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hi yoonie!

thank you so much for the insight on your surgery--- and big thank you to everyone else so generous with their experiences. im planning on nose surgery this november and in addition to the cosmetic agenda, i'd really like to breath better. i swear i sometimes feel like my nasal passage is so small, i constantly breath through my mouth to feel like im getting enough oxygen.

yoonie-- did you request for dr. jung to help your breathing prior to surgery or was that something he noticed during surgery and just fixed? cant wait to hear from you. =)
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I'm planning going to see Dr. Jung on Nov. We can buddy up if things go as plan. My husband wants to go with me, but I want to go alone since he's against it :sad::sad:. I told him that I'd travel to visit my relatives for a month. However, he wants to join me for at least 2 weeks because he has to get back to work. Arrghh....I am trying to get away from him for a month. I know I sound pretty bad, but my nose doesn't look good and I want to fix it. It won't happen if I tell him what I plan to do :sad::sad:
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Hi there,

I really appreciate you providing so much information of clinics in Seoul:tup: Have you checked out Dr. Park in OZ clinic? I've heard good commets about him and have been emailed back and forth with him. He seems very professional and patient.

Anyway, if you are still in Seoul, OZ clinic is worth to check out.
Hope to read more stuff from you soon!

Good day:smile:


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Anybody want to go to Korea around the Thanksgiving holidays? We can join to split cost because I know I would just be staying in the room to rest up :smile:
Let me know if you are.... we can plan a trip together! Sorry for the multiple posts. I was answering others before specifically, but wanted to followup with an open invite:smile:
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For girls experiencing excessive roundness in the face
not that i consider y'all dumb or nuthin' but some out there might not be aware..
that this wide/round face problem some of us have including myself can be attributed to underlying health problems.Most of the time they are not major like food intolerance or in my case to be exact it is water retention. Because of this i actually kept an impressive amount of weight in my legs and face( water stuck in the tissues/bloating).
Treating a potential water retention problem could save you hundreds in lipo!

I was going to actually to get face lipo but i bought this cheap no name bran herbal duiretic and its actually worked for me. My face is slim again now. If youre interested in the details and my story you can always pm me. I dont wanna waste unnecessary time here.
Anyways just wanted to get that out there.
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Hi guys, I saw that a few members had their implants removed. I too want to remove my implants. I had silicone implants 4 years ago, I thought I would grow into it over time, but I could never get used to how it looks. I think it looks too fake and artificial.

I'm wondering if completely removing the implant will be a good idea? Will the my nose be the same as before or will it be even flatter 'cus of the implant? Right now it's not just a cosmetic thing, the implant is really irritating me. I can feel it in my nose and the pressure from the implant is present at all times.

Could anyone with experience please help me?
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Dear Silverlight,

I have the same problems as yours too. The silicone L is so sharp and extrude, people can tell I had something in it. Do u encounter reddish color skin tone sometimes? I do, I had 2 rhino and after my last did N.J. in year 2006, i can't wear my spectacle till now.. I felt the pressure and it's hard in feelings. Doctor says it's inflammation. Need to take it out.

But if u want to remain back to your ori nose, why do u did it at the first place? I don't like my ori nose, that's why i did it..and taking it out also need to undergo an operation, you face also will look puffy and swelling..I would rather to look for a better doctor to get it fixed rather to remain back to my ori nose...
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