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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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i am planning on this trip to visit ID, BK, Migo, and Bano. since i will be staying around apgujong area, i will also be visitng other clinic along the way. i will be doing fat graft as well. but not really sure if is its possible since i had lipo done a year ago. i guess i'll just have to wait and see. if not fat graft, then maybe implant for the paranasal fold which is also an option.
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basically no tie mean that your jaw won't be wire shut after the surgery. traditionally when you're doing 2 jaw surgery, there would wire your jaw shut to hlpe keep the alignment of your new bite in place. but this does present several problem such as difficulty of breathing and oral hygene. no tie allow free movement of your jaw after surgery, so you can open your mouth. although the range will be limited.

hope this help.
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Hi AsiaGem,

Yes, of cos. But I might change my plan to go Mid-Aug, but i hvnt confirm yet. Would you like to join me to share the accomodation and shopping!:roflmfao:
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Ptosis+ epi+ lift epi up + dble eyelid = ~5k SGD
Jewelry has this thing about lifting epi up which i think the procedure should be included when u do epi . But jewelry charge for tat.
Lifting epi Means cutting ur epi horizontally, so ur epi won't be pointing down .
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i've been lurking and now im officially going to korea for v-line or mandible work at the beginning of August. i'll be consulting with ID, bano and Regen and planning to stay nearby so PLEASE MSG ME if you want to buddy up :smile:
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Hi everyone,

I've been reading this thread for weeks now. I am considering a rhinoplasty. It'll be primary for me and my 1st time doing ps. Is there such thing as too much info? I am overwhelmed with it! I plan to do a tip plasty. How do you kno if you wd need a bridge correction as well?

Ppl on this forum seems so friendly and supportive - any advice on tip plasty? Surgeons, etc? If I do it in early Aug, wd the swelling come down by mid Sep? I hv a family wedding to go to. Or shd I wait till after the wedding? Thank you in advance!
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had both mandible reduction and V line done in korea. ID is a great choice of clinic. i did mine V line there and loving the result. good luck... i will be in korea tommorow but will also be making another trip to korea in late august.
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congratulation on your decision to do rhino for the first time. be very careful how you take in those advice and suggestion given to you by different clinics in korea. remember that not every clinic will provide you with the same recommendation. so its important to know exactly what you want to get done and heed only advice that you feel is related to your need. clinic is korea is looking out for their own best interest and not yours. their only objective is to convince you that you need as many procedure as they suggested. stick to your gun and don't alter your plan just because a clinic suggest other wise.

to know if you're a candidate for bridge, you would first need to measure your profile to see if there is any lack. some time if you project your nasal tip too much, the rest of your facial feature tedn to fall behind. so its important to use the Golden ratio to first measure your side profile. if you do it correctly, you should be able to get a prespective of wheather you need to raise your bridge along with having a tip plasty. i didn't know much about measurement until i consulted with Bk for my medial epi and the doctor did all these measurement to my face. it got me interested so i did my own research into it and even got self a PHI caliper to help measure my face. now i know what need to be done when i go for my nose revision surgery as well as my lateral epi.

if you did your tip plasty in august, the major swelling will go down before sept roll in. but you might still experience some mild swelling for atleast a few more months after that. but its only very minor and hardly noticable. everybody heal at a different rate so its hard to say whether you will experience mild swelling or no swelling after 4 weeks. the younger you are, the faster you will recover from it.

hope this help.
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are you there yet? which clinic do u go? and wat u do? eyelid?
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i plan to go to korea this june. but m not sure my time is available or not. if not i will go there in august too...maybe we can go 2gether!! u know i never travel abroad n i don know how to book air ticket and m so intersting wit the air asai price. can u tel me some abt this.keep in touch. my email is [email protected]. thanks
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