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Coscrasy and Aussie_nose, thank you so much for your replys. I really thought that there is difference between asian and other countries nose sergeons` skills. But it must depend on proffesionalism of particular doctor, not country... I am going to do some research on it, the problem is that I dont know Japanese :smile: anyway will try. I live in osaka, but think it is better to do rhyno is Tokyo, may be the serguons are bettere there. here in Japan I was surprised how many people have noses with implants! I guess about 30 % of whole population, especially young population. And their noses look quite good. But some times you can see too thin tips, looks not very nice.. I heard many Japanese go to Korea to do it, since it is cheaper there. They also do blepheroplastic, but often their eyes look so unnaturally big...
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Hey Keenose,

I just received Dr. Chuang's e-mail and he suggested a medpor implant in this e-mail. I think because he is so swamped with e-mails, he can't keep up with what everyone looks like. I asked him if he screws it in, so I'll let you know what he says.

He also quoted me a price but it doesn't include a discount. Is a discount not applied for having only 2 procedures together?

I would like a complete transformation as well but I'm terrified that it will be a transformation from hell.

Did any of you guys wire money to Dr. Chuang and know if he charges a few? I'm afraid of bringing that much cash with me overseas.
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Hey Keenose,
Dr. Chuang as well as some ps here said they can be removed by tear trough implant. They are these crescent shaped implants that go below your eye (under the apple of your cheeks).

I actually didn't even notice mind until a ps pointed them out to me and now they are all I see (ha). In pictures you can't really tell but in certain lights, it's pretty obvious. I heard it's because it's two different types of skin. Like the skin below your eyes is really thin and the skin on your cheek is thicker so the line is just a division of those two types of skin. If I smile, they are not that noticable and that's what a tear trough implant does (gives your cheeks that smiling look). I also heard that radiasse (the collagen filler) could help so I might try that first. I have heard bad things about the tear trough implants shifting and messing with the eyes.

I've had them since I was a child too but I think they are getting worse as I get older. I'm not sure though. I might be imagining it. ;)
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I will tell you the truth on this. For tip refinement, Asian noses are just not made for it. Our nose cartilage is not very rigid, and our ear cartilage is very soft... The only choice that is really rigid for the tip is a bit overly rigid and that is rib. And, then Asian skin is thicker... which masks surgeon's errors but also masks refinements.

Oftentimes, if the doctor is honest, the doctor will tell you if that is the only thing you want to change... that it will be SO subtle that it won't make a difference even to yourself.

I've done a lot of research and looked at LOTS of before and after pictures about this.

it is MUCH harder to do tip refinement on an Asian than it is for a white person.

Send a picture in to some doctors and tell them you only want tip refinement. And, ask them if you will see a big difference. Chances are if they are honest, they will tell you no.
OR, you can go to a super expensive doctor like Toriumi... but I feel his noses sometimes are too different and somewhat foreign looking on the face. This is MY opinion. don't be offended, please.
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I don't know much about this...
But, wouldn't a fat transfer be more natural for this "tear trough?"

I think it's getting more visible because as we age, we lose facial fat... which is one thing that keeps us looking young :sad:
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Hey Maskd,

Unfortunately, the doctors have said that fat injections aren't successful for those lines because the injection site often becomes bumpy. You're right, we do lose facial fat and our lines also get deeper as we age. *sigh*

Btw, I love your nose. It's perfect.
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Is Dr. Chuang good with double eyelid surgery and epi? I'm getting that done with him, but he told me there'd be a temporary scar for the epi (3 - 6 months)? I thought you girls were saying that he does 'magic epi.'

I'm confused. :sad: I don't want to have a distinct scar on my eyelids for months. :S
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You are seriously thinking about jaw shaving keenose?

Cause from about a year ago i noticed that my right jaw was getting bigger and wider and I was very puzzled as to why, until I emailed Dr chuang recently and asked him about it and he said i probably had malocclusion (misalignment of upper and lower jaw). I looked up more detailed info about it and realized why I've been clenching and grinding my teeth, and experiencing toothaches for the past 2 years! All my dentist has been doing is tell me try not to clench or grind etc and he just continued to put fillings in the chips i'd created from my crossbite and grinding instead of referring me to an orthodontist to try to fix the problem! Im not sure if the asymmetry has become permanent or not. Dr Chuang said he can correct it with the mandible reduction procedure (I guess he will try to shave my right side till it matches my left side), but I will still have to get this malocclusion sorted out I guess if I dont want the problem to return.

So, I'm considering the jaw procedure as well, but the whole procedure is very daunting, and I hear the recovery process is very hard and long. I've also heard about the skin sagging around the jaw afterwards. I am going to have a discussion with my new dentist and see what needs to be done about my malocclusion first before anything else. I think I might need braces! Oh no! :yucky:
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I've been considering getting my revision in Japan cause I think they are more skilled in refining the tip than anywhere else in asia. I'd love to go to Dr Toriumi but I cant fly back and forth to the US as its too far and expensive. I've been considering Dr Chuang since he's been mentioned so much on this forum and his prices are quite conservative but Im not sure about his level of skill with tip work and especially with revisions. I've seen some work of a Dr Fukuta in Tokyo and I feel he is very skilled with tip work. I agree that Japanese surgeons do tend to make the noses more sharper and higher, and the double eyelids very big and unnatural sometimes, but that is probably the trend in Japan. Im sure the surgeon will cater to your wants. Japanese surgeons are very expensive as well, but i really want this to be my last rhino so I cant let cost be a factor, only the surgeons skill. Its going to kill me financially if i decide to go to a reputable doc in japan though..:sad:
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Hi coscrazy,

I'm not a medical doctor or anything, but IMO the difference in size between the two sides is due not to differences in bone, but rather to muscle mass/bite misalignment. Bone won't really grow any more after a certain age unless it's injured, but muscle shrinks and expands with neglect/use. Most likely you're grinding one side more than the other (this caused by misalignment of the jaw), causing the muscle on one side of the jaw to grow larger than the other, which means that dental work and botox might help you more than unilateral jaw shaving. However, Dr.Chuang would know much more than me so keep in mind this is just my 2 cents.

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Hi Saltanat,

Do you have any idea of who in particular are the best rhino surgeons in Tokyo? Especially, does Dr. Fukuta at Verite Clinic Ginza have a very good reputation among Japanese?
I was on vacation in Japan once last year, and noticed that there are ALOT of young people with very defined noses.... is it really true that about 30% of them have had rhino (very high number and hard to believe), or is that your impression only?

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Please do...I can't decide whether it would be better to have screws in your face or risk letting it move? :wtf:

I'm also unsure about discounts...Dr. Chuang and I havent' really spoken so much about price. I'm planning on asking him when i've sort everything else out (ie. which procedures I am actually doing in teh first place!)..

Ideally, i would like to wire the money over to him as well...That way you don't have to worry about declaring it at customs (well, for Australians anyway). You also don't have to worry about expensive credit card rates or carrying huge wads of cash...never a good idea!

Has he given you any idea of how long you'll need to stay in Taiwan? Just that apparently its quite expensive to find accommodation compared to other asian cities (ie. Thailand, which is dirt cheap i'm discovering).
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For the magic epi, you get these TINY little bumps come up and then they disappear after a week or two. This happens for about 3-4 months and then, you're scarless.

Don't worry, the tiny bumps are not noticeable at all... The most that I got were two tiny ones at one time.
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