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Hey Nini!

Hehe thanks for the warm welcome. yeah I was busy for the past few days. I was silently reading but had no time to reply.:P

Wow good luck with the job! I heard you get good pay even for part time jobs in the USA! haha

My passport is ready! No problem at all. Lucky me.

On the bone and jaw shaving, I think you could ask Dr Chuang if you should do it. Send him a plain photo of yourself without make up and all.. haha see what he says.

Yup, he is able to do the nose and bones together. I was planning to do those.

My final decision will be when I meet him in person.. and to see what he feels I need to do.

No, I am not from Taiwan. I have never been to Taiwan. This will be my first time! hehe

On cheap hotels, I have found this moonhotel. They are very cheap.

It looks OK...
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It's been a little over 2 months. Definitely taking a long time but at least no more weird puffiness & cursing the doctor lol :smile:
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LOL..its hard to be a doctor.

It seems everybody will be cursing them at one point or another. LOL Maybe I will go through that stage too! :P
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Hi all,

My eyebrows look completely natural right now. Obviously, some of the hairs have started falling out, but other than that, there is nothing about them that would tell that I had implants done. Even though the doctor tells you to ice the eyebrows, I did not do it because I was scared that I would rub the eyebrows too hard and make the hairs fall out. The hairs are supposed to be very sensitive up until 10-14 days after the surgery... after 10-14 days they have the strength of normal eyebrows. There was very little swelling after the surgery as well, and it has all disappeared 14 days later.
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the first doctor that I went to was a friend of my dad's.. so back then I didn't really think much about it.. and didn't do too much research really. I was just happy that I had a nose bridge afterwards! LOL.

When I met dr.chuang, I felt that he was a very responsible doctor someone that you can definitely trust. But like i said before, each doctor does have their "style" so you really have to make sure that their idea of beauty fits with yours. dr.chuang's gore-tex noses looked very good.. a little bit more on the straight side though, and no I did not see anyone with their nose done by him at his clinic. In the end I was choosing between dr.chuang and dr.tseng. Both are excellent doctors, so i think no matter which surgeon you go to, what's most important is communication.. you must let them know very clearly what you want and what you don't want. Make sure you emphasize that to them and I'm sure your results will be great.

also, with dr.chuang I know that he uses only septal cartilage to do the nose tip.. I was a little concerned about that because septal cartilage is very very hard, unlike ear cartilage which is softer. Most other doctors use septal cartilage as a graft to hold up the tip and then place ear cartilage on top of that..
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I think Dr Chaung normally just uses septal cartilage but he does use ear too. Cause i emailed him a picture of a girl a long tip, and he told me to get something like that i would need columella extension which would need ear cartilage. Speaking of that how is your ear? Im quite nervous cause i heard u can get a scar for quite a awhile? Does Dr tseng give u any any medication or cleaning solution after surgery? Also do you know if Dr tseng is good with doing eyes? If i go to him i would need to do eyes and nose. Thanks
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When you wish hard enough... your wish will be granted..

lets all hold hands and pray.....that maskd will be back soon....

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Hey Hiromi,

Thanks for sharing!

Yeah I think you are right.. in my case Dr Chuang said that he will use septal cartilage.
Oh but now then I know that septal is harder than ear cartilage?

So does that mean that the nose tip will be harder?

Since I havent really seen a nose tip with septal cartilagel, let alone touch it.. I cant really imagine how hard it can be.

Would it be hard till a point somebody touches your nose and immediately knows its fake? :nuts:

Initially I was thinking its pretty cool to only use septal cartilage because that means one less scar and no ear pains to deal with. :rolleyes:

Now I'm thinking... how bad can it be? How hard?

Oh the first doctor was your friend's dad? Did he feel responsible towards your nose? Did he offer to revise it etc?
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Hey Howdid,

WOW thats good to know.. do you think its possible to show us pictures of your progress? That would be easier to see...

I would really like to see how natural it is... I'm especially concerned though on how it would look from above. LOL

So all the hairs have fallen out?
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Yeah Dr Chuang said that if ear cartilage is used, there would be ear pains for awhile.

And some people experience loss of sensation at the ear, its temporary though.
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I don't know how much harder the nose tip will be because I haven't felt a nose with a tip that is only done with septal cartilage.. But yes, ear cartilage is softer than septal. It takes a very long time for your nose tip to soften up usually 6 months to a year.. my nose tip is very hard right now, but still not as hard as it was when I had the L implant. I really hope that mine would be as soft as that one nurse's at dr.tseng's.. then people would not be able to feel your nose and know that its fake cause a goretex bridge feels very similar to a real nose. And my first doctor was my dad's friend.. like most L implants, my problem occured about 3 years afterwards so he didn't offer to revise it for free or anything..


Harvesting ear cartilage is really not that bad.. you really don't feel anything when they're taking it out because most likely you would be asleep and that's usually the first thing they do... but you know what does hurt? taking out the septal cartilage! I remember smelling something burnt and then really sharp pains.. LOL but alot of ppl say that they don't feel a thing.. I think i'm the type that is less sensitive to anesthesia. As for ear pains, nope.. no ear pains after the surgery.. just a little bit swollen. It hurts a little when I sleep on that ear, and the wound gets a little itchy but thats about it. You can't see the wound cause its behind your ear.. the scar really blends in so you can't really see it. Dr.Tseng gives you alot of medication after the surgery.. he also gives you chinese medicine to help with the deswelling process. there is also an ointment that I apply on my nose and ear. I don't know if he is good with eyes, i think you can email him with a picture and ask him even though I heard that it takes at least a week for him to reply.

oh yea, I got my the stitches on nose taken out yesterday(the ones on the outside) and I must say I was very surprised that there was barely any scarring. Just a little bit red thats all, its barely noticeable. I get the stitches on my ear and inside of my nose taken out next week. :yahoo:
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She's away for work i think, she'll be back soon as we can all bombard for with emails and messages :biggrin: Maskd is officially our agony aunt heehee
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SummerSkin could you PLEASE
give us an update on your Toriumi nose????

is there anyone else on the forum who had their noses done by Toriumi??
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