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hey pink peppero

i'm also considering going to korea mid january for surgery (jaw reduction and nose). i'm thinking of going to the bk clinic...just wondering which clinic you habe chosen...i also live in toronto, ontario!!!
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i didnt do much preparing but i have been taking vitamin C...and no alcohol of course. i accidentally had seafood on sat i'm not sure if that was another recommendation to stay away from...

im getting mine done in a week and very very anxious!!! but im scared at the same time...

so can anyone tell me if its true that you cant really do much for 10 days?? the nurse said i have to stay home for 10 days...that makes me nervous....like will i really need those 10 days? i want to have a christmas this year tooo! :sad:
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10 days to them and 10 days to us are different. All doctors say 10 days are good for you to be out and about, from a medical professional perspective...that is correct but from our own perspective, it depends on how you feel and what you think you look like. If you are getting the full nose job with the bridge, in 10 days you will still be swollen. If you are only getting tip work done, then it will be hard to notice. Ultimately, the decision is yours.
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some swelling has gone down. my nose is starting to look okay, although i still think that the bridge is too high, and overall it looks big. people have been telling me that i look spanish, mixed, and not asian, which is distburbing. the change on my face is definitely not subtle. several people have told me i look different, although no one said anything about my nose.

i still think i look better before, but my current nose might continue to improve over the next few months so i'll wait. i don't feel as fugly as a few weeks ago (maybe i just got used to having a bigger nose) therefore i'll try to live with it for a few months then re-evalate.

i stll worry about displacement. sometimes my nose looks slanted, but i think my left side is more swollen because that's the side the doctor made the incision to put the implant in. i only saw puffiness/bruising on the left side of my face after replacing the implant. i see more definition on the right side right now, and am waiting for the left side to catch up.

when i get around to taking some new pictures, i'll send you some.
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i didn't want to be seen at all for the first 10 days so i hid out for the most part. i had bandages on, but i still went to the store a few times. for the first 3 days i was nauseated and in pain, so i literally couldn't do much but after that, if you don't mind being seen looking a little weird, you can invite people over and hang out. you'll have to take it easy though.
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It's probably not a big deal. People recommend taking certain vitamins before surgery to maximize your body's healing potential. Vitamin C and Zinc are the 2 main components. You should avoid Vitamin E because it can cause more bleeding during the operation.
If you can get a hold of some Arnica pills, you should start taking it 24 hours before surgery and continue with it for another week or 2 after surgery. It just helps with the bruising and swelling.
I ordered my presurgery kit from makemeheal.com and started 2 weeks before my surgery.
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i'm glad you are aware of the seriousness of it, and i am hoping that your surgery will go well! let us know what happens! good luck, van. :smile:
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jas3n, did you have a somewhat high bridge to begin with before getting an osteotomy? i'm a big nervous about having an implant in my nose so i'm just wondering what is the purpose of the osteotomy. which doctor did you go to?

how are you feeling? hope that all you heal well!
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asin, thanks for the tip. i'll try to post more now lol. glad to know that your nose is gone down a bit. i'm pretty sure your final result is gonna be great from the pictures you showed us. btw, does any of your friends or family know that you had surgery? i'm wondering how to or even if i should tell my friends/family when i get surgery...a lot of people say that their surgery is discrete and no one really notices it's their nose, but just something "different" about them.
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ok so now im worried about my mental psyche after i get this surgery...

honestly, i had my eyes done, but i actually did it the day after i got consultation, so i wasn't very prepared for it mentally before hand, but i do know i was quite depressed for a few days after. perhaps bc it was bc I looked retarted?

has anyone experienced any depression afterwards? is this something EVERYONE goes through?

if i do get dpressed, i hope u guys will support me :biggrin:
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First off.. if I were you, I'd be concerned about my surgical results rather than my mental psyche. Depression is something you overcome in a matter of days, but you will have to live with your results forever whether they are good or bad. Do your homework and choose your doctor instinctively, and ride out the rest.
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OMG jas3n, how is it looking? yer i've been filtering thur all this info and going crazy, which clinic did u end up gettin it done at? i remember how u went to quite a few and gave heaps of info on them all. yer i ask coz im planning to get mine done in a few months, and im freaking out!!!
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