townstory Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 I agree, it is not fair to swing people's mind without honestly telling the story. If everyone wants to kick someone out, that person should think it is not always other people's fault. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kellyz Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 Those prices are so high! Nose for 8K with implants is real expensive compared to rib that's similar price. hmm travel to korea or Australia, probs korea cause bandages and bruised faces are more accepted in a way. Thanks for sharing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kellyz Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 I'm not sure if anyone has asked yet though I'm curious to find out from people how many days after surgery are you able to breath normally and are you able to smell and taste food like normal? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kellyz Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 Migookinamja, Your post surgery photo looks good a bit bruised though not as much as I'd thought. It'll go away later in the mean time there's always 'medical makeup'. Anyways, happy recovering! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
migookinamja Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 Here's a 72 hrs post op video showing the joker smile in action. I've tried to see what kind of facial expressions I can make and from what I can tell I'm happy that my relaxed face look doesn't make me look like I'm sad which was one of my biggest complaints of my previous nose. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
angleplane Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 Well, I don't want to start a polemic. I just wanted to share my experience. I knew the people I mentioned were going to answer by protecting VIP or themselves, I am sorry if I offended them that was not my intention. We don't know each other, I had a nice conversation with McDeamy, Bisoux, Yellowsuitcase and Intherighthands, and I know that everyone want to be in good relations with VIP, even myself, as our treatment depends on that (we get more days of accommodation, facial treatments, discounts, more days of accommodation etc). I also know the staff of VIP is also reading this forum and the other patients I saw at VIP know that. By posting this, I'm also afraid not to be treated well if I go back to VIP, but I want to share my entire experience, because the more information is shared the better. If people do not like me for just telling my experience, there's nothing I can do and I will not continue posting on that subject and I will stick to talking about nose job as this is the subject of this thread. I also wished that the clinic liked me as I really think Dr Lee is a skilled surgeon, but it didn't happen that way, and I just wanted to share my experience. I didn't do anything to be treated that way and if I did I'm sure Townstory, Catlover88 or Kekeke would have said it to back up their argument. I have nothing against these persons but they seem to see a duality between VIP and me where they want to protect VIP. I also like VIP clinic (because of Dr Lee, Dr Song and the nurses) and want to be in a good relationship with them. When I asked Joann why I was treated that way, she said that the reason was a misunderstanding and people thought the cost of the CT scan was a waste of money, but at the end she was nice to me and even my last day at the clinic, she held my hand. As for those who wonder about my liposuction, it wasn't planned ahead with VIP, I told them at the last minute that I wanted to have it done. There are positive things about VIP : the nurses were extremely nice to me and I really like Dr Lee and Dr Song, they're very humane, skilled and attentive. I wrote a long post in which I praised Dr Lee after my surgery. I still think people should still go and have their rhinoplasty with Dr Lee if they want rib cartilage. I will personally go back to VIP because it's the only clinic where I felt no pain after waking up from surgeries. I would go back to Dr Lee if I had to do something with my nose. Sorry to repeat myself, but to Kekeke: I am still unsure why they treated me that way except for the fact that they didn't like that they had to pay for the CT scan for zygoma and mandibular and that the day before the surgery I said I only wanted rhinoplasty. If Kekeke knows the reason, send me a PM or write it on the forum. And to Catlover88, I had a nice conversation with you about lasik, I am sorry if you seem to be offended, but the receptionist did say "when she arrived she said the room was dirty" (I don't think anyone who do plastic surgery is dirty, I care a lot about hygiene, but I messy yes, my stuffs were all over at the entrance door), this is what the receptionist said, I just repeated it to you, don't be defensive, I think it's better that I tell you instead of saying nothing. Maybe, disclosing everything including the fact that I went to Smallface was my biggest mistake, but I want people to have all the information at their hands and then be themselves, make their opinions, decide knowing all the facts. Catlover88, if I should feel guilty for returning in the empty room for 2 days (Joann said she didn't mind me staying if a room was empty), as I could not talk, I really had no choice, I did not want to stay any longer in a place where I wasn't welcome. It is not easy to find a hotel (where they speak English) and that would accept someone who may have surgery complications in the hotel, especially because I did not look healthy with all these bandages. I am only using this forum to share information about