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Yes I agree... its great to have a place to chat about all these.

YUP... talk about healing PAINS....

What? sinnech causes bleeding or something? Is that why I am bleeding?
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No, he is not local. I have to take a flight to reach him!

yes, its not touchable from outside.. its like a HOLE... the thread is inside.

OMG... when I think about this, I really want to faint.
He replied me that if I dont dare to take it out... (which I obviously cant right? Unless I dig into that HOLE.. and with what??? )

He said IF I dont dare.. I can go to my local doctor and ask them to take it out.
Oh my gosh.... it means another sum of money.. not to mention that I cant totally trust another doctor to do it.

I mean... cleaning up the "mess" by another doctor... maybe not all doctors are so kind to do that. So while doing it, who cares if he breaks your wound or something.. if he breaks it, maybe the better for him ! Surgery costs again.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY dont know what to do about this.
Since the thread is INSIDE the hole.... unless I DIG it out..... even if its the doctor, he has to dig it out too isnt it?
Doesnt that mean risking the area's wound OPENING up?
Especially when the area is sooooo small... the amount of pressure it can take is so small.

So what if I DONT remove the thread?
It will be there permanently... and what else can it cause?

At this point of time, I really dont know who to blame.
Is it the NURSE? Who didnt check clearly when removing my stitches?
Is it the doctor who could have made precautionary measures to ensure this doesnt happen?

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I cannot touch the string at all from outside. Unless I DIG into that hole... which is so dangerous as the area is so small.

MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cursing:
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Yes, I agree with you Gossomer.

I do not like the idea of him asking me to remove it out myself. Its not even a disolvable stitch. Its the black stitch which the nurse was SUPPOSED to remove on the 7th day!

So I am wondering... is it common to go through this? Does everybody has a thread tail inside their collumea?
Or is it their neglegence?

IF it was jutting out.. I would probably try pulling it out IF I could.. but its not.

And the idea of after paying so much... and still have to lay my nose in ANOTHER doctor's hands... whom as I mentioned earlier... might not like the idea of cleaning up another doctor's work.

When I get my camera back, I will take a close up picture and show it to him.

Originally, I thought it was just a blood clump or something.
Since on ONE of my eyelid, there is a blackish clot. I assume to be blood clump.

BUT I think.. I will take a picture of the eye too.. and show it to him.

God forbides.. to be another THREAD.........
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At this point of time, I cannot afford to go back to Taiwan.

But imagine if I only go back a year later, doesnt it mean he probably has to cut me up to take out the dammed thread?
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I'm feeling.....quite busted.

It just gives me the feeling of neglegence in this thread case... why didnt they check throughly? PLUS..its NOT hidden.. its clearly seen from below.

I dont think there will be any doctors who will remove this for me FREE.. there are no free things in this world.. not that I have seen.:crybaby:
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Hey prettygal,

Sorry to hear about that.

Its well known about the BK clinic's service..

How long has it been since you went for the surgery?

Also, would you care to give some details into the healing and recovery stage? I believe quite a few of us would love to hear from someone who has gone through bone shaving.

We are possibly keen in this procedure too. :tup:
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keenose! I wish i was there with you so we come all cuddle and give each other comfort!! Ok OK, dont panic... your surgery just 'assumes' its a thread tail right? you might be right, i could be a clotting of something.. how long has it been there? I know its not the same but, when i have a black head on my nose I think its massive, so i try sneezing it out.. turns out to be a tiny thing.. just dirt.. what I'm saying, it might appear like a thread as its under the skin? is it just a dot or looks like a ingrown thread?

If its really bothering you and making you faint i do advise you see a doctor, you'll feel better.. if worse comes to the worse how much do you think the dr will charge to take it out? the dr might say its nothing and its will go away? What you need girl is peace of mind.. you're worrying yourself sick. I'm just very depressed because I look worse, but from reading your posts you are getting physically sick with worry!! Where's your bf.. tried talking to him about it?! It helps to talk to someone with fresh eyes.
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Hey Meowgirl,

Thank you so much...you are so nice.... I feel slightly better already... hehe :love:

The color doesnt look like its a blackhead because its very dark black.
Its also DEPRESSED inside the skin.. and exactly on the line where the doctor had stitched me up.

Thats why I think its very possible to be a thread also.

When I mentioned it to the doctor, he didnt check for any other possibilities and immediately told me its a thread tail. Thus, I believe he has seen these cases before?

