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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hopefully everything turn out as planned.
Praying a successful surgeries for you and your friends
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speaking of facebook, maybe shane could add a feature where there is an option to link a new account to a facebook account (check the cozycot forums for an example) so that people can actually sign in using facebook).

and also an option to list your facebook page on your profile page to encourage the social networking aspect of the side
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Surgery Date is coming sooner than expected !

Going to Korea July 26 to August 8 for Rhinoplasty and Breast Implants at BK Dong Yang with Dr Hong.

Wish me luck everyone- very nervous but will update as I go !

Is anyone else in Korea at this time ?

@ Shane77- so im going earlier now but maybe we can meet up post op closer to my departure date ! :smile:
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I have thought about that before but i'm not really sure the number of people who would be too eager to share their information on a plastic surgery website. People like myself, you, hkp,dan4me may have no issue with signing in with our facebook account. But i think the majority of the people might prefer to keep their participation private. There might open a new fb account for the purpose but if thats the case, might as well create a sign up page on my own site. The very least i'm able to keep track of all the user :smile:
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Yup, sure thing. I will be there on the 3rd august until the 26th. So Lets get together then. Hopefully by then you will be well enough to move about. Pm me your number or whatsapp or kakao or viber or skype if you have them;)
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good luck and have a good trip
take care
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Welcome back, Mother of THE thread XXXX!!:P
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All the best, Lady!
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Hi lovelyladyinr,

I am also keen with Dr Hong for rhino. Pls share ur post surgery experience. And best of luck to u!! ;)
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LOL. I was staring at this response thinking "what continuing word after 'mother?'" I get it now... lol

If I can afford it, I'm thinking of maybe undergoing zygoma reduction as well... How long did it take for your face swelling to go down enough to look semi-normal?
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Hi Shane,

I am delaying my ps plan to beginning of nxt year as I do not have enough annual leave this year. Glad I will be able to make use of your web! Thanks to you, HKP, dan4me etc for sharing your ps experience & photos. Can I trouble you to do a stimulation for me too? :P Thks in advance.
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Ok, i just hope that my site would be of some to you when you ready to do do your procedure next year. And i hope you would be sharing your thought and experience over at my site as it will really help other considering plastic surgery in seoul. Yeah, send them over. I need a front view with your hair tied back, angle and side profile picture of you. Send them over to shanekenji77 at yahoo dot com.
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Good luck.. praying for a successful surgeries for you :smile:
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Yes I'm :smile: Chinese indonesia.. U are?what are you plan to do with the surgery?already finally goin on mid sep?:d
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