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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Heya for those who in Seoul now and wanted to meet up let me know! I extended my return till Friday.

I went in to see Dr Hong today and was told that due to my inflammation on the bridge he will want to remove my silicon implant. My condition was not due to foreign objection not infection ...... My guess is more like my own after care problem that irritated the healing ( I'm guilty but not going to elaborate ) I'm kicking myself now. As a matter of fact the condition is not that bad , it will be revisable if I have a couple of month to spare. If I had that kind of time ,he can monitor my condition with the help of medication my condition will recovered. But I can't stay here that long and I need to be home soon so he decided to remove it. I guess it sadden him more than me to have it remove. I know he had my interests at heart to want to remove it, he didn't want me to go through depression with a swollen bridge or complication back home. As for me is mix feeling , to begin with my bridge to some doctors is high enough no need silicon ( at least 3 doctor said that ) Dr Hong only suggest it so that it can be further enhance ( heard for 3 diff doctors too ) one part of me felt silicon might give problem in future if not now, it's a gamble because there are also people that have no problem with them for whole life , still 50/50 another part of me feel that I can do with or without because my bridge is decent so without it now is a relief. No love loss really ! After that decision was made Dr Hong asked is there anything I'm not happy with my face then pointing to the little dent on the side of the nose ( not really visiable unless I smile really big ) if I wanted filler there ..... Yup I said no ..... I know he offer that trying to cheer me up , he is such a love. He also tell me if I ever want to do the bridge later the hospital would only charge me 50% of the price ( this was the one and only doctor that I seen to mention price ) I think he want me to have less bleeding ( in my pocket) should I decide to further enhance my nose. Some ppl might think he should do it for free but I think the recovery part was my own fault , if I was not a obedience student I can not blame it all on the teacher. If I should get a new nose next time I must make sure my nose behave or rather I behave in following instruction :sad:

The operation

Yesterday went he send me off telling me that I need to fast I already have a bad feeling so after review I was sent off to the op room , belted up, IV sedation .... Next heard Dr Hong voice and can feel he fiddle my nose for 5 mins and it done! That's easy! Then a nurse walk me to the recovery room ( hello ice pack , we are friend again ) in there for 30 mins my old man ( hope he is not mad when I call him that ) came in show me the silicon that he took out and assure me that the diff in height not going to be drastic because the tip which is the most important part is still strong and define. After encouragement and encouragement he left the room , before he step out he said he will treat me to some goodies ( food ) ( yummy ) on the last day check up before I go home :smile: .... Well even if that no going to happen I am still thrill that he even bother to said so. If anyone one was disappointed with his nose surgery it should be me, don't let my story stop you from seeing him because I did f*%# up my own nose to some extend ( and I didn't tell him that because I felt bad to see his disappointment to have my silicon remove ) pls don't breath a word to him !!!!

To all the staffs that have attended to me , Anna and Dr Hong I sincerely thank them for my PS journey.

Ok got to go and polish my lucky star so that they are shining brigh to see me through my last stage of the ps saga.

All the best !!!
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Where are u staying and when u getting your surgery? I will be at BK coming mon 11am for wound check drop more detail so I can get to you, I'm familiar with Seoul so better u choose place and time.
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Hello!, Thank you!! :biggrin: I asked DR Lee to leave my nose tips alone because i thought it will look on my and also my friends adviced me to leave my tip alone! Yes!! I used to have high natural bridge with thick skin!! So smart. and yes I'm Korean ^-^

Also just wondering , had you done any surgery on you? :lol:
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I may can meet you up, although i work everyday :\
Aww don't worry, everything be just fine! fighting!!
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Dude u look good now! to have single eye lid is one thing to look good in one is another thing. Maybe you should do when it's out of trend .....lol

Trust me many girls dig it! Like it ! Love it ! Adore it ! whichever way they said

If you are still not sure maybe we can meet up and I can see for myself to give my 2 cents worth.. (",)

ps : If you already decide on the op date than good luck!

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Cool so u r Korean? I'm looking for ppl to do language exchange , any idea where to find or u got friend interested ?
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Haha~ I just have many years of research and studying.
I will be visiting VIP in September - to have my procedures finally done! 12 more days to be exact!

If you have Kakao, please feel free to PM me with your details! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Would love to meet up with you to share advice and oh! Explore Seoul!
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:graucho: Yes, quite.. But to be honest I fell for her post and thought ITEM looked incredible.. But yes, the last bit was a rather obvious giveaway..
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It's good that you could communicate with them in Korean so at least you can compare and contrast their replies as well as their prices! :smile:
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Hi Nissy01, I am coming from late october to first week or 2 of November too :smile: I can meet up with you :smile:
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Hi everybody,

I am a new member here. Thanks of all the info and pics. I was wondering; did you's all look after yourself in Korea? I am kind of stressing about going by myself and looking after myself - apart from Zoe, is there anyone else who we can pay to look after us and take up to the consultations?
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hi gingercandy

i m also going to bk for nose
but what went wrong did you have food you were not suppose to eat
im worried

take care
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