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I believe that adding cartilage to the tip is just a temporary fix to the area. If the pressure from the L implant remains, then the cartilage would extrude eventually.. pretty scary thought, huh? That's why I decided to just take the whole thing out.. and after my first revision with cartilage, the implant would move whenever there was pressure to the nose which was never a problem before. For 2 months I was seriously depressed not knowing what to do about my nose...but now I'm really glad I just redid the whole thing.. even though my nose is swollen like an elephant right now I can already tell that the shape is much better than how it was before :yahoo:

The doctor that did my nose is dr.tseng.. he specializes in rhino.. you can see many of his before and afters on his blog http://www.drtseng.com.tw there is also lots of useful information. I also went to a consulation with dr.chuang and he is an excellent doctor too.. explained everything to me very thoroughly at 11PM even though he was exhausted. I may go to him in the future for boobs cause that is what he is known for here in taiwan LOL Dr.Tseng charges the same price for everyone for rhino doesn't matter if u use goretex or I silicone.. NT$60,000 = approximately $1800 US
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Yeah, being on a low salt diet really is hard. I would love to slurp some ramen noodles but that would just increase the swelling of the nose. For any future rhinoplasty patients make sure you have someone reliable take care of you.
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Hey Hiromi,
Yeh, I read quite a few taiwanese forums where ppl said dr Tseng was a pretty good PS, I really liked all the noses he did, they all looked so perfect, it was just a shame he only does goretex via open method.

Hey...Ive been wondering about this for some time....Ppl talk about doing the bridge & tip separately...ok so lets say u use goretex for the bridge and cartilage for tip, but wat do u have in the middle part i.e on the nasal bone bit that's just above the tip? I thought that 'I' implants go all the way to the tip area & then u have the cartilage above that bit, arent i right? That way, the height of ur whole nose is increased... correct me if im wrong ppl.
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Hi Hiromi,
I would agree with you that goretex does look natural. I had a full nasal reconstruction done about a year ago but I am looking to redo the tip. Another friend of mine went to the same doctor but did not want to pay extra to use goretex and used silicone instead. She had the same problem as you. At first it looked natural but after a year the shape started to change.

I've consulted with Dr. Chuang from Wish Clinic and he suggested for me to have a redo done with goretex. I've consulted with Oz Clinic as well and I sent my picture to BK Clinic but I have yet to hear back from them. I'm still debating on where to go for surgery. Shimmian Manila (www.shimmianmanila) is affiliated with Shimmian Medical Center which is where the famous Dr. Jung's Rhinoplasty Clinic is located (http://www.nose.co.kr/).

Has anyone had their surgeries done at Shimmian Manila? I am of Filipino decent so it's easier for me to travel to the Philippines. The cost is less than half as other places but since this is my second surgery I want to make sure it's done right.

I may go to Seoul Korea but I'm scared I may have a hard time flying on my own. If anyone has gone to Oz Clinic or BK Clinic please give me your insight if you've had to travel abroad from the U.S. to Korea. Thank you.

Ms. Jezabel
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Hey Hiromi,

Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Can you tell us alittle more about Dr Tseng, and why you chose him? He sounds quite good.. haha.

Also what did Dr Chaung say about your L-implant? Because i know he still performs L-implants alot. I'm going to him soon and have to choose between L or I.

Thanks, and good luck in ur recovery.. i'm glad u finally have peace of mind now. Can't inmagine how scary it is knowing theres something wrong with the implant in ur nose.
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There is no nasal bone in the tip area of your nose, natural noses have only nasal cartilage at the tip.. This is why it is better to do your bridge and tip separately because it follows the natural anatomy of your nose. The goretex implant stops right before the area where the tip begins. My doctor used septal cartilage to hold up the tip and then he placed ear cartilage on top of that.. its kind of hard to explain but imagine an umbrella with the septal cartilage as the handle part and then the ear cartilage on top.. i hope that makes sense?


Dr.Chuang said that my L implant was perhaps placed a little too shallow..meaning under the skin rather than under the nasal bone. I told him that I felt my nose was unnatural looking cause it stuck out very straight and shiny.. he suggested that I use goretex since i didn't like how silicone has that unnatural shine under certain lights.. he also showed me pictures of noses that he had done with goretex. In the end I chose to go with Dr.Tseng because I felt that he could really understand what i wanted. Not only does he specialize in rhino, but there were lots of ppl in taiwanese forums who had gone to him and were very happy.. Also, I think each doctor has their own "style" of nose.. and so it really comes down to what style you prefer more.. for example I think dr.chuang's noses look more straight.. and dr.tseng's noses have more of a curve and he also likes to emphasize the tip making them a little more upturned if that makes sense.. I also felt that dr.tseng was a really responsible doctor and i felt confident in him.. last but not least, i went for two consultations and everytime i went people going in and out had beautiful noses.. one of the nurses there had her nose fixed by dr.tseng(she had an L implant before like me) and its been a year since her surgery and her nose tip felt really soft!! like a real nose.. she could move it around as she wished and her nose looked super super real.. so in the end im really happy with my decision.

I know that there are alot of people who do well with L implants, but I think in general it looks a bit more natural when you do your nose and tip separately cause the L implant can only create a 90 degree nose tip.. it is easier to spot someone with an L than an I if that makes sense.. but in the end it is really up to you and what you're more comfortable with.. I'm sure dr.chuang can do a great job with either one.
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I don't like disagreeing with people. But, my nose is not in a right angle at the tip, nor is it straight... it has a slight curve to it. People who have seen my after pics can concede to this.

But, it is nice that you added another doctor to the list.
For the benefit of others...
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I apologize for the misunderstanding.. I'm sure dr.chuang did a great job on your nose, and that is why I mentioned that there are alot of people who do well with L implants. I meant generally speaking, most of the problem with L implants occur in the tip area since it is more limited in terms of what you can do with it. It also depend on the type of implant you have. I know that dr.chuang uses the newer korean L implants that are white and are extremely extremely soft.. i was playing with them in his office. they also have a very natural curve to them.. i think these implants should be much better than the traditional american made ones that are harder, straighter, and skin-colored (this is what I had). I heard that these newer ones can avoid the possibility of extrusion since they are so soft.. Oh and dr.chuang showed me pictures of mostly goretex noses in his office and they appeared more straight than curvy.. maybe its the difference in material. anyways, its great that your nose turned out so nicely!
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Oh, i see...how is your eye now? did the crease completely dissappear? I'm from Georgia...wat about you? Well, i would like to go during december because that is my break from school, but it all depends on whether or not i have enough money saved up by then...because i think everything i want will cost 6K, excluding airfare....so we'll see what happens...when are you planning to go?
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Hi shoe girl,

I had an I shaped goretex implant and cartilage on the tip. It looks really natural but since my nose was really really super flat to begin with, my tip is a bit short so I'm looking to get a revision for tiplasty. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for wanting to change it but I want the curve Hiromi was talking about and not the right angle triangle look. Although my nose doesn't look like that, I want it to be more like a curve and then a slight bump on the tip.

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