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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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hi i saw this at cozycot
i guess i know which clinic it is
cause there are just a few who use
rib cartillage beware...

this on page 293

by ???

Hello cafe members "bow" ^^

With a natural, slight augmentation of my nose in mind, I had surgery on March of 2009 from *** plastic surgery clinic near the #3 exit at Ap-gu-jong.

Please don't be fooled by the grand advertisements... The pictures are solely for the purpose of luring in customers. If you get fooled by these advertisements, like me, you'll cross a lake that you won't be able to return from... I was deceived by this clinic and ???
I spent almost 10,000,000 won and used a rib cartilage to undergo a major surgery and ruined my life with a single decision.

With the large price tag came the guarantee that my nose will be safe until the day I die. At this clinic, they even used my septal cartilage to perform an aggressive and unconventional surgery. ??? There are at least 10 people that I know who had failed surgeries from this clinic. It's a sad reality that this doctor, without any conscience, uses hyped up advertisements and is still in business.

Rib cartilage... when a person touches my nose tip, they are terrified at how hard it is. Before the surgery, they don't say a word about how hard your nose will become... At clinic X (i guess she consulted other clinics after her failed nose job), they tell me that if I bump my current nose, "snap!" it's going to break so I must be careful... Also, because the doctor (from ***) took out my nasal cartilage as well as the cartilage that maintains the nostrils, if i remove all the rib cartilage, my nose "will collapse" like boong-uh-ppang ( a flat korean pastry). And i heard this from a nurse after the surgery. Before the surgery, when I was already in my hospital gown, they said that they may or may not use a k-wire and vaguely handed me the consent form. At the end, they used a K-wire on me.

As a former patient of this clinic, unlike what the clinic says, the surgery was a major one and due to its aggressive and unconventional nature, caused proportionally huge problems for me. Since the doctor alters the very foundation of the nose and I don't know if he is unable to do a revision but he finds blame in the patient and is very unreasonable ?? (when she asked for a revision, i think...). Doctors from other clinics refuse to do revision on this doctor's work and they advise that I go back constantly to the clinic and make sure that the structure of my nose remains stable throughout the years. Also, doctors from other clinics have told me that I could've gotten the projection I wanted without using rib cartilage. Surgery from this clinic is not easy but a revison is much much more difficult. The nose I had previously, with a foreign implant and ear cartilage, was more of a human nose, more aesthetically pleasing nose, and a safe nose. I was having a hard time after the surgery and all they tell me are excuses and I couldn't even post any complaints on the clinic's homepage.

I tired to make an appointment at the clinic, but they won't schedule me one and they say they'll call me back but never do. I tried to go see the doctor but they give me excuses and prevent me from seeing him. Then several clinic staffs gang up on me and treat me like a mental patient, saying that I am hyper sensitive and overly stressed and make me out to be the strange one. The doctor nor the general manager is in sight and all the nurses can say is "I"m sorry". They contact the police and tell them the the doctor was assaulted by a woman and has bruises when he wasn't even hit. That's the kind of place this hospital is.

When I tell them my complaints about my nose, they become mute... Also, when it gets cold, my nose turns extremely blue and red and my nose (starting from 2/3rd of my nose bridge to the tip) feels like it's going to fall off. In fact, it gets so painful that when I go outside, I have to use a facial mask and even then a facial mask is not enough and I have to use a scarf to raise the temperature of my nose so that I can withstand the pain. At home, I have to cover my nose with a blanket to keep it warm and I told the clinic about how much pain I was in and they didn't even give me an explanation of whether the nose will go back to it's original state or not. Instead they simply reply, without considering how important a surgery that deals with a person's face is, without a conscience or remorse, "we'll just take it (rib cartilage) out then..."
I guess blinded by money, they are unable to see that I am a living person. Their nonchalant attitude towards ruining a person's life and shifting the blame should be punished. They made me wait a year and after a year I had the same complaints. And when I tell them my complaints, I see the attitude of the the doctor and the general manager change completely before my eyes (I trusted them genuinely before the surgery) and I feel like I was conned into having surgery and I feel very displeased.

At this clinic, you need to record the consultation... I wish you don't have to go through my hardship and that you choose a right clinic. Other places that use rib cartilage can complete the surgery in about 3 hours and 30 minutes... this place estimated around 6 hours for the surgery. However, the actual surgery was over 10 hours, almost twice as long as the estimated time. My instincts tell me that the doctor performed another surgery at the same time, on the same day. When I was done with my surgery and was in the recovery room, another patient had just finished her surgery and was moved into the recovery room as well... Because the surgery lasted so much longer than the estimated time, my guardian was so stressed out waiting for me that she had to take two chung-shim-won (korean medicine for stress & shock). A few months after, their excuse for the long surgery was that the I was still sedated from the anaesthesia and was sleeping it off in the recovery room...

