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Oh I havent posted my ORIGINAL frontal pictures. Hmmm ok I'll post them up in abit.. you can check it later.

Haha frankly, I feel the frontal looks ok, normal... but the side profile is good, comparing to my old one.

YOU ARE GOING ALONE!!! wow... wow... so brave.
You do speak Mandarin right?

So have you made up your mind on what you will be doing? How many days will you stay there? Booked the hotels and all?

Note: bring more Q-tips, 1 or 2 small face towel, zip lock bag or those gel packs.
Bring also a sunglass if you can, those plastic rimmed, make sure it doesnt touch your nose.

You dont need to bring anything for the scars.. because they provide a tube of medication for you to apply on the wounds.
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All right, I will post it up in abit. I forgot about it...
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Your front profile looks very natural now & definitely can see a difference from your before photo. Less nostril showing too. Have you been taking pictures everyday? You'll see that you don't really see anything sometimes but when you pull up a picture & then another one a week later, you'll see the slight changes throughout the whole time :yes:
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Yes, when I compare it that way.. its really obvious.

LOL yes.. cant help it but I'm taking pictures almost everyday. Ok .. I'll try to stop.. haha

By the way, Dr Chuang just replied me

I asked him about the hole at my alar.. he said its because it didnt heal properly after the stitches and asked me to use some anti scar cream.. he mentioned merderma.

I wonder if its really effective? Its so expensive.
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I think it's a good idea taking pictures everyday. I know I did & loved to compare the differences.

I used Mederma before & don't know if it helped that much but then again I only used it for like 1-2 months then stopped. It's an expensive cream that's for sure :wtf:
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hahah yeah.. I am practically hogging the camera everday!

you mean that tube of merderma only lasted for 1-2 months for you? Mannnnnnnnnn that is so expensive!!!

Some people say it doesnt work for them, while other swear by it. I wonder if I should give it a try or not? :confused1:
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Noooo I meant that I only used it for 2 months, there is still half a tube left. Also depends on how big the area is but for nose scars it will probably last you a year since it's such a small area ;)
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Oh then why did you stop using it? Couldnt stand the funky smell?
Or was it too itchy?

These were some comments I heard..
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I guess it's because I didn't see results & just quit. Maybe if I kept it up another 2 months I would of seen something but by that point I kept forgetting & stuff so I just quit it altogether. Oh yeah & it did itch sometimes now that you mentioned it but it wasn't that bad :shrugs:
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