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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Bano sent me the same promotion. I wasn't aware that ID offered 5 free days stay in there recovery. My choices where ID and Banobagi. Still going with ID I will have to call them to see if that offers still stands during November. Thanks for that info.
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Hey hey, it's Iaan everyone!!! (applaude)

Ha ha, sorry couldn't resist even though we chat often lol. ID may only offer you 1 or 2 nights so if you feel you need more nights then you must request this, the max is 5 nights and that's only for 2 jaw or major multiple surgeries. Before you do that, think, do you really need 5 nights? You won't get much sleep as there is a lot of noise and the nurses come in and out of your room often, I think every 2 or 3 hours so you can't sleep through without someone coming in and checking the IV / equipment and you. The food there is pants, you will get heated up fibre drink twice a day. But it does save you money on accommodation if that is a concern. Personally I couldn't wait to get out of there to get some proper rest and Zoe had already done my shopping so I was then onto juice which was a real treat. I think Spartan only stayed 3 nights for his 2 jaw surgery.

Auntie N
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You are :okay: great. When are you going? I will most definately share my experience throughout...and any tips everyone has for me I could use the support ! :smile:

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Hi everyone,
Need some advice.... I am going for a vacation beginning September for 2 weeks in Europe. I was wondering will it be complicated if I do my ps two weeks before that? I plan to do eye and nose.
Pros: The swelling may be gone when I finally come back to work (4 weeks after ps)
Cons: I am not sure if the trip will actually slow my healing progression. Also bear in mind that its going to be hot and humid in Europe at this time.
So everyone who is experienced, please provide your thoughts and expertise!!

Thanks so much :smile:
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I see you are also an Auntie... hahahhaa

Dang~! 4 weeks? But you did more than just your zygoma right? I mean something with your jaw too? and paranasals? Dan4me's face was slim and pretty at 13 days post op... I hope I heal like her :P
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Haha, yes I am related to everyone it seems lol.

I have always thought and probably did say somewhere on here that I am a slow healer. I am lucky to be slender but I'm not a sporty person I'm more of a work hard play hard type of gal and I admit to not having the best diet either. I am told if you are the opposite to me, you heal a lot faster. I guess Dan4me is super sporty or just have the right genes.

Like I said, that was me, 4 weeks in hiding but maybe a lot of it was vanity as well. A couple of my friends did say my swelling wasn't that noticeable but it's always worse for the beholder like when you get a big red spot on the end of your nose, you are very self conscious of it but no one else really cares nor can they see it very well.

I didn't have Zygoma, I like high cheek bones on me but I did have V Line with Genio, Rhino, Paranasal and Lateral Epi so I did shock my face quite a lot. I do still look in the mirror at least 30 times a day or any reflection like a car window and still can't get use to how I look!
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Auntie N, Your the best...I think I will push for 3-4 days at least if it gets too bad I'll just have Zoe help me out to a hotel near by. She will stay with me for the first days in recovery.

I wonder if Korea imports Gerber's baby foods...Hope everyone knows baby food are nutritional powerhouses. If not I will be carrying a $hit ton of baby food to korea.

Here are my list of food replacements and recovery aid.
- Baby Food
- Muscle Milk
- Glutamine ( this helps with the healing time after surgery)
- BCAA ( this aids in muscle repair )

Just trying to share what I know to help to contribute to this forum.
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yeh im looking for rhino and most likely be going for consult with banobagi, regen and maybe wonjin.
i'm planning to go in november cos i got fillers injected end of last year and doctors have recommended me waiting a year before goin for rhino.
good luck with ur surgery! keep me posted on what clinic u decide to go with :smile:
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Hi! so I see we are related lol. When are you planning to go to Korea KKim.
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I speak fluent korean but I'm scared to go alone to korea anyone wants to join me? we can share the hotel cost and whatnot.
I want to get a rhino plasty and fat transfer too.
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When are you going? If in august, you can join us. Having someone who can speak the language will help.
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on my forehead, cheek bones and cheeks by Dr. Lee. After making up my mind, things were smooth from there. I saw Dr. Lee once again right before the surgery to part where it felt itchy! Now I just rub my eyes, blow my nose, or remove makeup without being so cautious. I feel awesome.

You know how the time flies. I remember I was just hoping for swelling to go down asap and now it’s already been 8 months. I think deciding where to get the surgery done is possibly the hardest part. But once you decide, things are smooth from there. And you know how people say human beings are never satisfied. Now I’m satisfied with my face that I’m considering the other parts lol. Grand seemed like having many doctors in different area of specialty. So I’m planning to save up again for breast augmentation in next spring or so. We’ll see how it goes :smile:[/QUOTE]

Could you share your before n after pix? Tks!!!
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When are you planning on going? Need a buddy too - sometimes to share and care! Not to mention shop . haha :smile:
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And if not in August with Shane, please feel free to join me and two other girls in September! :biggrin:
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