rhinoplasty or to help those who want to know more things about the clinics where I've been. @shouislove : I was just sharing my experience as someone asked if it was good or not to come during peak time, I knew I was going to be attacked that's why I hesitated before posting, people are free to believe my honesty or not. Nevertheless, I don't think people should doubt going to VIP because of my personal experience. I know it's frustrating to hear a negative comment when you think you've found the right clinic. I may have had a bad personal experience but remember the surgeon's skills are the only thing that matter. Also, you'll probably be treated better if you do all your surgeries at VIP unlike me who said that I was going to Smallface, everytime I mentionned that clinic, I felt like I was hated even more but I wanted to say it as my appointments clashed with the dressings 10AM. Anyway, mentioning that I do my zygoma+mandibular at Smallface instead of VIP, also means that it's 10 000 USD less for VIP. But that was my choice since months ago (hesitating with Dr Song for the cozycoters), it did not mean that I preferred Smallface over VIP as it seemed to be interpreted. Also, VIP do provide an accommodation while other clinics don't. They do drive you to the officetel after surgery and they take care of you, facial, shampoo etc. Even at Dr Jung's, the rib cartilage rhinoplasty is the same price and there is no service that comes with it. So, at the end, VIP is still good. I understand that it is a forum, people don't know if people are falsly praising a clinic, or trying to bash. @Yellowsuitcase : As for my nose, yes I was happy because it was a beautiful nose intrinsically (I am very optimistic in general), but when my eyes and facial contour started to de-swell, my nose looked too projected and the bridge too high for my face and the nostrils are showing from the front view (but apparently it will get better with time). I currently look ugly but I hope the nose will reduce in proportions because even though it is nice, it does not suit my face as of now, but also Dr Lee gave me a nose before I had a facial contour that changed the proportions of my entire face. So, maybe it is better to do the facial contour first and 3 months after the rhinoplasty, as the surgeon can make a nose in proportion with the face you have the day of surgery. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kekekeke Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 I don't think the people who responded to your review (including me), dislike you. I can't say we are protecting VIP, but we are just quite suspicious about what you wrote. If you did arrive on June 1st, then isn't it reasonable for Joann to let you stay for 2 weeks? You came into my room on June 17th, and you stayed in your old room until June 19th (?). Like I said, Joann never kicked you out even though she found out that you were still in the offictel. I don't want any future VIP-ers to misunderstand the problem between you and VIP so I will write it in public. I don't know how much of it was true (maybe you can comment on it?) but.. Joann said the clinic had problems with your payment and did not recieve the payment until 7 days (more or less, I forgot) after your surgery. She also said you don't go back regularly to change dressing/check up like you were suppose to (I understand why, since you were probably going to other clinics to ask for more info). Also, VIP does not feed their patients anymore once they leave the clinic (except the monthly allowance Joann can use on patients, sometimes she will treat certain patients for lunch/dinner). However, the nanny (which is the chef's sister) told me you go back often and requests for more than a meal per day. I understand that you were still recovering, but I faced a lot of problems with your messiness even though you were only with me for 1 night. To be honest, 3 patients (including me) complained to Joann about your messiness and that is the reason why Joann had to pay for the hotel because none of us wanted to share a room with you. Nevertheless, I'm just being honest because I felt that your post wasn't justifying why VIP treated you the way they did. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
victoirie Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 Hey guys! So, I just read the around 150 pages on this subforum. And I found it really useful. Im thinking of getting a nose rib surgery next May, since Im going to the Philippines on the same summer anyways. And after reading your positive reviews about Mr. Lee of VIP clinic, I`m leaning towards him. Now, my questions are, how many days do you guys expect to to stay in Korea post surgery? How much do you guys spend on daily average? (includes hotel and food) How much money do you guys expect to spend including the surgery fee? Do you need VISA permit to enter Korea? I hope someone is kind enough to answer my questions. The only before and after picture that I have seen so far is from Kain and Im incredibly impressed. Can anyone send me their before and after pictures as well? My email address is You can add me in Facebook as well if you want. My nose is incredibly average though. Youve been warned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
