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Dr Park from Ozclinic

I had a tiplasty (by adding ear cartilage) and alarplasty ( no implant ) about 3 years with an Australian doctor, I m not happy with the result, the tip is still fat and round, one of my left base formed obvious scars.

Basically now I want a scar & tip revision, Dr Chuang suggests I need septal cartilage on my tip and also he will do his best to fix the scar

I’m undecided at the moment, if I go to Taiwan I will pick Dr Chuang, Korea Dr Jung.
Attached is my bridge’s pix, you’ll see why I do not need an implant.


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tinatina - your nose doesn't actually look that bad but it might look rounder from the front view. You actually think the same way as me: if I go to Taiwan I will probably choose Dr. Cheung, and if I go to Korea, either Dr.Jung, Dr Park (Dream clinic) or Dr Yang from Jelim.

My feeling is still Dr.Jung though. However, I recently got a reply from the Korean plastic surgery association and they say that Dr.Jung is not a member of that association.

I am still waiting to hear from the other associations.

When are you thinking of going? I remember you mentioned 2008? That's the time I wanna go, but I probably won't have enough $$ until at least April 2008 (for Korea).
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Hi girls

Chanced upon this forum when searching for information on nj. May I ask for Dr Cheung's (taiwan) website, please? Im thinking of getting my nose and eyelids fixed this year or early next. I've read much about Dr Cheung and Dr Jung specialising on nj. Not sure if I should be looking for surgeons for nose and eyes separately? Any advice will be helpful, really. Thanks v much.
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AGREED!!! Some doctors dont even bother replying! lol
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welcome to the thread!

If you want, you can do them separately.. its really up to you.

If you could afford the time (downtime) you could do it together.. if not, you could do your eyes now and leave the nose for later or something.
Then the changes probably wont look so obvious?
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What surgery are you doing? If you are doing nose... I'm thinking it would be good to do before the surgery, if not you'd have to wait like months after to do it, being sure the wound has fully healed and all...

But I guess either before or after is fine...
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yeah it doesnt look that bad like you describe. Now we can only see the nose, if we can see the whole face then it would possibly look smaller since there is something to compare it with.

You do have a high bridge...:smile:

So it left a scar at your ear.. but it didnt change your ear shape or anything right?
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hmm.. I was thinking of getting it before the surgery too.. but if that was the case, I would probably get it in Vancouver (where I live) and that would put a dent in my spending money in TW. so thanks, I think I'll do the microdermabrasion after my nose and eyes are healed. I still need to email Dr.Chaung, but I'm not doing so until I get my camera fixed, that way I can send all the angles of my nose as needed.
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My ear cartilage tissue starts to grow back and it filled in the hole naturally within 3-4 weeks, just put it like this, the younger you are the faster your body tissues will heal.

Plus the wound is at the back ear, even if it doesn’t heal itself fully no one will see it, very minor side effects through, bruising last about 1-2 weeks, small pain when touch last about 1-3 months depends on individual, does not cause any deafness or anything like that.
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I wanna go right now to be honest, I really needed to take a break from everthing, depends on you, when ever you’re ready, just let me know months in advance, I really wanna to go next Easter (2008).

For me Dr Chuang is good enough, I heard the Q for dr Jung can be quite long through.

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So the place where the ear cartilage is taken out grows back eventually? I'm glad to read that because I haven't even been thinking about the after effect on my ears too much lol.

Right now my eyes look pretty normal if I go out but I can still tell they are swollen a bit & I still feel tightness inside my lids when I wake up every morning. I actually like the size of my lids alot, they are medium sized & not too small but just need some tuning & adjustments. :P
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Tinatina - yeah, I really want to do it asap. It's almost like it took me 2 years to decide whether I want to do it or not, and once my mind is made up I can't wait to do it straight away!

But alas $$$ is a factor and I need to be patient until I have enough to do the deed.

Easter 2008 sounds like a good time for me, I'll have some time off due to the Easter holidays and plus I'm hoping to take 2 weeks off. If I take one week off before the Easter holidays start and come back one week after the Easter holidays then hopefully we miss out on peak time air travel prices??

As for Dr. Chuang vs. Dr.Jung, I'm still deciding that...don't rule out Dr.Jung too early though cause if the Q is long that probably indicates he is really good. Plus, since we are not going for a while yet, I'm sure we'll be able to book a spot no probs. I think maskd said that Korea is only $1000 more expensive than Taiwan (because accommodation in Taiwan is really expensive) and therefore, if Dr. Jung is more skilled than Dr. Chuang we should still consider him...

Also, u gotta be extra careful cause this is a revision and these are more tricky than primary.
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