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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hey Hannah! Would it be too much trouble for you to send me your B+A pictures? [email protected]

Thanks :smile:
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Hannah Lai

Hey. I'm thinking about getting a nose job. Do you mind letting me see the before and after? My addy is [email protected]. Do you know where most actors/actresses in the movies go to get their surgeries done. Are you satisfied with your results and would you recommended Wonjin? How much did the 7 days stay cost you? How much was the entire endevour including rhinoplasty, hotel/spending cost, and plane tickets? Sorry for asking so many questions. I'm still in the planning process. Thanks.
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heys, not sure but wojin is notorious for using GPs for surgeries because only their director's a certified plastic surgeon. so.....and this was a gossip from many doctors.
if you'd like to visit wonjin, be sure to know who will be the one performing your operation
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@caitlinlim: Thanks for the info! I went on Wonjin's website and since they do have an english site, I would think they would cater towards international patients yet it is hardly mentioned in this forum. So I have a feeling that some of the people recommending Wonjin would be marketers...

Although this one guy that posted on another topic seemed honest about his work done at Wonjin. He got a nose job with the director and a chin implant with someone in the clinic but he did mention that he wasn't too pleased with his new chin. I did nonetheless make a consult at Wonjin with the director but I think I'm going to cancel the appointment because I get the feeling that there are a few false experiences. That is, these experiences are posted by marketers and not real patients. Just by that act of dishonesty, I have a bad feeling about the clinic as an establishment.
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@Lexethan: Regarding if Wonjin clinic did any work on actresses/actors, my mom did some research and she said that the director did do some work on actresses/actors but they weren't anyone too relevant in the entertainment industry. I think they were small time actresses/actors. Maybe my mom thinks they are not relevant because we don't live in Korea, but she does watch enough Korean shows :P I'm going to Korea next Tuesday and I have not picked a place yet but I have a few consults lined up. I'm hoping I will pick a clinic within a day and hopefully they can squeeze me in the next day or the day after. I'm staying in Korea a little more than 2 weeks just in case. Also I want to make sure I am comfortable enough to fly back to the states (14 hour flight!!).
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That is really disappointing to know. I guess Wonjin is now off my list. Their website does look enticing.
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Good luck! Let us know how it goes! 14 hours? You must be from the west coast? I'm from the Midwest so it'll probably take much longer.
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No I'm actually in NYC :smile: I'm not sure what direction I'll be flying but its more or less 14 hours. Not looking forward to the flight!
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Oh okay. Where are you going to get your consultations? BK Dongyang is definitely on my list. It appears from Google that Dr. Shin Yong Ho and the clinic have worked on Celebs.
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As I benefit a lot from this forum and realize that it is helpful for people planing on going to Korea if I share my plastic surgery experience.

I went to Seoul on Dec 4th and left on Dec 11th. What I got is double eyelids.

Foreigners who don't understand Korean have very limited information available for them. I don't understand Korean and before I went to Korea, I read every single threads here and came up with 3 clinics I wanted to visit: Teuimp, Regen and Banobagi. My Korean friend highly recommended YNY Beauty. I did not put it onto my list because its website is not very informative and there are not lots of fancy before and after pictures.

I visited Teuimp on Dec 6th. Dr. Kwon recommended three procedures for my eyes: suture double eyelids, eyelid muscle elevation and inner corner cut. I did question about his approach as the distance between my eyes are close, does the inner corner cut make it even closer? and is the double eyelids gonna resolve along with the time if we take suture method. Dr. Kwon said he can do incisional method or whatever I want.

I visited Regen the same day. It is a very busy clinic. We waited like 50 minutes even with a pre-scheduled appointment. Dr. Kim recommened partial incisional double eyelids, inner corner cut and outter corner cut. I still have questions about the inner corner cut and hesitate about outter corner cut because of so many bad feedback about this approach.

I went to Banobagi in the afternoon. Dr. Park recommended only one prodcedure: double embedded (double suture) eyelids. He did not think my condition is suitable for either inner corner cut or out corner cut. I actually buy in what he said even though he is a little arrogant. The consultant helped me book the next day surgery and pushed me to put deposit to secure the surgery time.

I acutally ended up with YNY Beauty even though I have paid the deposit to Banobagi. Long story short. I had a consultation with Dr. Yun, the owner of the clinic. My Korean friend took me there and she told me that she had 5 friends having surgeries there and they are all happy with the result. Also, personally, I feel that Dr. Yun is a very experienced and honest person. He did not recommend any cut because those will lead to other surgeries in order to keep my face proportional. He said less is more, just do what is really necessary. He graduated from the the most prestigious university for plastic surgery in Korea and now is teaching this major in a university. He offered me unbelievably good price because my friend took me there. I had my surgery done 1 hour after the consultation. and I am very happy with the result.

YNY Beauty is not as popular as other clinics and not being discussed a lot by foreigners because they are being modest (which is not necessarily a good strategy) not spending money on commercials or decoration of their clinics which eventually become part of patients' payments anyway. However, this strategy indeed lowers the cost so we can benefit from it. Also, do not rely on those before/after pictures. You can never be the same as those girls in pics because we have different faces. The same procedure may result in totally different look. Dr. Yun is not anxious for more patients as he has enough business for his small scale clinic. Also because of this, he can be honest to you and not desperately convince you to do more precedures than what you really need.

I did hired Zoe as the translator. I heard her name from this website and booked her time like one month in advance. She went to those 3 clinics with me and translated for me. She did not go to YNY with me because it was really last minute decision and my friend was with me for the surgery on the same day. My two cents is if you don't speak the language and don't have Korean friend, you do need a translator as most of the docture speaking only broken english.

Now it is the 10th day post the surgery. I wear makeup, go outside without sun glasses and meet up with friends. Everyone says that I look super natural. Dr. Yun said that I will look even better the end of the first month, can't wait. I can't swim though for another 2 weeks just to give a little more time for my eyes to recover.

I will post my pics shortly
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BK is not on my list. From what I gathered, BK is a hit or miss and I don't want to take that chance. I've scheduled consults for Regen, Grand, JW, and With. I did research for Regen and Grand they seem quite popular, and also my mom's cousin who lives in Korea and has gotten a nose job recommended those place as well. She also recommended JW and With. I've found some information on JW but not so much on With. If you search With in Korean, there is a website but I don't know how to do that.
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I have question: what doctor YNY specialist in? eyes? Nose?
I would love to hear from you more!
Thanks for share your story
I plan to go in Jan for my vacation trip, but I'm not sure should I get a nose job done...I don't want to waiste my time and money on surgery that is not good!
Can you send me your b&a pictures through my private message!

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Thanks so much for sharing your experience! How much did you have to put down for a deposit and is that deposit refundable? In NYC, they asked for $500 for deposit to secure an appointment for surgery. I don't remember if its refundable though. Hope you are healing well and I'm looking forward to your amazing B+A pictures :smile:
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I'm Vietnamese from the US. Are you a male? Let me know how it goes and where you're planning to have it done! Thinking about getting a rhinoplasty.
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