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I believe that the nose was 6,900 if you were to do it alone. But since i had multiple procedures he gave me a discount, it is actually a pretty big discount if you do all three thats why I did all three (I was just going to do the nose and eyes). Well during consultation he examined me "longer" and he recommended using goretex, I was surprise as well because he is such an advocate of silicon, but I think it's on a case by case basis. On the day of the surgery he told me he would use silicon because I showed him a picture of what i thought was a nice bridge/height because it would give more definition. By then i was set with goretex in my head so I told him initally he said goretex and he said that he could probably do it, but if he couldn't he would switch to silicon with my permission. He said that there was a 90% chance I would get goretex and get about the same definision/height. I asked him if it was difficult for him to remove the goretex and he said that "its not as difficult" for him to remove in case it is needed. So i as a result i got goretex, I made sure thats what I got I called the office, and initally she said "silicon" because "thats what he usually uses" and she checked my chart and said "oh im sorry but you r right it is goretex."

If he uses silicon he would use an "I" shape with your own cartilage to build the tip.

I will post tomorrow how it goes, I get rid of the cast tomorrow! and those stiches from my eyes (which have been bothering me!! just because it feels uncomfortable) If you have any other questions feel free to ask!
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Lol at looking like a grandpa i totally know what you mean... he actually recommended the goretex during consultation. Never said a thing a about silicone during the consultation. But the day of the surgery I showed him a picture of my "ideal" bridge and he said that he was going to use silicone, better height and definition. But I went against that and asked for goretex because for a month and a half I knew I was getting goretex. But he did say, with my permission, if he could use silicon is he did not feel I would get a satisfactory result. But he was 90% sure he could use goretex on me. He did not like that goretex only came in one size.

After day 2 I was so sure I made a mistake of getting a chin implant. Just because with the other procedues I looked like I was going to pop due to the swelling.
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Dear All,

I've consulted Dr Chuang and he suggest me to take the following procedures. Can anyone assist in helping me to know what's exactly all these procedures are? I'm very blur and it feels soo complicated ..I'm little out of space already.

1. Tiplasty with septal cartilage graft: to make the tip more defined
2. Tip defatting procedure: to make a smaller tip
3. Alarplasty with nostral reduction: to fix the flare alas/nostrils.

What's the pros & cons for having these procedures? Would it last for my whole life?Any side effect?
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Hi there glad that it went well for you:smile:

Anyway like to ask, any idea the appointment procedure with Dr. Toriumi?

so lets say i want to book now, when is the soonest?

As for the rib cartilage, does it leave a big scar?

where did you stay in your visit and roughly how long must one stay in chigago?

thank you
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Ok guys anyone can tell me how to to conatct Dr Jung?

Another quick question is can someone jus breifly state the names and WEBlinks of the various top Surgeons for the various Countries?

More than one names/country is more than welcome


KOREA: Dr Jung,...http://www.nose.co.kr/

USA: Dr Torumi...

Taiwan: DR?


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I am extremely unhappy wit the resultss, not because he did a bad job, but I look caucasion. Not really asian anymore! Honestly mostp people would love this result, but I will be going back to get them removed, my nose implant and chin. Luckily, with asian rhinoplasty you can "remove" the augmentation.
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It has only been 5 days since my surgery and I had recieved a GORETEX implant so I will try to get them removed as soon as I can. I guess im having more of an identity crisis than anything. He did a good job, nothing to take from the PS. This is all my decision. When he took out the splint, I couldn't believe that was me. I looked eurasion-WHITE! OMG OMG, I know that I can't refix my eyes, but I know with the implant it will look more asian and the chin as well.

PLEASE DON'T LET ME GET YOU SCARED from getting PS. I realized, it is not for me. Like I said, luckily I just had an insertion of the implant and little top work (the tip looks like my old). I just had it done five days ago, I had goretex, do you think removing as soon as I can will bring me back to my old nose?
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Sorry if im annoying you guys with questions lol
but to mkyru and rynj
I was wondering if Dr. Lee did a good job with your bridges and if you guys like them. Does it look obvious you had a nose job b/c my parents own a vietnamese restaurant so we have lots of asian customers with boob jobs and nose jobs that come in and you can tell that they have had nose jobs b/c the bridges are very prominent & sometimes thin. they are not bad nose jobs but you can just tell, i guess they have that thin popsicle look,& i really dont want that obvious look so im just wondering do you see that in your noses?

ps sorry to hear your taking out your implants so soon :sad: but as long as your happy with :smile:
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I really think you should wait at least 6 weeks. TRUST ME, it's the swelling that is making your nose bridge look too high. The swelling went down around the 5-6 week mark for me. I was so depressed when the splint came off at around day 5. I thought I had made a mistake getting plastic surgery and that I ruined a perfectly good-looking face. I thought my bridge was too high, especially between my eyes. Once the swelling from the implants subsides, you will start to look like yourself again, better even. When my friend saw me 10 days post-op, he told me that I didn't look asian anymore. He said I looked white. Then I saw him 3 weeks later and he said that no would be able to tell if I had any work done.

You will be fine. You are only at day 5! Noses take 6+ months to heal and for the final results to show. Dr Lee and his staff told me that in about 4 - 6 weeks, I will look normal again like I never had any work done. They said starting from about 2 months - 6 months, I would start to see the final results. So in the meantime, try not to obsess in the mirror. Wear a hat in public like I did and use Cold compresses then later switch to warm compresses to help speed up healing.

I'm close to 11 weeks post-op now and I really like the results. I get so much positive attention, lot's of smiles from strangers. Just be patient, you will also reach this point. Plus, I don't think it's good for your body to put yourself through another surgery so soon.
Also, I think with Goretex, you can have it removed within a years time without any problems.
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