I'm going to give it a little more time.. plus I will take detailed picture for the doctor.
I will post it up for you guys to see also.

I'm trying not to think too much about it now....:sad:

My bf probably wont know what I am talking about as well...haha
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Hi all,
Sorry for the delayed report, I’ve been recuperating and busy with my work.


9 am for Gal A (Double Eyelid cum Magic Epi)
10 am for Gal L (Rhinoplasty cum Fat Grafting)
11 am for Gal G (Revision Rhinoplasty cum Chin Augmentation)
12 pm Myself (Double Eyelid cum Rhinoplasty)
1 pm Gal K (Revision Double Eyelid cum Fat Grafting)

Gal A & Gal L surgery time was one hour after each another so they headed to BK Clinic very early in the morning about 8:30am.
As for the rest of us, we there about 10:30am.

When we were there, Gal G went in to get ready for her surgery. For me & Gal K, our surgery was 1hour after another so I went to check on Gal A to see if her surgery was done and I found out that the surgery actually started at 10am.
Around 11am, a nurse escorted Gal A out of the surgery room to recovery room. I and Gal K went in to see her, she was still sober with her cold pack on her eyes. I asked her how she was feeling and she said she was ok throughout the surgery, except when Dr Kim was doing her Magic Epi along the lower cilia of her eyes she felt it but the pain was still bearable. I tried to comfort her, and also I help her to take a few pictures of her eyes after the surgery.
Here is the crop picture of Gal A after surgery : [​IMG]

Gal L was escort out by the nurse from the surgery room to recovery room around noon. Before I can go and see her, we were all called in to Dr Kim room to have our last consultation before going to the surgery room.

Dr Kim gave us a quick explanation about how he is gonna perform the surgery on our face.
When I was in the room with him, he pick up a marker and start drawing on my eyelid and said the he will create my eyelid fold abit higher than my current fold. He also mention that after the surgery my eyelid fold might look very high but it will be more natural in several months time. As for nose, he said he will make my bridge higher and used my ear cartilage to make my tip sharper.
This is what Dr Kim drew on my eyelid : [​IMG] And with my eyes open : [​IMG]

Right after 3 of us came out his room, Gal G went in to the surgery room and I went to see Gal A & L because they are in the same room. And Gal A wanted to go down for a puff so I accompany her down to the clinic and also I had my last puff of cigarette before my surgery.


When I came up, immediately I was called in to the surgery room……
As I was lead to a surgery bed, the nurse just asked me to lie down without me changing any of my clothes and they start to tie my hands on both side. I was laid on the very right side of the surgery room, and I could see another partition up on my left side of the surgery room behind which I thought Gal G was lying. I could hear Dr Kim’s voice speaking in Korean instructing nurses.
And one of the nurses started using a pair of scissors to cut my nostril hair, and the other one trying to put IV drip. After that they shift my head to the left and the put the green surgery cloth with a hole that fit into my face and right ear. And they started cleaning my face and back of my ear. At that moment I start to become scared…and I was thinking how come I’m still awake???
One moment I saw Dr Kim walking through the wards. I was relieved and I called out “Dr Kim…” and he didn’t respond and looked very serious. I fell asleep.
During the surgery, I didn’t feel pain and it was just like dreaming, at one moment I heard Dr. Kim talking to me in mandarin, “Open your eyes….Close your eye” a few times.
When I open my eyes, I was still in the surgery room and soon a nurse escort me out to the recovery room.
At that time I was still not sober…..and I could remember I kept asking my boyfriend to pass me a mirror! OMG…when I saw myself in the mirror at that moment, Tape on my eyes, Tape on my nose and my whole right ear was wrapped up! Aiyoh…really don’t know how to describe lah! But also relief that is all over…
This is how I look after surgeries : [​IMG]

After a while, my boyfriend and Gal A came to me telling me to eat some “Gimbap”. I told her I felt terrible and she said she also got the same feeling after surgery but after eating some food she feels better now, so I tried to swallow down some “Gimbap” and water than I fall asleep again.


While I’m still resting in the recovery room, my boyfriend was around helping the other gals to prepare our medicine and arranging taxi for us to go back.
Gal A & K went back together in a taxi before us cos Me and the other 2 gals still felt very groggy so we rested there for a couple more hours till 4pm.
When we were in the taxi, all I remember is on our journey back was so long and I also vomited out the “Gimbap” in the taxi.
When we came back to my room, all I know was I slept again.


