-4 mm silicone, or more height from goretex.
If you have a medium bridge, you can add 4-5 mm silicone, or even more height with goretex.
If you have wide bridge, you can add 5-7 mm silicone, or even more with goretex.
Depending on your nose bridge, you may not be able to support the amount of silicone your nose ideally needs. In this case, goretex is used.
The silicone needs to curved in a way that it will be SEAMLESS to the bridge of your nose. It cannot be too wide or too narrow, and the curve needs to fit perfect. Otherwise, it can look slightly fake to VERY fake. Dr. Chuang has like 50 different types of silicone nose implants!
Second, extrusion, and skin tension from L silicone is made when the doctor does not understand the purpose of the short end of the L. This segment is used to keep the implant straight, much less mobile than I implant. Also, it is to shape the columella. If this short end is used to "tent" up the tip of the nose... this is asking for extrusion!
Visibility is due solely on incorrect implant selection, either too wide, too high, wrong curve...

You are not stressing too much at all. I stressed it just as much as you did. it's important to be informed; It just shows that you're very responsible.
I have no idea how good Dr. Chuang is with goretex. And, yes, he has learned under Jung. However, I have heard from several doctors that this material tends to create a wider bridge than silicone. However, Jung has always said this is not the case...

If you read doctors opinions on nose implants on the web, they vary greatly and do not go into detail at all.. That is because there is no ideal implant, and not everyone has had an extensive history with each type, and they are writing for regular people.
I prefer to read plastic surgery papers or essays. these tend to be a lot more informative.
One of them is on the web. The doctor in this one actually prefers the L silicone. But, if you go through it, it will actually show how most of the risks associated with silicone and the L shape is due to the surgeon's skill and knowledge.
With I, you risk mobility more than with L.


Also, keenose, you need to ask for discount, either when you're there or over email... because if you do multiple things, his price will go down. Dr. Jong, however, will not give discount over email.
Dr. Jong is a VERY straightforward man, however, you will never leave his office uninformed... he is good with this for sure. and though Dr. Chuang's nurses are sweet, Dr. Jong's nurses are angels when it comes to being nice!
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Eyes: procedures to make eyes bigger:

Epicanthy (Medial canthoplasty):
This is where they either tug the inner corner (toward nose) of your eyes or cut the inner corners to make the eyes longer. Risks scarring. <---I didn't get any... they appeared at 2 months than disappeared.

Lateral canthoplasty:
This is bull. I've spoken with an expert eye surgeon; he think this procedure is useless. Another doctor, Dr. Jong, doesn't ever recommend it. This one cuts the outer corners of the eye. It renders less than 5% of the outcome that epicanthy renders. Other people from other forums that have done this complain there is no result, and risks scarring. This is also the simplest procedure out of all of the eye procedures.

Muscle Levator shortening:
They make the muscle shorter, and your eye is forced to open up a little more, creating larger eyes. I don't like the look of this procedure; I think it looks unnatural... and most Asians never go for this.

Generally, the two that Asians will do are double eyelid and epicanthy. In fact, Dr. Park from OZ told me that 90% of all the eye procedures done in Korea are a combination of epicanthy and double eyelid.

Ok.. hope that helps.
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wow, do you know where I can find more info on this procedure? >_< Or would you happen to have any before/after pics of ppl who've done it? or would you happen to know the korean term for it so i can search it on korean sites?

sorry for so many questions.. but if anyone can help me pls let me know! thanx
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Wow I didnt get the reminder that there's posts replied. I kept checking my mail for that... and just found that its replied here! GRrr.. I was so looking forward to hearing what you gals had to say! haha

I do trust Dr Jong's skill as well, because I believe in what you trust! hahah :yahoo:

WOW... congrats on your so natural nose! I'm so happy for you! I think its great that it looks natural and so good! I like your nose.

The hard tip should get softer with time right?

LOL about the pretty thing...........maybe.. before surgery.. you are already gorgeous? So that little tweek didnt make much a difference? hahah
Dont worry.. I really do imagine that you have become more pretty, just that people are not too observant about that.
OR... dont dare to comment?

Thanks for the link. Will read that up in detail!

About Goretex, I'm worried because I really dont like to have a wide bridge! It seems that alot of Goretex noses I've seen have wide bridges and I dont think its nice. And it often gives a straight, fake look!

I really hope Dr Chuang is really really really good with Goretex so that it doesnt look that way. I was asking him for pictures of some patients he did with that material. I have explained to him my concerns. Lets see what he says.

Since I have no bridge, thats why I need Goretex... I hope Dr Chuang can give me good hope!

You are SOooooooooo right about Dr Jong. When I asked for a discount over email.. he replied flatly with.. "our clinic dont give discount' Slapped.! hahaha

SO .. you mean in person, he will give discount? Do I have to do anything special? MUAHAHHahaah
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