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Wow.. that is cool ...

OMG that so funny too.. because me and kimosa were discussing how the T should fit inside the nose.. and finally.. when I thought I got her idea... now we realise that.. its apparantly NOT what you did... hahahaha

Yeah while I was there in his clinic, I saw alot of magazines with him inside. What is the name of your surgeon?

Its about 3 weeks for me as well.

(where are you residing? Do you mean to send pictures revealing identity.. or... covered up? haha)

Do you feel that your nose is changing shape? hmm what i mean is... I feel that my nose tip is getting rounder as compared to about 1 week earlier.
I dont know if its because my bridge has deswelled more than the tip.. making it look swollen or what?

Also I feel that my nose tip (looking from the front) is growing slanted to the left. I also wonder if this is because one side is deswelling faster than the other, making it look slanted?

Of course I emailed Dr Chuang my pictures and asked him if its ok, he said my nose looks ok and its just the swelling. He said I should see the final result after 3 months.

But what I was thinking.. if its really slanted/ crooked, I could push it back now... but I think thats not a really good idea is it.. hahahah :crybaby:
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WOW.... thanks for the info.. but...
HOW big exactly is the tear trough?

I was thinking is it like the eyebag thing? Some koreans like to implant like an eyebag thing just below the eye (like a smiling eye)....

If not, is it like a fat graft kind of effect on the upper cheek?

Ermmm how old are you by the way?

Hmmm what you say makes sense too.. like getting rid of lines probably wont make you look too different.. but .. I think the doctor should be the best one to imagine that. Like how big the implant... if its with bulk, it sure will make some difference?

I know.. it might be hard to decide what to do. Spend more time talking to Dr when you meet him. Discuss what would be best to do. Also, do you want obvious results or... ??

Like in my case, I wanted to slim my face, heighten nose, double eyelids..
initially he suggested bone shaving.. but the cost of that is "cough cough" so I couldnt do any other procedures.

He then told me that if I do the bone thing it would only appear that I lost weight... so by doing the others.. it would be more "worth" if that is what I am looking for.

I hope you know what I am talking about.. am I blabbering? haha
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Yup.. I agree too. You can do a subtle change..
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hahahahahah when I saw your drawing.. I almost spat out my water which I was drinking... hahahahahha cracks me up!!!!

Ok lets see.....

HEYYyy my blackheads are getting lesser, because I exfoliate my nose nicely!!! heehee optimistic to get those black dots out in time to come!!!!

If you read my previous post, you'd know what I meant when I said I FEEL my nose tip is getting rounder and such...

Yeah I also told the doctor that I dont want a toooo pointy nose. So if its not too pointy, I am fine with it... just that previously it was more pointy and it actually looked good... I was getting used to that. haha

OK......regarding your eye. I think I can answer you.

You can do the Epi surgery, which will lift open your inner corner of your eye. Giving you the effect you want.
When you ask that if you do Rhino, will that give you the same effect... the answer to that is.. it depends on how high you are increasing your nose.
If you are only increasing a bit, the pull wouldnt be enough to give you the lift effect, and thus you could do the Epi with Rhino.

If your height increase on nose is great, (like me) then you will have a free epi job... LOL
BUT... dont go and increase too much height if you dont need it... natural is key. In my case, I had no bridge at all.. so I needed great height to look.... normal.

The picture you showed, the auntie did double eyelid for sure.. and her inner corners of her eye indeed looked more open. But we cant be sure exactly what else she did... she might have done rhino ?
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By the way........ I am sure you have tear ducts...

Because if you dont have tear ducts, you wont be able to cry.. and drop tears... hehe:P
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AWWWWWWWWW that sucks so bad.. I had ALREADY completed replying to your message and pressed "SUBMIT" and it turned out the forum was suddenly undergoing maintanence again.. and I lost the message.
here I am.. retyping again!

16th November is coming really soon!!! WOW.. congrats!!!!

Its recommended that you stay at least 8days. They remove the stitches on the 7th day AFTER surgery.

I'm pretty sure, they cant remove it on the 4th day...
Besides, even if they could.. you should be worried... I mean.. they basically cut your nose open.. and have to give it time for the flesh to stick back together.. 4 days is way too short!! Imagine you start laughing and your nose pops open!!! FREAKY!!!! :wtf:

Anyway, there are people who cant spend 8days.. so they go back to their country to remove the stitches later on.
I'm sure in Japan there would be many good clinics or hospitals to do that for you.

Regarding dejavu hotel, you can either get the nurse from the clinic to book the hotel for you, or you can do it yourself if you prefer.

If you book it online, you have to pay via credit card to confirm the reservation. I think if you go by the nurse way, you can pay when you are there.
The website is http://www.city-hotel.com.tw/bussiness/b4/b4-tw.htm
If you book online, it is SLIGHTLY cheaper...

For eyelash implants, the clinic Maskd went to is REALLY near dejavu hotel. You can walk there.
According to her, she is pleased with her full lashes now.

You do need to trim them regularly, and curl them everyday.. if not, they would look wierd.
Like... (cookie monster??) or is it elmo?:confused1:

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo:
keep us updated then!!

Remember to bring/ buy more Q-tips, bring a small face towel and a zip lock bag ( for keeping ice to use during cold compress)- better yet if you have a gel pack.
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where are you located?
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Hey Mcqueen,

How are your alar scars healing along?:smile:
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There are some of Dr Chuang's work on the female nose, that I personally found too sharp and pointy... (thats why I requested not to have too sharp a nose)

Taken from his website:-
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Hi everyone!, i've been following this forum for the past 6 months, but never registered. I actually had a nose job when I was 16. I got a L shaped implant, and now I need a revision. My nose is not very symetrical anymore, and it has became VERY VERY bulbous.... Anyways, can Dr.Chuang actually change the whole nose? Like you know how michael jackson had a huge "african nose" when he was a teenager? Then after his first nose-job it became like a really really good looking nose? Is it possible for Dr.Chuang to do that? I know about the "asian heritage" thing, where Plastic surgeons like to keep your nose "asian" but my father has a very very slim nose, like the nose of "andy liu" So it would most likely fit my face. Anyways any advice would be appreciated! And Can anyone tell me Dr.Chuang's E-mail? I can't seem to find it anywhere. THANKS
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Tear trough implants are about the size of your thumb. They kind of look crescent shaped and go under your eyes. I have heard that it can get rid of darkness but no, they cannot give you the smiley, Hyori eyes. (I loved to picture Angelzai LOL). Keenose, your right. It's like fat grafting in your upper cheek (like you are smiling...except your are not). :smile:

I decided not to do tear trough though because I don't want to have a lot of implants in my face. Instead I think I will go for fat grafting. I asked Dr. Chuang about it and he has yet to reply about how much it costs, how long I will need to stay in Taipei, and if he even performs the procedure.

So a question for all of you who have gone to Dr. Chuang. How did you pay for your procedure? Cash? Traveler's Check? Credit Card? I don't know much about this international transaction thing and I'm afraid I am going to be mugged with thousands of dollars in my purse and then I will have to sit on the city streets and cry...

Also, anyone know of any hotels cheaper than Deja Vu?

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Did you happen to take some pictures along the months? I would really love to see and check if its what I am going through?
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ahahha I can imagine your confusion... I had the same thoughts then.

Anyway, since princess has explained... now we know.
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Hey want2change,

Good luck there!!!

What are you planning to do?
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