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Hey Meowgirl,

The good news is that if you did the non cutting method, the healing time is the fastest.

Give it some more time, when it deswells it will look beautiful.

At 1 week, of course you will look swollen and feel like an alien.
Dont worry, its normal!!!

At my one week, my whole face was bloated like the PUFFER FISH!!!
Not to mention the bruising and all...
It looked like I was some hamster, hiding food inside my cheeks for later usage!

LOL.. so dont worry, its really normal... and just give it more time, patience.. patience.....:yes:

At this phrase you are now, no wonder your mom says you are "taking away her daughter"
BECAUSE..... you are so swollen!!! Thats all..... ;)
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Keenose - I think u should maybe stop using it for at least 1 week. I haven't heard anywhere about the alar bleeding - definitely try and get in touch with Dr.Chuang to find out what's going on. Also, check with him when you can expect your alar hole to be healed completely!

Obviously, I'm not a doctor so this is all just my personal opinion, but at 5 weeks, I think you are entitled to know exactly what is going on and when you can expect to be 'hole-less'.

*keeping fingers crossed for you*

Also, check if the bleeding may have caused any adverse reactions
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Yes, I have emailed him. Hoping he replies fast.

I called up the clinic.. but only managed to speak to the receptionist leh...:sad:

Earlier, when I showed him my alar holes.. he told me that I should use Mederma to PREVENT them becoming permanent scars.

Now that I am using Mederma.. it bleeds..

Yes.. I am getting a little worried here!

I dont know if I'll ever see HOLE-LESS days with my alar anymore.............:crybaby:
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Dr replied me really fast this time!

He told me to stop using Mederma for a week and then use it only for one time per day.

Seems that what he says is almost the same as the receptionist! haha

And also.. something troubling is...

I noticed a black spot at my collumea. I asked him about it and he replied me just now.

He said that its the thread TAIL. He said that they cut off the head but sometimes the tail may be inside the skin.

He actually asked me to take a forcept and pull out the black string.

I am almost fainting here.

I think the black spot is already burried inside the skin though!!!!!!!! OMGGgggggggg.......

First the alar.. now this.. *worried*
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Thanks again girlies, this forum is a god sent to allow us to talk to people who won't judge you or say 'it's your own fault'.

Oh Keenose, the pains of post op.. doesn't sound like you're having much fun either.. to be honest I didnt take that Sinnech thing before my eyelids because of what I read about the bleeding ( I have bad blood - bad circulation stuff ) As everyone is saying time is the main healer.. we have to remain hopeful until then... aiiiii........
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Keenose, is your surgeon local to you.. i mean in the same country to where you live? I hope so, just you can have piece of mind and go back to him if your concerned with stuff? Maybe get him to look at the black spot? Is it buried inside your skin.. or can you still touch it? I suggest you take a photo and show him if you are far away and see if he can do anything for you. Sending you big hugs!
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Well first do what the doctor says & try to pull out the black string. If that doesn't work, you can probably go to a local surgeon & get it removed for a fee if you can't do it ;)
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Keenose, do be careful, I dunno, I'm just not comfortable with the idea of DIY surgery, even if it's something as seemingly simple as pulling out a thread. I mean, it's buried underneath your skin right? What if you pull it out and leave a scar? I really think it might be better to get a professional to look at this, what do you think? Of-course you know your nose best and if it's not painful etc. maybe you can just pull it out. But if it starts hurting, or bleeding etc. then maybe you should stop in case you do some damage.

Hmm...has Dr.Chuang seen the black spot? Have you shown him a photo? Is he sure it's the tail of the thread?
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I am so sorry to see you're going thru this situation with your nose. How are you feeling right now? Just remain calm and if in doubt, I do agree with others to seek the nearest creditable plastic surgeon to help you. Don't wait until its too late. They will not charge you much for it and probably none if the doctor is good and seeing the condition you're in.

Keep us posted.

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HI all!!
i was so excited when i found this forum..:yes:
anyway i was reading the start of this thread (pgs 8 on) and meowgirl! i was so excited to see that you girls were planning a trip to korea! are you from singapore? cos i saw u say smth abt xiaxue so i just assumed :smile:

anyway, have you already went through with your nose job? cos im planning to get rhinoplasty done too and was considering bumrungrad hospital in thailand when someone suggested korea.. im planning to go end of this year and was looking for people to go with!!

if you havent gone, when are u planning to go (to korea that is..)
and if youve already done it, how did it go?? was your doctor good? and how much was the operation?
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Hello guys,

After reading all the previous post and quite a few of you mentioned BK Clinic in Korea with Dr. Kim Byung Gung being a good plastic surgeon. I just wanted to put my two cents into this forum. I had a cheekbone and jaw reduction surgery performed by him not too long ago. I originally wanted to get eyes and nose job. But he also suggested me to get the cheekbone and jaw reduction. Dr. Kim made it sound so convincing that having jaw and cheekbone reduction will give me a smaller face. Also, his consultant advised me to get it. At first, I hesitated because of the cost which is 10,000 USD. Then, I imagined it to make me look prettier and oval shaped face which is ideal. My original face is round with puffy cheeks. I trusted him to give me more of an improved appearance so I went ahead with it. After the surgery and some time for the swelling to go down, I realized that this surgery did not give me a different face shape or anything smaller than I had imagined. When i complained to him, he just said "I can only do so much to make it smaller." This was a total rip off. I spent so much money and endured a week of eating soup to get this result. Also, y'all were right about the post op care. I did not see or hear from him after the surgery. It seem like he doesn't really care about the patient, but more of the money. It was like a transaction to him. "You pay me and I will give you the service" type of thing. This is one of the biggest regret I had ever made in my life because this surgery cost an arm and a leg. It would be different if I see an improvement. So I advised all of y'all if you really want to get a good doctor in Korea, make sure that doctor care about you and give you good honest advice for improvement and not just after your money like Dr. Kim. Now I have to live with this result and in debt.
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