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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hey guys,

I am not sure how regular I will be here, though I am pretty active during this period. But when things start to pick up..I might hv lesser time here. So, the last bit of general stuff to share:

Where to eat post surgery (for cheekbone reduction) near Sinsa area:-
1. A little eatery besides pet shop (near Highland hotel) has one of the best Udon noodles and its reasonably priced.

2. Fresh Burger - Where all the PS clinics are on the main road, the outlet is in the small street. If you walk around that area during the healing period, you might find it. Request for the burger without cheese. The minced beef is very fresh and soft enuff to chew. The bun is soft, fluffy and fragrant.

3. Pho (Vietnamese noodles) in any pho shop but can pass the bean sprout. Try to ask them to cut the beef slice into smaller pieces.

4. Tofu house (behind starbuck) - Should be between BK and Young Dong Hotel. Can request for non-spicy kind and pass the pork (can't chew)

5. Instant porridge (fm convenient store. C U near BK is the best for varieties and they could help you heat and pack if you are not sure)stand

I was told not to take beef so I took a little and alternate with others. :P

When I was better, I started venturing to different places for food.

I am not saleswoman of papaya enzyme. :cool:
But I just found that papaya enzyme could effectively tenderize meat. Maybe some of you already know using papain? I have been very careful when meat is concerned coz I do not want to aggravate the healing of cheekbone. Still could not take grilled meat or anything bigger than my mouth could open. TIll date, only could insert 2 fingers.
I was craving for Japanese sliced pork and tried marinate with the usual soy sauce, mirin, sake, pepper + half tsp of Papaya enzyme, it is really tasty and tender. I could effortlessly eat it. Tired of eating minced meat...
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Just to share with Cheekbone Surgery patient:-

I started brushing my teeth on the 7th day as instructed by ID. Went to the pharmacy to get the dental floss and was too happy to be able to floss my teeth again!

Continued with the regime of rinsing my mouth with antiseptic mouth rinse after every meals (each time 10x), before breakfast and before sleep, after dessert anytime. From the 10th day when I stayed outside longer and can't return hotel immediately to rinse, I will get a bottle or 2 (sometimes) of mineral water from Hotel Highland reception before heading out. So, I could rinse whenever I finish my meal instead of using tap water.

Oh, before I set off for the trip, I bought a small toothbrush from MUJI. They have one with very slim holder and small brush. I am still using it now and hopefully, could switch back to electronic toothbrush soon. Unlike some baby toothbrush which has thick holder (for easier grip for baby), this is slim and comfortable.

If you do not have friends who speak Korean, do make sure your English or Chinese Consultant will be with you throughout the process, including stitch removals (understand your condition from the nurse point of view and what to expect step by step), follow up consultation, discharge (so as to understand the post care in greater details). Otherwise, please hire a translator. My translator is awesome and her contact is [email protected]. I have mentioned several times here coz I really have benefited from her care (not sure how I cld manage without her) and I have confident you will too. She is there in every appointment and could explain whatever the nurse instructed and much more. She has helped me convey my fear and questions to the post op nurse effectively too.

Guess thats about it.
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Finger cross for ur girl. Ur so brave and it will turn out good !!
So would u still recommend Grand? As I wanted to have my face contouring done there and lower eye lid surgery maybe. Which surgern did urs?

Good luck with recovery
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Yeah I heard about Zoe as well, emailed her few months back told her about my appointment and stuff in this coming November and needed her for translation etc,she replied me that her service might not be right for me etc. :sad: I was quite upset , thinking how selective she can be because I know her service will be great help and all that.. But anyways its all good :smile:

I'm going to have lipo at 365mc this coming november, has been closely in touch with their international PR consultant, she even gave me her phone number that I can easily i-Message with :biggrin: . Very friendly tone and answered all my doubts , make me feel at ease so much.
365mc also won many awards for their clinic (they specialise in lipo nothing else) and have amazing post-op care. Excited. hope all will turn out good.

I'm also considering buccal fat removal for that V shape look at Teuimps clinic. they quoted me 1-2m won and its very minimal downtime as well. What do you guys think about buccal fat removal?Has anyone done it before?

