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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi HKPhooey!
U are back! Lol. How's ur recovery? I assumed u look even prettier and more refined now. (; how's the smile coming along? Hopefully the implant stop giving u problems.

I'll be in Korea next Monday to join the rest. Am interested in the hotel u mentioned beside highland hotel. How do they charge? Same price as highland?

Didn't know u have a blog. Can I have the link too?
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Ah great to hear u can slowly chew on small pieces of meat. Eat as much as u can I heard the others said u will lose weight like crazy!!!

I think I will also go with the standard room. Initially was thinking of getting a 2 rooms apartment to share with anyone who are going but it seems everyone has their own arrangement lol.

I hope u can extend ur stay though so that I can meet up with u on Monday when I arrive in the evening. When will the cast of ur nose be out? I don't know why am so excited?! Lol.

Hope u are doing better now, drink tons of papaya juice if u can find it helps the swelling. That's an advice from a doctor. Pineapple juice too for speedy recovery.

Ah so uve been out for shopping? That's really not bad!!! Haha! Where will be nice place to walk around?
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Yup I'm leaving Friday morning , tomorrow I need to to be at BK 7th floor 11am for treatment , you want to do lunch?
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My nose is über swollen. I look like an elephant girl

Anyway, I'll be at BK at 12pm for post-op treatment.
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Hi fallenangel,

all the best and keep us update on your consultations and surgery yea! i'm also considering item due to the good feedbacks here and reasonable price. could u update me on them when u get there? cos i'm heading to seoul 4 months later to do the same thing as u too! equally nervous hehe. do u know how much do they charge if without the ptosis correction? just partial or full incisional method?
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I am not sure about partial or full incisional method but definitely cheaper, i think. the exact costs of the surgery will be confirmed after face to face consultation. will post results of my surgery. Prepping questions to ask the doctors now.
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Hey schrondinger,

I see that you are flying out on Friday, same here. I am going there alone from London, totally freaking out now. I will reach Seoul on 8th Sept 5pm, booked into Sunshine Hotel for my stay in Soeul. Consultations and possibly surgery on the 10th. Will be doing eyelid surgery, so with big sunnies i can be out and about. Do let me know if there is any outing for "team september", i will be checking my emails constantly. London_chick and I have plans to meet up next week before her surgery :graucho:
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Im kinda interested to do my eyes too, but its so complicated and i have no idea what procedures to do! But im now in US, and will only go back to asia next year. Please share your progress when you head there too!

I dont even know what kind of 'eyes' i want..ahaha. I will probably just go and see what the docs have to say. haha
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Hey ginger, I'll do lunch w u gals. Let's cfm with eightbelow so we cld determine the time. I wanna hit dongdaemun tomorrow evening! Think a few BK ladies r keen, and I am asking Zoe along if she is available. Do u gals want to go?
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