taeyang123 Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 lol haha i too have the same problem. im not sure if its caused by my nose, but when im not smiling ppl tell me that i look like im mad. ure tip seems to be nicely projected and pointy, looks pretty good for just 72 hrs post op. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kekekeke Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 how many days do you guys expect to to stay in Korea post surgery? VIP recommends 2 weels.How much do you guys spend on daily average? (includes hotel and food)How much money do you guys expect to spend including the surgery fee? If you are going with VIP, there is no need to spend money on hotel. They provide free accomodation at their offictel. As for food.. it depends on what you eat. A meal costs about 5,000 won (of course, it depends on what kind of resturants you choose to go to). If you go to the one below the offictel, a Kimbap store with other types of food, 5,000 won will make you full. There's also a Family Mart (which is like 7 eleven) downstairs, or a 7 eleven a few blocks away. Bring extra money if you want to shop.Do you need VISA permit to enter Korea? Nope, you don't. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joyanz Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 It took a week for me =) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bisousx Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 @angleplane I'm really sorry that you felt that way. Personally I thought you were pretty and nice, and I enjoyed our conversations as well. I was there when Joann talked about the Korean show, and in my opinion, yes the conversation between you guys was a bit awkward. She did include you in the reservation number of 8. One of the other patients asked Joann (privately) why the conversation went down like that, and Joann replied saying she did not know if some of the patients were uncomfortable with you and did not want to assume anything... based on what happened previously with the Officetel room situations. But we all liked you, and also I PMed you to see if you were going to join us for the show. I think Joann was put on the spot and tried to answer in a diplomatic way, and tried to avoid embarrassing everyone involved. I hope you continue to heal well.VIP Experience: Overall, my experience echoes what everyone else has said about VIP. Their aftercare truly is top notch. Even top surgery centers in Beverly Hills don't provide that much attention to their patients, so I am mostly pleased with my experience with VIP. The recovery was difficult and annoying, but one thing is that I never felt like I couldn't come to the staff to get more painkillers, more meds, or think of ways to relieve the discomfort. As I said before in an earlier post, my nose looks exactly like the pictures I gave to Dr. Lee. I gave him photos of Araya Hargate, some photos of a friend of mine whose nose I liked, and some photos of asian celebs whose nose I absolutely did not want. Although my consultation lasted about 10 minutes, I did not feel rushed in my consultation. With that being said, the clinic was extremely busy and I would recommend that if you are not comfortable with that kind of time frame, speak up or book your surgery during non-peak seasons. For all of you considering surgery, no matter where you choose to go, please take care to communicate how you want your nose to look like and do not just tell the surgeon to make it look 'natural'. He/she can't guess what your standard of beauty is. You don't have to bring in photos of celebrities. You can even Photoshop your own photos or have a graphic artist do that, so you are in control of your own simulation. I felt that there was some pressure to get extra procedures. As foreigners, we were isolated in Korea and had to be in the clinic everyday for 14 days, so maybe this pressure seemed to be stronger. But now that I think about it, this is no different from going for a day at the spa, and the spa staff wants you to buy their products. Joann is kind and diplomatic, and she reminds me of my Korean friend's mom. And you can find ways to get around mom, right I am 2.5 wks post op, and my nose does not look swollen at all. There is no scar on the columella, and the scar on my rib is fading as well. I think in a month, the rib scar will be gone.. but I am not prone to scarring in general, so it will vary from person to person. My emotions are changing everytime I look in the mirror, so sometimes I go from loving my new nose to wishing I had asked for something more subtle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
taeyang123 Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 hey i would love to see some post op pictures of ure nose if its not too much trouble. im so curious now lol everyone is saying they have beautiful noses, and since i was considering vip i would love to see some pictures to help with my decision. my personal email is heal well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bisousx Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 Sent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kain Posted July 2, 2011 Share Posted July 2, 2011 @angleplane i'm sorry your experience wasnt as good as it should have been. some misunderstandings can rly mess things up. but i'm glad you like your nose. i do think it is going to get a bit smaller, at the very least. i remember replying to a pm from you, advising you on a genioplasty. i do feel bit bad that i couldnt accurately advise you about the genioplasty. it is hard to advise ppl on surgery in general (especially without seeing the person), cos as soon as advice is given, some responsibility is taken on. so i'm sorry i couldnt accurately advise you about the genioplasty. i just sorta gave general advice instead of advice specific to your chin and profile. its possible to do the genioplasty in any country with good results imo. you can ask any dentist to recommend you to a specialist. oooh, can i see too? thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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