Thanks in advance peeps :smile:
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Dear my junkie, please hang in there and remember "the best thing always take time to come" !! Gambate!!!! Im sure ur eyes will be beautiful!!
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Yes, Lotsajunkie, I tot more invasive will be more difficult, but either way, since all these surgeries alter our looks esp eyes and nose, I could empathize what you are going thru. You will get better, just a matter of time. All the best to speedy recovery. Blog about your feeling from time to time if it helps you emotionally. Just as what Eightbelow has been doing. :smile:
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Hey Via,

Thanks for sharing. Yes, Zoe also rejected me before when I wanted to do calf reduction. I think since she is trying to help more than just translation, there might be some challenging surgery or things that are beyond her capacity. Anycase, do share with us about the lipo experience!! I am very eager to know. Please make sure to lay your condition before payment that you need someone who could translate to be with you throughout. All the best!!
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Yes, they tied you up because as we are unconscious, our body tend to move around and tying our body up will help prevent any distraction cause by our body movement , allowing the surgeon to fully focused on operating you. I did rhinoplasty before and thats what they did as well :smile:
* i posted my b&a rhino pic in asiannosejob3 thread before too, quite happy with it :smile:

You may fine this info helpful too lotsajunkie : http://www.realself.com/eyelid-surgery/answers/healing

Rest up more and drink lots of water too!
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Hi London Chick, please let me know the name of this laser skincare place as well! I am ready to rid my freckles as well. :biggrin:
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Hi Emisa,

I totally agree with Tooney. Your nose looks nice and natural now. :smile: Don't meddle with your nose when there's nothing wrong with it now.
I had rhino 3x not because I was nothing happy with the results, but due to implant deviation. And I was very traumatised by the whole process.
My friend who is a doctor told me that the nose tend to get weaker and weaker everytime we revise.
I pray that I dont have to do another revision anymore.
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Thanks a lot babe...

Yes spoke with jiwon on the phone too, she seems very nice and caring, she'd tried to accomodate all I need. But i guess that a typical sales person do, don't you think?
Tomorrow 2 oct is my consulation with wonjin and they suggested and booked for me the operation at the same day later in the late afternoon. Which might not gv me enough chance to made my consultation at grand on thursday 04 oct.

I'm still pretty much worried and lost in which clinic i want to do it with. Because they all seems to perform a same type of surgery, only done by diff doctors and diff clinics. Also each patients have a diff type of nose so each case might be different from the other.

I gues its really hard to make this decision as this is a matter of 20 yrs or more to live with your new look for better or worst :smile:
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I guess u went thru what I made myself go thru as well - slow healing, rush decision, obligated.

I still feel remorseful choosing BK as I was challenging time too. I was cryin regret after paying deposit and not to mention the wrong surgeon (I still cant believe Sha**77 raved him...?!)

Though one month into my surgery, my nostrils r still uneven from swelling and my right eye squints assymetrically due to stiff stitching from the lateral corner. I started tapping gently on the corner from the 3rd week and saw slight improvement - right eye is opening up - and I still use a warm pack occassionally n tapping it as much as I can (but gently ok).

I must say that your post-op stay in Seoul was way too rushed. I had partial stitches removed on the 7th day until the 10th and 12th. Send your concern to the surgeon via your consultant to seek advice.

In all, pressuring a patient to commit the surgery cos "there's a free slot in the surgeon's schedule tomorrow" is a BIG NO NO. An hr on the surgeon's calendar does not equate adequacy for your 2-hr surgery - thus the abrupt and brutal operation. I observed their malpractise through my experience so advising ppl not to be stacked in between patients. A morning appointment is also better than an afternoon one.

Please remember: "Patience is a virtue". A rushed operation always ends in regret. Give yourself ample time to rationalise your decision. Its your face n $ afterall.

* I am still praying for a positive result... :smile:
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Hey, Grand has a Dr Suh who is famous for his facial contouring. A lot of celebrities had their facial contouring done there. While I was there, all the pictures pinned up on the wall had the Dr Suh posing with some sort of Korean celebrities, although I'm not too familiar with all the faces. So for facial contouring, I do think you're in good hands with Grand. For lower lid, it will be another doctor that will be allocated to you as Dr Suh only performs facial contouring as that's his speciality.

Dr Rhee did all my surgeries, and apparently, the translator told me he is famous for eyes and nose. I'm not sure whether to recommend him as I'm still waiting for my own results to show. However, one thing I did notice for myself so far, is that his approach is quite natural, as I still look like myself. Definitely there are changes to my eyes and nose, but people around me hasn't noticed the big difference to comment.
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Thank you sweetie. Your eyes are already beautiful. I hope mine will turn out as well as yours! Don't worry about the slight asymmetry u have coz it is barely noticeable to me. Let's look forward to de-swelling and the final results, and let's come out for a mini celebration of sort when that day comes!!
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