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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Which nose ps in sg?
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I wrote to them three time via their on line consultantion before but never get any reply from them , I was afraid if anyone go with them but have complication at a later stage will not get reply at all.
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Nice Shane! Love your new look you look like Eurasian mixed now! (: but I think the bridge is a lil high for you maybe it's due to the swelling. It's all good Shane great job!!! I'm very confident with Dr. shin now. Just wondering if you know what will the weather be like in September? Cold? Warm?
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Hey sorry didnt notice your reply. I was thinking if i can do it one shot with all my others surgery. Im planning to come at 10 Sept. U?
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Thanks for the compliment. Actually the height is right where i wanted it to be. Funny thing about my rhino experience. I always thought i would look good with a high bridge. So when i had my first rhino back in 2009, i insist to the surgeon that i wanted a really high bridge, which he gave it to me. But turn out the result look really unnatural for me. So i consider it a blessing when my nose was infected and the high implant were remove. Having learn my lesson from my first rhinoplasty, the second time when i went to a different surgeon, i insisted that i didn't want it too high. But this time the second surgeon made my bridge too flat. Both time i never had a surgeon who were able to fulfilled my nasal height requirement. I think dr shin really nail it for me the third time around. But i won't be able to say for sure after a few months. September will be a bit breezy. Won't be too hot as it first started in august. So dress light.
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Hi Shane, Thanks for the quick reply. I've finally decided to go to korea by 10Sept. I will go consult both ID and BK with Dr. Park, Dr. Hong & Dr. Shin. Just wondering if I should book am apartment for the first night..Im confused now because if i were to choose to go with bk i will stay in their guest house so i will need to check out and check in again to the guest house..

So Sept will be breezy but not chilly? I don't need to bring any thick sweater?
Can you tell me who should I contact to make appointment at ID and BK? Can I mention your name to get better rates? I wonder if i can stay at BK guest house straight when i reach Korea. I'm planning to stay for about 2 weeks I dont think i will go shopping because i dont think i will have money to... ;(

who will prepare the food for u the first few days of your surgeries? Can we find porridge near the guest house? how much should I prepare for the daily expenses there for food and accomodations there?

Sorry I spammed you with all these questions... Im really nervous ..
Last question Shane, did you had ur nose wing reduction?
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Hey people, finally ive made up my mind on the dates I'm going to Korea. I will book my flights to go to Korea on 10 September Monday. And will stay for 2 weeks. If I'm going for Bk probably i will stay in their guest house for one weeks and then need to bunk with someone for the next week. Anyone interested to buddy up? Pls let me know it will be much easier and cheaper to share accomodations and we can look up for each other's need.

Im going to consult BK and ID. Let me know soon ya so i can go ahead to book my flight! =)
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Hi everyone.
I am planning to go to korea in mid december for facial contouring and has been researching on zygoma reduction and v line for few months. I have been reading on china,taiwan,hk forums as well. The general consensus is thay zygoma reduction will 100% makes ur skin sags...just that the severity differs from peole.

I contacted the china translator who has many years exp in korea, helping others to translate. She told me that ID used to be a good clinic but for these past two years, clients that went there have been getting really lousy results and she dun recommend me to go there even though her own v line was done in ID.

She also mentioned that Grand looks down on China people, even though I m not from china but I am a chinese. I am interested in doing it in Grand, one of my top few choices but now I am a little hesistant. She said that some of her clients gt their faces screwed up and grand refused to do revision on them, in the end they got it done somewhere else.

I chanced upon a forumer who said he is a medical student n he posted saying that facial contouring is not lasting. The effect is not forever and after ten twenty years down the road, our face will collapse!i am nw very scare. He said pushing in of zygoma n cutting of jawbones destroyed the membrane n after few yeara down the road the fragile bones.will not be able to support our face then it will collapse...anybody knows if its true?it seems legitimate, he posted a very detailed.post with lots of xray pic to support his claims.

I msg zoe on the lists of clinics I wanted to visit, among them were banobagi,cinderella,smallface,id,regen,grand. She recommended id,regen n banobagi but lots of.ppl had been complaining abt ID and banobagi has some hits and misses when I look through the before n after pictures.of cos, pictures cannot be trusted so I probably will go down and consult the doc before making a decision

I email cinderella two weeks ago but no reply. They seems to have pretty gd reviews although not many...

I have always wanted a smaller face but nw I am scare ..still I hope to get my surgery done asap.

I have consulted item dr kim and bk dr kim when they were in sg. Consultation was rushed n dr kim from bk kept asking me to do my boobs even though I came to see him for face! He said I am tall n my boobs r too small for my height. I nvr wanted to have boobs done and I am skinny, I have no wish of having a big boobs but he asked me thrice abt whether I m sure tt I am not interested in an BA..argghhhh..

