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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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ic....you're a martial artist huh. i was too a martial artist once until my business gotten in the way. now i just hit the gym and jog.

actually there are many conflicting suggestion in regard to rib cartilage. the benefit ofcourse is that is it an autologous material harvested from your own body. so the chances of rejection is extremely slim to none. the draw back i hear about rib cartilage is that is is very soft and have a tendency does have a tendency get bent if you're not careful. if you think about the causes of deviated septum, it is usually the result of trauma to the cartilage of the bridge. so my personal take is if you're going to spend USD$10,000 on something, it better last for a very, very long time. for someone like your self whose into contact sport, you better off going for more durable material such as silicone. it won't cost you a fortune to replace incase you every accidently damage it. from what i heard, you can't salvage cartilage. once it is is damage, you have to get of it. i'm not really an expert when it comes to rib cartilage. i think kain would be the right guy to turn to for advice relating to rib cartilage.
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i need to do more research when it comes to this subject (which i am) i had something silimar done many years ago to correct my facial concaveness. but it wasn't with a true maxillary implant, it was with a tiny sillion sheep inserted on the top of my lip to achieved a more rounded appearance around the mid facial area. but it was pretty weak and didn't do much to help improve my aesthetic. so had it removed when i went for my 2 jaw. what HKP had sone is a silicone implant around the paranasal region. i saw a silicone manfacture that produces a an implant that goes under the nasal cavity like a reverse moustache. i think that what Kain had done. i am planning for the same thing after my zygoma and nose revision surgery next month.
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well the answer is simple. i have more faith in dr shin then dr hong. like you said, there isn't enough reference other then dan4me to justified having my surgery done by him. i can say the same for dr shin when it comes to facial contouring. i haven't seen or met any one who had facial contouring done by dr shin. i have witness one facial contouring surgery under dr kim last month. but i have yet to see the after result since my friend refuse to send me a picture of what she look like. which is why when it comes to facial contouring, my number one choice is still dr park of ID. i have seen the result on my self and that of other so which is why i have no reservation having my zygoma revision done at ID. dr shin for me is more on nose, eyes and everything in between the face. i have seen plenty of eyes and nose reference coming out of dr shin office. so i am very confident having dr shin do my nose.
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Yeah. Rib rhino for me only. VIP is my top choice. Their B&A are nicer than the others.
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its about 10 million won for both nose revision and zygoma revision. if i decide to do both at ID or both at BK, i could probably get it much cheaper. if i am doing both in the same clinic, i would most likely do it at ID. the only thing that would make me change my mind is if i decide to go with dermis instead of silicone, since only BK does dermis implant for the bridge of the nose. as i said before, i am fine with either dr kim of ID or dr shin of Bk doing my nose if i decide to go with silicone. since only only dr shin does dermis, i would have to go with BK if i choose that for my bridge. if i do choose bk for my nose, i could stay at their guest house free of charge so that would save me a lot of money. other wise i would be staying at highland hotel which isn't free, but it is cheaper than sunshine or la casa.
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Your upper-right hand corner photo reminds me of japanese VIVI model, Lena Fujii. Do you think I could see your frontal profile before the procedure? :biggrin:
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I plan on consulting with them, so if I remember, I'll definitely ask for you :P
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hi guys and gurls,

apologize for not being here as often. been kinda busy preping for my up coming trip to seoul next month, that and my website which for interested to know is coming along nicely. i am currently working on the catagories which have kept me busy over the last few days. i'm trying to sort everything out, trying to make it as comprehensive as possible while still keeping it simple and easy to navigate. i would love to seek out the opinion of those here. should i go with a an extremely comprehensive list of catagories, or just a simple condense list? an example would be cosmetic filler. now we all know there are hundred of injectable filler in the market from aquamid to zyderm to cosmoplast. now i could list out all the brands which would take me a while to collect the information, or place it under a single term, SYNTHETIC INJECTABLE FILLER. something like that. there are pro and con of the two. the pro being that it will be an exhausted list of every cosmetic filler known in the industries. but the con of it is almost every clinic in korea that i know of carry only one or two popular brand of synthetic filler. Botox for example is the brand most commonly used by korean clinic. Dysport is another brand of botulium toxin which is FDA approved, but to my knowledge hardly any korean clinic carry the brand. and when it comes to botilium toxin, there are type A and type B. type A being the the FDA approved brand while type B is still popular but not FDA approved. there are hundred of synthetic filler brand which most of us have never even heard of. so if i go with a comprehensive list, i might be a waste of precious space to list them in the catagories. i'm leaning toward just narrowing the brand down to just a single term making it a lot easier for folk like you to navigate and would definetlely make my job a lot easier as well. below is an abriviated example of one of the catagories (Cheek) on my list. do let me know if i'm miss anything on this list, or made a mistakes. a lot of the information i gathered from the internet so its hard to tell which sources is legit and which isn't.

Cheek (zygoma)

Cheek augmentation (implant) – Silicone
Cheek augmentation (implant) – Polytetrafluoroethylene ePTFE (Gor Tex, Softform, etc…)
Cheek augmentation (implant) – Polyethylene (Med Por)
Cheek augmentation (filler) – Hyaluronic Acid-Based (Restylane, Juvederm, Perlane)
Cheek augmentation (filler) – Collagen (Zyplast, Zyderm, Evolence, etc…)
Cheek augmentation (filler) – Botulinum Toxin (Botox, Dysport)
Cheek augmentation (filler/implant) – Autologous
Cheek augmentation (filler) – Synthetic filler (Aqumid, Radiesse, Artifill, etc…)
Cheek augmentation (filler) – fat grafting
Cheek augmentation (filler) – liquid silicone (Adatosil, Silikon 1000, Silskin, etc…)
Cheek Reduction – 3D Zygoma reduction
Cheek Reduction – Zygoma arch reduction
Cheek Reduction – Zygoma body reduction
Cheek Reduction – Buccal Fat removal
Cheek Reduction (Liposuction) - Tumescent Technique
Cheek Reduction (Liposuction) - Dry Technique
Cheek Reduction (Liposuction) - Wet Technique
Cheek Reduction (Liposuction) - Super Wet Technique
Cheek Reduction (Liposuction) - Ultrasonic Assist Liposuction UAL
Cheek Reduction (Liposuction) - Vaser Liposuction
Cheek Reduction (Liposuction) - Power Assist Liposuction PAL
Cheek Reduction (Liposuction) - Laser Liposuction
Cheek Reduction (Liposuction) - Smartlipo
Cheek Reduction (Liposuction) - CoolLipo
Cheek Reduction (Liposuction) - Prolipo Plus
Cheek Reduction (Liposuction) - Lipotherme
Cheek Reduction (Liposuction) - Water assist Liposuction
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i'm interesting in banobagi too....the surgery outcome looks really natural...but i don't know are they expert in ptosis correction?
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I'm for sure going in the middle of June 2013. I'm starting a new job in a new town after my rhino. :graucho: When are you planning to go?
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Unfortunately, no. I'm going mid June 2013. I can't get much time off of work at this time. What all are you getting done?
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hi, have u decided when to go? I have just decided to go to Korea for mandibular reduction on the first two weeks of August. Try to find a buddy now!
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