Isn't it murder ??? that a clinic like this is still making money and is still in business?
They perform surgery on many many people and when they see victim after victim, I don't understand how they do not feel any remorse...

They tell the patients to wait, and the patients innocently trust and wait, and meanwhile the families of the patient has to watch them suffer and be overwhelmed with stress... I guess they don't care about that. They will eventually get what they deserve, for exchanging people's lives for money.

Please be careful and be even more careful.

A doctor with skill and character does not perform "aggressive", "complicated", "long" procedures unless it is vital. Please remember this and remember it again. For me, the life I had planned was ruined in a moment. Please select a surgeon who has both skills and character so you don't have to cross this lake that you cannot come back from... (crying face).
I write this with hopes that you don't have to go through what I did...

With a clinic like this, all those who want to become more attractive, your dreams will burst like bubbles. A clinic like this must be closed as soon as possible. Without the skills to back it up, they claim that they are the best and that there will be no problems, They have no conscience and a doctor like this should not be allowed to practice. I believe that this clinic will go out of business if you, cafe members, treat my post seriously. They will close the clinic and they will regret their actions.

If you're scheduled for surgery soon, please think it through carefully over and over again. I genuinely thank you for reading my post with interest.

^^ (bow)
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Hei Oceanbelle ,
Where hav u had ur fat graft done. I want to have mine done too. however I been told a second fat graft hav to be done to restore the fat that absorbed into the body... If so does tat mean we have to repeat it every 6-8 month ?
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dont think you need it
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Actually I have not done it, but I'm going to do my first fat graft in end Nov, and have to repeat the 2nd time after 3mths in order to last longer. My friend did her forehead more than 6mths ago, so far it's still ok and she is not repeating it any time soon.
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I'm planning to go in Feb too but near the beginning actually, will you be there around then??
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You're a sweetheart. Thank you! :biggrin: So far, I'm having a happy healing experience. :smile:

This was posted a while back in ANJ #2 (or was it #1, I forgot.)
But personally, like how I answered way back when, I honestly don't think she did her research and jumped the gun to get things done when she wasn't ready or didn't know about the negatives of surgery.

And what is she expecting, I would be even more afraid if a surgeon completed surgery within a short period.
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Thanks, dear. Honestly, I would prefer a straight nose..I m seriously thinking abt revision next year. I am not sure abt the fat graft part coz they did everything fm cheekbone, mandible, revised rhino to full face fat graft in the same operation. Think it started at 10 am or so n finished at 6pm? I was back to my hospital bed around 7 or 7.30pm.

They took the fat fm my tummy, harvest it n inject to my face. They do ask u where would u like them to extract the fat, tummy or thigh. I said take fm everywhere and everything u could starting fm tummy.

I did not expect it to be painful after the surgery but it does hurt. It was like a sharp pain when yr wound is torn open. Worst is u can't see where it is n be extra caution when u move the body coz they extract the fat thru the belly button to the side. This is my own experience. Not sure if the description is comprehensive.
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Hey Tracy,

U might want to consult Korean hair specialist on hair transplant. It is so much cheaper than Singapore. U r welcome to join us this wed at mbs. Cheers.
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I sure will convey. But guess our Eightbelow already read this.:P tell me abt it, kkim..while I was telling vivi n eighgtbelow what my nurse in ID said..that is..leave it alone n don't even use cotton bud to remove it,coz it will produce more mucus. But I m starting to do it. I just hate breathing thru my mouth when it's block.
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Thanks, Neutronia..;)
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How did I ever miss this?
Hot mama alert! Wow, the difference is like night and day. I absolutely love your new look! You definitely look younger, it's almost like he shaved off years.

Not like your before-self was bad or anything, but this is a newer, softer version of you. Beautiful Emisa 2.0. ^^
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Hey dear, this college student hv to put up an expressionless front to look like one. My face is feeling rather stiff. angel82 has explained that it's due to cheekbone surgery, but I still can't help to think that fat grafting do contribute some parts coz I could feel the fat around my paranasal to my lip.

If I hv to do it again, I will only do my forehead first.
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Thanks, NYCAngel..:smile:

I am not sure how long it last..but it is still there as much as I want to get rid of some. Before u go for it, ask the doctor if it will make yr face stiff for a while, or how long? If u hv to meet people often, u might not like a visible change in yr face coz pple cld tell u did something. Forehead fat graft would be good though. If u dun like it, u cld use yr fringe to cover up.

Oh, n if u want it to last, I was told to go for 2nd grafting. Planning to go in march which hopefully till then, my facial swelling will subside completely n a better candidate for it. I sure will ask dr this time if I shld be expecting stiff facial expression, n if the answer is yes, I will just for for forehead only.
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