Dr Kim from item,I gt a feeling he is out for my money. I told him I was interested in making my face smaller, he touched my face and said I needed a cheekbone reduction and I have prominent jaws , he said my chin is good BUT continued saying he will make my chin sharper. I was like wth, if I have nice chin why did he want it to be sharper? And his assistant told me they have a special needle to slim the face, I asked her is it lipodissolve, she said no,its a new technology and said will only tell me by dropping me an email...zzz . When the email arrived, there was no mention of this special needle she
So BK and item r out of the list for me.

Anybody planning to go this dec? I am hopping for buddies to support each other.pls pm me.

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The post regarding your face collapsing is a bunch of bull. If he's a real medical student he would've understand how bone consolidation works. Obviously he is only a medical student and not a practicing surgeon. So i really doubt he been in the trenches long enough to really understand the matter at hand. Facial bone heal at the same pace as any other bone in our body. I have friend who broke his shin bone in a car accident 22 years ago and he's is still well and kicking. No bone collapsing yet. To hear such outrageous claim from a medical student is an insult to the profession.
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Congratulation on finally making a decision to do PS :smile: either BK or ID is an excellent choice. So I have no doubt that you would be very please with the result that you get from either one of these 2 clinics :smile: I suggest that for the first night in korea while you still decide between BK or ID to find a cheap motel to bunk until you made your decision. I stay in highland the first 2 night before checking into BK recovery room, unless of course you pretty setttlemon BK for your surgery then you can immediately bunk into their guest house. But I would still suggest that you bunk else where until you decided between BK or ID. You never want to lose that leverage By choosing one clinic when you have other option.

September will be near the end of summer and the beginning of fall in seoul. So it will be breezy but not cold. But I suggest you bring an umbrella with you since rain may be a daily occurrence. When I left, the weather in Seoul is beginning to cool down, especially in the evening. I remember when I was there the first few night, the weather there were freaking hot, even late in the evening. But the last few night when I was there, it was cooler. So bring plenty long slack with you. You need not to bring a sweater as the weather doesn't required you to do so just yet. Some short Tee would suffice.

You can get in touch with Joanne of ID and Anna of BK for your appointment. But if you want, I can assist you to make the arrangement with both ID and BK since I am close friend with both Anna and Joanne. I could kakao talk them personally to set up your appointment. All I need is your name, the date and time you wish to consult, and the kind of procedures you interested to do. You could easily schedule your appointment via their website, but I'll be able to set it for you faster through KAKAO TALK.

In term of food, if you choose to do the surgery at BK, you would have to pay for your own meal. The only option there is porridges which cost between 6,000 to 12,000 KRW. The consultant will ask you to purchase at least 2 set a day, lunch and dinner, but base on personally experience, one set should hold you well for both lunch and dinner. Remember, we talking about a day or two after the surgery. So you might not have such a hardy appetite, but that's just me. Btw, if you do choose to go with BK, the first 2 to 3 night, you will stay in their recovery room at the clinic. After that you will be moved to the guest house.

Now if you were to choose ID, you will be thoroughly fed the entire time you're recovering at their hospital. But you will only be fed fiber drink which really loose it's flavor after a while. But at least you won't be paying for your own meal which add to your saving. Usually after you check out of their clinic, there would suggest that you purchase a box of their fiber drink which can be good or bad depending on how well you get used to the taste. There are two type of fiber drink you can purchase, one is sweet and another one is really sweet. Even though I bought the fiber drink after my two jaw, I never drank a lick of it. I only drank the pumpkin juice that there provided a box for me free of charge. There is porridge shop right across ID clinic which you can try. It's a little pricey but it taste real good. You can ask Joanne the actual location of the place.

As for expenses, I would say about 100,000 to 120,000 KRW per day including accommodation, that is assuming you're staying at highland which cost around 66,000 a night. If you're staying at BK guest house, you can knock that number down to around 40,000 to 60,000 KRW a day. This doesn't include transportation or shopping expenses that you may incur. I say if you wish to live comfortably for 2 weeks, bring around USD$ 1800. if you just wish to get by while you there, then you're looking at around USD$ 1200 to 1500. My entire expenses while I was here for 3 and a half weeks was about USD$ 1200 dollar which include accommodation, food and transportation. It used to be more for less time here, but after my fourth trip to Seoul, you learn a few tricks that help you save on cost :smile:

And to answer your final question, yes, I have had an alar reduction done along with an alar lift.

Hope this answer your questions.
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hey gingerCandy! well I wrote to them last night and I recived an email this morning! :smile: which was quite "professional" but I kind of don't understand the point of their service etc - like they say "free translator, free airport transfers and pick up between surgery and hotel"
yes! they said free - "but surely it CAN'T be free!" maybe their fees are worked into the ps prices?
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hi fantasy face! I'm
thinking about going December too! have u booked ur flights or accommodation? perhaps we can trade information on what we have looked into so far?
do u have an email address that I can contact you - more easily with?
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Yes,I still planning at 23 and will do revision eyelid ,epic maybe at bk

What about u?
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