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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Teuim will not include tax if you're paying with cash ;)
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Aww, thanks so much Tooney ! :smile:

Nah, since you saw my before picture, you know I had all-roundy face plus huge cheeks. If you already like what you see in yourself, than don't worry about it. :smile:

Thanks !
yes, all the procedures were done by Dr. Hong :smile:

haha. I did send you my before picture then, but this time, I sent you another picture of myself before surgery :smile:

Yes it was. That's why he recommended cheekbone reduction along with v-line which I'm really happy about the results by the way. If he only recommended mandible, then you probably don't need cheekbone reduction. He only recommends procedures that could produce more than 80% of satisfaction he said. and my satisfaction was over 100% of course :graucho:

Aww thanks :smile:
Sent it. check your email.
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Nope, I'm not Korean. I'm half viet and half sg. :smile:
I don't know who Go Eun Hye is, but I guess it is a compliment ? hahaha
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Hi guys,

I have been wanting to get my eyes done (I have a mongolian fold with fatty eyelids) for the longest time but haven't had the courage to go to korea. Now, I also want my nose done and possibly chin reduction. I'm almost certain that I will be going to Teuimp for my eyes and dr. jung at shimmian for my nose. Alot of members here recommended to go to one doctor for all procedures. Are there any good doctors for both eyes and nose? If i decide to go to 2 different doctors, would you recommend getting the eyes or the nose done first?
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that one was really before??

because gingercandy showed me the one you just sent me, and she thought the before you sent me was an after picture.. and to be honest, so did i :biggrin:
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Hi Shane

Wow you have very nice results :woohoo:. The nose is impressive. Oh btw did u do anything to your eyes? Your eyes now look more friendly compare to before pic.

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alright, so its been about a week and a half for me, and its about time i update :smile:

i had sliding genio, rhino and fat grafting done by dr hong, and i must say i love the results. very subtle, but definitely better than before.

gingercandy had good postop care from bk, eightbelow not so good(?) as for mine, id say it was minimal. stayed just 1 night postop at the hospital, then was transfered to the guesthouse. luckily i didnt have a lot of swelling nor pain, so it was all bearable.

id recommend dr hong, if youre looking to enhance your features. like, he didnt really take into concern what nose i wanted, even though i brought a lot of references, but luckily for me, the nose he gave me suited my face. i asked for higher bridge, smaller and sharper tip - got hardly no augmentation of the bridge, round and upturned tip lol

i agree 100% with gingercandy that hes one of those sophisticated artist types lol :smile:

good luck to the september party! youll be here real soon now!
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Hey shouislove, congrates!! Didn't u u had ur surgery done with dr hong..
Is the cast out yet? Do you mind sharing ur B&W pics?

How's ur recovery coming along? hope everything is fine (:
I'm be there next Monday not sure if u will still be around. Anyway, how much is the total cost of ur surgeries? Did u manage to get a great deal like gingerlady?

Actually I have tons of reference of noses that I want but I guess dr hong won't look at them huh... O.o
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hehe thanks hun!

the lower part of my face is still swollen from my sliding genio, so ill share in a few weeks :smile: i paid 14m total, so not sure if its a good deal or not. lot of savings lol!

i brought in a whole map of photos, and he didnt even take a look. he just shoved them away, so if youre looking for something specific, im afraid he might not be the surgeon for you.

edit: dan4me, gingercandy, me and two other girls at the guesthouse all had surgeries by dr hong, and we all look very different :b

not like other clinics who seem to produce one stereotype. ex. smallface all produce that alien look :s
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Nice to mert u too jasmine. Thought we can buddy up and travel together. What a pity!! Hope u will get the best for ur result!!
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Yes u r right , Tooney. My love hate relationship with that nurse. So scared of her whenever she came to check on u, n drive u. But thank her profusely when I left. She taught me alot.
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Shouislove, wishing u fast recovery. Hope to catch u if u r still in the guesthouse. I came at 12.20pm thinking the treatment time will tAke a while. But u n gingercandy were gone.

Same here, Dr Hong will not look at those photos I brought. To choose him, u need to hv total faith in him. Glad tt u love yr result. :biggrin:
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Day 3
I was due to be discharged! Like the day I went for my ops (biggest tyhoon in the past 10 years), it was raining non stop.

Appetite improved. As usual, was made to walk round n round. Nurse came to change dressings, did mini cleansing of my face, heat therapy facial. Dr Park came to visit for the 3rd time w Dr Lee n entourage of nurses. Assured me that my progress is good.

Dreaded the discharge moment when drawing near coz of my condition as mentioned, incl phlegm, blocked mucus n blood. Tummy hurts when bending coz of fat grafting. Rain just won't stop.

Thank thank goodness, Zoe sent her husband as promised! She had to attend to a patient that day. So she made this unusual arrangement!! A very helpful n responsible lady.. Her husband was very patient, n kind. Waited outside for
me to pack my stuff. Helped me with my huge luggage, big bag of medicine, icepacks n 2 big bottles mouthwash, a box of pumpkin juice (complimentary fm ID). Me? I only need to handle the sleeping pillow.

There was a cab (complimentary fm ID) waiting. The driver shelter me to the car. Zoe's hb n driver managed all my stuff in the heavy rain.

Did I mention that there was a staircase u need to climb to go into the entrance of highland? Zoe's hb brought all my luggage, pumpkin juice box, n bags up the stairs single handedly.

Checked into room 212 (the only luxury room) advised by HKP (thank you), which Zoe had helped to book when I was in hospital. U will be grateful to hv such a space to recuperate ESP when walking outside is impossible due to
bad weather. Great view too. It's not cozy (exactly what HKP said) but has everything u need EXCEPT wifi!! bummer!! I asked them why n they explained cld be due to typhoon. But I still cldnt connect to wifi in the next 2 days. I hv only my books, magazine n CNN to keep me company.

I was expecting major swelling today. I did swell, but not blotted like football or pumpkin like what was described n seen in some bloggers site. My lip did went up twice the size.

Last but not least, I might hv mentioned Zoe many times by now. My apology. But, I wanted to convey a MSG to forumers who are like myself (who is often being taken care of n unfamiliar with Seoul), her professionalism will make yr stay here more comfortable, n secure.

1. Asked the nurse for anything that u foresee might not be enough or want more just in case. Eg icepack, cotton gauze for nose, masks. Syrup for phlegm too. I did not know till I check out. I dropped by ID to get more ice packs coz they gave only 2 (1 for face n small one for eyes). They said I hv to buy fm pharmacy. Likewise, the phlegm medicine. They gqve me the name n asked me to outsource. Zoe learnt fm me when she checked on me. She went there personally n delivered one to me in the evening. Thank goodness I dun need third bottle of phlegm syrup.

2. Bring along lip balm coz when lip swells big time, it can be very dry.

3. Check the wifi connection first, before checking into room 212. I did tt when they assigned me to my STD room.

4. Make sure to go thru to do list w nurse thoroughly before discharging. Eg. Applying ointment around the nose. Finer details like, where, how much, how deep.

Hope this is useful. :smile:
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