At around 8pm, all of us couldn’t go out and eat, so my boyfriend when out to order back and few of us had our dinner in my room.
After dinner, we are more sober and we start chatting about the surgery for a while and not long later they return back to their room to rest early cos we need to go back to the clinic for cleaning our surgery wound next morning.

As for Gal N, when she returned from her shopping that nite, she knock on Gal K & L room to check out their surgery outcome and she said she wanted to follow us to BK clinic and see Dr Kim again next day.
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6 of us gals including Gal N went to the clinic at 9am and 5 of us who had our surgeries went into a room one by one to have our stitches removed and wounds cleaned up.
Those who had eyelid surgery, the nurses applied ointment on our stitched wounds and the stitches begin cover up by sterile guss & tape.
As for nose, the nurses used some medicated small cotton ball and stuff into our nostril to clean and then they apply ointment inside the stitches in the nostril.
After the cleaning up, Dr Kim came to check on our stitch wounds and he even send us out to the elevator. And we took a picture with him. This time, he gave us a big smile.
:biggrin:Check out his smile : [​IMG]

While we were cleaned up and patched up, Gal N was brought to a consultation room with a Mandarin speaking consultant to discuss what she wants for her breast. After finished her consultation with the consultant she was brought to Dr Kim room for final consultation.
Finally she could make up her mind on she wants for her surgery, and she was brought in to surgery room for preparation.
Gal N went for an Areola Reduction and Cleavage Lipo to remove foreign martial which she injected many years back in Singapore.

As Gal N went in for the surgery, the rest of us went to Dongdaemun for Shopping. At about 3pm I went back to BK clinic to bring Gal N back. And she seemed ok, no sigh of dizziness. And in the evening, to my surprise, she went out to meet other gals who are still shopping at Dongdaemun.


From the day 4 to day 6, we really enjoyed Seoul by doing shopping in different areas of Seoul including, Myungdong, Namdaemun, Dongdaemun, Hongdae, Eedae and Itaewon.
And eating wonderful food and café hopping. Cafés there are so romantic, they make you feel like you are Cinderella and fall in love. Yes, there are lots of cute boys, hehe…..And also cute girls, mm….
Some of us went to Lotte World for joy rides, some of us, Christians, went to a world largest gospel church to attend Sunday service. And some of us took cable car to top of Namsan Mountain (which is right behind where we stayed) and enjoy beautiful pastel color of Autumn Mountain and the view of downtown Seoul.
And even some found time to tour old palace.
We had so much to buy, when we came back, most of us had luggages over the weight limit. But some how we were lucky not to pay any extra surcharges.


After 6 days of recovering and enjoying, we went back to the clinic.
Myself, Gal A & Gal K, we all had our eyelid stitches removed but for Gal A & Gal K who had Magic Epi needed to come back the next day to have theirs stitch removed.

And for the rest who had nose surgery including me just got our nostril cleaned up again and will need to come back the next day to remove the tape. Same goes to the gal who did her surgery on her breast.

DAY 8 ~ Our 7th Day After Surgeries, Back to BK CLINIC for Our Last Review With Dr Kim Before Returning Back To Singapore

All of us were lead to the surgery room:
Gal A & K got their Epi stitches removed.
Gal G got her chin augmentation stitches were removed from inside her mouth.
For nose surgery stitches inside the nostril, it is self dissolvable, we all got it cleaned again only.
For our stitches behind our ear. It only can be remove 10days after surgery so we only can do it when we are back in Singapore.
Same goes to Gal N who did her surgery on her breast.

Dr Kim came in to the surgery room and check on us one by one and then he left the room.

On that day, I & my boyfriend had a dinner with Dr Kim and he sends us back to where we stay. And he came in to say hello to the gals, which surprised them. They were happy to see him and asked him this and that about their surgeries. After he stayed there for half an hour, he went back around 11pm.


We went to the Inchon Airport around 9am to come back to Singapore.
Our surgeries were successful. And also importantly, all the gals enjoyed our trip and our companionship. All truly fell in love with Seoul and wants to go back there to have more fun together in future.
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I am attaching my before and after photo as of the 8th Day.

Before Surgery Frontal : [​IMG] Lateral : [​IMG]
2nd Day After Surgery : [​IMG]
3rd Day After Surgery : [​IMG]
4th Day After Surgery Frontal : [​IMG] Lateral : [​IMG]
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