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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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that's strange how come other clinics mention that the inner stitches can only be remove 2 weeks post op? how's your healing at the moment? any scar formed? on the eyelid? hope not.
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Sinman, i tried to PM u, but i can't find the "PM" button from your screen name??
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i dont know if you can open the link but if you scroll down you'd see the dramatic results i'm pointing out, and apparently one of the doctors is hot +_+
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haha my friends and i will be covering quite a number of surgeries, hence we picked banobagi or regen because they are really good in terms of all surgeries, facial contouring, eyes, nose.

IMO you should go with a korean, they usually charge foreigners much higher
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I just got email from WIP, they said my nose will be $ 15,000.00 and eyes : $3,500.00
I only fix the top of my nose, and corect the eyelids, ( one small , one biger and take the fat out both upper and lower ) and 10 % tax . I think I would have spent about 25 thousand overthere. it's blood sucker.
I just found 2 hospital in Vietnam, they work together with WJ some thing and BK , they have doctor who studied and worked in WJ and BK and lot of hospital in Korean, they do the same thing, lot of cheapper. I am not looking for cheap, I am very difficul person, but after talk to them and watched videos what they have done, I trust them . I can save 50 - 70 % . the hotel there too cheap, 3 star only $20.- $25. they speak english good. way better than korean. they told me detail how to do ... on phone and email . so, I if anybody want to know them , email me . or can go with me . trust me, vietnamese very talen about cosmetic surgery and they are learning form Korean now, the price will go up alot in the future .
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I am sure there are talented doctors in VN but the standard of sanitation and safety, I am not so sure about. Speaking from my own experience... Please take care, guys. I'm here for a few more weeks if anyone wants me to check out hospitals. The only American-standard hospital I've seen is in q7
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some how i can't load an image to the forum. but if you send me an email to shanekenji77 at yahoo dot com, i'll be more than happy to send you my before and after shot. i don't have Dr ho email. the surgeon there don't usualy answer email. you just have to let them know that you want to speak with dr ho when you reach the clinic and there will arrange it for you.
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actually i agree with alot of what he have to say. the typical impression is that kore is the best place in the world for PS when infact there are many other countries around the world that offer quality PS at a very reasonable price. take thailand for example. the bulk of the procedure i had were in thailand and apart from an infection that occur, (totally my fault) everything else went pretty well. the majority of the surgeon in thailand are american board certified, so their standard are equal to surgeon from the united states, and their cost are very reasonable. like else where in the world, if you find a bad surgeon in korea, your result will be dissapointing as many here had already found out. so there's no guarantee a surgeon from korea will always produce exceptional result. and not all surgeons from thailand, india, malaysia, singapore etc will nessesasary produce bad result. i guess having ps is not just about the skill of a surgeon but your luck as well. my experience with BK had turn out great, but there are few that don't agree. i guess i am the few lucky one.
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The beginning of August is still monsoon season in Korea so my friends all recommend me going late August~ And it also should not be peak season.. as someone already said.. they are the busiest in the winter. I'm so glad I ended up rescheduling my trip! *whew*
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