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Hey Sigma thanks for sharing ur pics.

i hate to rain on ur parade but i myself was about to go to dr.lee as well but after i did some research and was able to go beyond the glossy/flashy style of his advertising campaign (promoting on tyra, youtube, etc. etc.) i saw the truth and boy am i glad i did. As of now i know 3 people who went to Lee and all of which are unhappy.

im actually talking to one of his patients on AIM right now he/she said i could share his/her story but only if i keep their anonymity. i will just call my friend "ama" and wont reveal whether ama is a boy or girl , i will refer to my friend as "it" (this is amas request)

im basically paraphrasing what ama said on AIM:

the implant in amas nose was crooked and ama had its alars cut and more flesh was taken out from one side than the other.. there is visible scarring on amas alar from the poorly done excision. ama also had nerve damage from a paranasal implant which was put thru the mouth by dr lee....dr lee put in a paranasal implant which was not only too big but that was crooked as well and my friend ama says that whenever it smiles there is some nerve twitching/damage and also amas face has internal scarring from the poorly placed implant.

personally from my perspective i would not go to Dr.Lee if you want a good nose for the long term. silastic calcifies and overtime it becomes shiny and causes skin thinning which is why when u see some people with their noses done u can automatically tell they have an implant in their nose. silicone is a material of the past,. the only docs who use it now are the ones who want to save money/time becaue its cheap and easy to use due to the fact that it already comes pre-shaped for you, you dont need to do any carving whatsoever.

if you watch his videos on youtube you will see he makes all sorts of logical errors and erroneous comments in order to get patients to give him their money , and i dont liek that.

he claims that he doesnt use goretex because it only comes in one shape. thats bullsh*t. because goretex is pliable and can be formed , shaped, and molded,carved, stacked into a custom implant by the doctor

this takes alot more skill and precision than say ordering a pre-made silicone implant which is exactly what he does.

basically he lies his way around things to make it seem like his choices are the best choices when in actuality they arent

i know a couple asian people who needed revision rhinos....
they went and consulted with him (purely becasue of him marketing his "specialty" in asian surgery) and he flat out told them that he cant help them meaning his skill is limited.

my friend ama told me that dr.lee told it that its nasal tip was at its maximum potential and that it couldnt be anymore defined and ama said that 5 other doctors told ama that lee's comments was basically a lie, not only that they found out that amas septum had collapsed because lee took out too much septal cartilage.

so again i personally would never go to Dr.Lee .
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I can definately see that your nose is higher and more defined now. You look more mature in my opinion now... as compared to before.
Maybe its because of the mature make up and sexy pose! hahahah :yahoo:

Anyway, its good! I'm happy for you!

Ok so Vitamin C daily and one day before the surgery stop! (noted)
Any idea when we can continue the dose of Vitamin C and Vitamin E after surgery?

Did you eat chicken/ spicy/ fried/ fish?

Seafood that would be like crab, prawns, dark colored skin fish right?
These are salt water fish that have toxins and such I heard.
So those clear water fish are ok to eat yeah?

Did you take sinnech?
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OMG.. ama's case sounds really bad. Did she visit the doctor again for giving him a chance to make revisions whatsoever?
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Wow! thanks for sharing!!!

Is silicone always bad?? I thought it was a matter of aesthetic/ surgical choice between silicone and gortex. I'm confused!!
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Silicon isn't bad since all implants have negatives & positives. You have to do your own research & find which one you prefer & have some consultations with a few doctors to get their opinion as well. Also you can do email consultations & they can give you an idea of what you should need.

Silicon does not mould to your nose like Goretex does but it is easier to take out. Goretex can be taken out later as well but needs a more experienced surgeon to do it but it's not impossible like people make it out to be. Silicon can also calcify & deteriorate if you look at Dr. Jung's website and look at all his silicon stories & pictures. Goretex hasn't been around that long like silicon but so far it seems like a safe method of nasal implant but who knows 30 years down the line.

Remember, with any cosmetic surgery it is not meant to be forever even though doctors claim it is for a lifetime. Nothing is really permanent & when you get older you might need a revision. Just some things to remember when you get surgery. :idea:
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artificial material inserted in ur body (regardless of whether its silicone or goretex) is undoubtedly "Bad" it just depends on how well your body can tolerate the "badness"

silicone calcifies and hardens over time. also like i said it causes skin thinning..which is why over time if you look at some people who had silicone implants in their nose from a long time ago its very obvious after swelling is gone and skin thins from the implant. it looks like someone shoved a stick in their nose

its true that silicone is easier to remove than goretex though because goretex is porous and allows tissue ingrowth which silicone does not. but why would u want a silicone implant if u have to remove it later down the line anyway?

silicone can also cause skin contraction over time which results in a pig nose

i wouldnt get goretex in my body either as u indicated its a relatively new material and we dont know the real long term effects of it yet. if u do a search on rhinoplasty4you.com message board u will see that there area lot of goretex horror stories. Google "elaine canadian rhinoplasty" and it wil take u to her message board, she also had a bad encounter with goretex and had to get revised with rib.

i dont think that its a coincidence that hte most skilled docs say that rib is the best material to use (thus far) but its also the hardest to get right due to the nature of the graft and also precision necessary for carving.
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Hey CollegeDude,

I was thinking rib was the safest option because its your own stuff and all but what put me off that I asked the guy from nose.com.kr website and he said he can used 'donated rib'... this is someone elses rib and that can reject just as easily as artificial stuff right? I guess rib is safer if its 'yours' but like everyone says nothing is 100% safe... dammit why didnt god just give me a better nose?!!
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You can check with nini... I remember she's going in 2008 but forgot when.

There might be others too..

Are you going that time for sure? Its going to be hot right?
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I might be going to see Dr. Chuang in those suggested months fushiacotton. I might also have to go back to china to commemorate 1 year passing on of my grandma. Right now, my dad said to leave the month of March 2008 open and so if I do have to go back, I might not be able to go to taiwan. BTW, the hotel suggested on WishClinic website is $1600 - $2400. Is that canadian dollars or taiwan currency? If Canadian...WOW. Another thing, is that Dr. Chuang on the wishclinic web site (with the glasses)?

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Hi, fushiacotton
I am 90% sure going to TW for a nose revision on the middle of Feb 2008. My Doctor is Dr Chang. I am willing to share my experience or pictures (if any one want to see my results) when I come back. Wish me good luck!
If anyone is going to TW around the same time period, please let me know. I am living in NY, Mandarine i:yes:s my primary language and I also speak English.
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I doubt it is gonna be hotter than the temperature in singapore right now. If i can survive this, i can survive taiwan!
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Cant be Canadian dollars. Shld be in Taiwan dollars. I rmb my friend's friends stayed in a nearby hotel. 1 day ard 25-30 Singapore dollars. So shldnt be too expensive. I most prolly will be pushing it to early april instead because of my schedule... and I need to give some time allowances as well :yes:
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