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Hey Beauty07

I think I might have found Dr Chang's website. I am not a hundred percent sure, but I think he is the man. I walked past his clinic on one of my city explorations. His clinic is just a few blocks down from Dr Jong's on the opposite side of the road, if my memory serves me right. There is an electronic flash board ad, that's why I know where it is located. He was mentioned to me by the hairdresser I went to next to Deja Vu for a wash and blow dry. According to him, this Dr Chang is the one that many Taiwanese celebrities go to.

Do you read/speak any Chinese/Mandarin?

In case you don't, here is the link to their contact form website http://www.artists.com.tw/contact.aspx. If you need help with translation, let me know :smile:

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Hi AbFabCat,

Thanks for replying! Fancy that you are really fast!

Nope, I didn't get my double eyelids and epi done by Dr. Chuang. I did it in Singapore. Yea.. I think that a positive set of mind together with realistic expectations is very important for post-op, the recovery tends to be going at a much faster rate! I went for a night-out with my girlfriends, just in my seventh day post-op! With loads of eye make-up of cause!

However, on a side note, I still do have a tiny epi scar on my right eye and have injected steriods 2 months post-op.:sad: I just hope that it will fade with time... for now, I will still have to rely on my faithful concealer. Haha:shame:

I am planning to do alarplasty and tiplasty with Dr. Chuang.

AbFabCat, can you please tell me how long does the lids take to de-swell after eyelash implants? I saw the before and after pics in LR Clinic website, and saw that in one of the after pics, whereby there's tiny red dots on the eyelids. Is that the initial stage? When can we apply eye liner to cover it?

Thanks heaps, you are a wonderful help!
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I had my whole fold removed. If you want it a certain way, make sure to tell your doctor that too. Otherwise they might leave a little fold when you didn't want any there :Push:
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I don't think any of us mind you posting pictures of your lashes here ;)

I didn't make a complaint because the guy there was really nice & the problem wasn't too out of hand. Next time I know better now lol. This was when I went in December & yes so far I am happy with my results but I really have to wait a few more months for my swelling to go down to really tell :P
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abfabcat, thanks so much for the links!!!

So you're saying out of these three drs, dr chang is most known to do great work or have u heard good things about all three doctors? Which clinic is he from and Are all these three surgeons from taiwan?

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ok... there are way too many questions. Some of which are already answered throughout this thread.


Congrats! :smile:
yea... I know... aren't Dr. Jong's nurses SO sweet. They're are some of the kindest endearing nurses ever. haha. And, you know Dr. Jong is kind of demanding. He's real serious about getting all 50 strands into each eye even though you can't bear it... lol

Ok... when abfabcat says that the eyelash implants is the scariest, she's not kidding. My first procedure ever was double eyelid at a place where they DID NOT give me anesthetia... (it turned out beautiful however) and that was easier than doing the eyelash thing. With eyelashes, it is so close to your eyeball AND they have to tug a little at the end to secure it. EACH strand...
lol... abfabcat and I know the scariness... lol

Anyway, my lashes are doing great. It's not difficult to curl. Also, there's not much you can do to increase the number of successful implants. You just have to be careful not to sleep on your face or rub your eyes.
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That is just too funny about the pastry dessert. What a chain reaction that is with you giving that gift to Dr. Jong and eventually ended up in my tummy :smile:. I love sweets :biggrin: and just don't get me started with this topic as I can go on and on with the sweets I had accumulated in the fridge at Deja Vu hotel.

Oh I had calf surgery with Dr. Jong. He's a perfectionist I tell ya and not to say the least, family-oriented and so nice. Its too funny during my surgery with his team because they turned on the radio and the artist group "maroon 5" was singing "Makes me wonders" and so because I was scarce out of my wit, I started singing with the radio and he was wondering what I was doing. You got to remember that I was not put under general anesthetic and so i was wide awaken during the operation. The way I was numb was a shot of in my spine behind my back to numb the waist down. (What a scary site this is to have a calf surgery).

With that said the surgery was painless but the pain that came with it was really bad afterwards. You will definitely be in bed for 2 nights at least. Every time they change the dressing on my legs, I was shot with painkiller to calm me down. It also made me sleepy for some reason. The first time he tries to change the dressing for me without the painkiller shot, I was crying so hard because it is so "darn" hurt. Even while resting/sleeping its hurts like no tomorrow. I really recommend anyone considering calf reduction surgery to think twice because it really hurts :sad: No wonder Dr. Jong kept asking me if I have any questions at all about the surgery before I had it. I have taken some good beating in my youth but never had I experience anything as painful as this kind of surgical operation. I use to think toothache was the worst because it affects the nerve in your head but the pain from the calf surgery are equally painful.

So ladies/girls please think TWICE.
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I pretty sure that Deja Vu have a common microwave in the kitchen area somewhere. I brought food back twice and twice the counter clerk offers to heat it up for me. I hate to fight with him and so I just let him help me. You will have no problem if you need your food / hotpack to get warm up.

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What a legend!! Thank you so much for all of this priceless info!!

Just wondering, do you know how strict they are in Taiwan about bringing food into the country? I was thinking about packing a few microwavable canned soups and such (because i doubt I will feel much like chewing food after my nose surgery).

I know in Australia our customs officers are really really strict about food being bought into the country and they have huge fines if you even try...

What about dried fruit?? I was thinking that I might be able to save a bit of money if i pack some little snacks and things into my suitcase to take over with me..of course, I would not want to be sent home at the airport if it is illegal to do so!!!

One more thing - are there any restrictions on the types of medicines you can import into Taiwan? I would probably be bringing the pill, headache medicine and some vitamins...However, say for example I bought over some Valium etc (to calm my nerves before the surgery) would i be able to import that into Taiwan??

I know these questions may sound a little odd, and believe me I am no wannabe drug dealer or anythign lol.:wtf:..I just don't want to get into trouble for importing anything illegal!! I know that in some countries (like Dubai) codeine is illegal...so you can't take some brands of headache medication into Dubai!!!

Does anyone have any advice??
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A true Aussie, indeed AbFabCat...Thank you for looking out for your fellow country-woman :tup:

Have you every considered a career as a travel consultant?!! Coz you have it down!

I couldn't have asked for a better explanation... I have been having so many problems finding info on Taiwan here in Oz... I've been to Flight Centre, STA Travel, Student Flights etc etc and not one of them even has a brochure with any info on the country!! All of them just keep telling me to do a Google search (!>!!)

Just wondering which Airline you flew with to get there? I have been quoted a really cheap package with Thai Airways...They fly Brisbane-Thailand-Taiwan and back. You can stay a few days in Thailand on the way if you want to....

Also, what were the luggage weight restrictions with your Airline?? I know for flights to Europe most airlines say 20kg, but you can get on with up to 32kg (i know because i tried...hahaha).

A slightly more random question...did your boyfriend find that he was 'the odd one out' in Taiwan being caucasian? Did he receive different/special treatment or people trying to rip him off?

Also, did you have to pay to use the communal washing machine/dryer at Deja vu?

I really want to thank you again for all your information...Money can't buy...literally!! :yahoo:
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Very good point about the bug spray!! I totally didn't think about that...would not want anything that's going to make me sneeze! (or get in my nose?!).

If i can find a small enough one, i might pack one of those battery-operated bug-zapper lamps instead... hahaha
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Hey, when are you two girls going next month? I'm going to be in Taiwan from the 17th to the 23rd or 24th of February.

If any of you are going around that time, we could split hotel room costs!

I'm going to Dr. Chuang by the way.
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