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asian nose job 2

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ouch! well well, theres no best of both worlds as dr toriumi mentioned he purposely create Bigger Rib noses to allow nose for absorption. so his noses usualy look bigger after surgery and take years to shrink. hence many unhappy customers< whats your take on this, guys?
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It's not just big, meaning wide, but the nose he gave me is simply not balanced and porpotional. His aethetic sense in building asian nose is zilch. He used his aesthetic sense for building white noses on Asian faces, except in a smaller scale.
I think my nose would've been Okay looking if he had augmented my bridge and lengthened my nose a bit more, so that every part of my nose is porportional and balanced.
Can you imagine this: he puts over 16-17 grafts in the middle part of my nose, so while every part of my nose has healed, the middle is still wide/huge and it's been 2 and 1/2 years now. Since the bridge he gave me is low, nose length is short, the tip is non-projected and blunt, and if you were to see me from the frontal, it looks extremely flat.
But from the side, the bridge looks extremely stright and the tip looks pointy.
It really looks bad on my face; it just doesn't look natural on an Asian face. When I went back to him for my one year follow-up and complaint about it, he simply said, " you've got an asian nose, what do you expect."
So not only he's a bad surgeon, but he's also extremely rude.

Yeah, Dr. Toriumi has a lot of unhappy patients; in fact, I think there's a blog dedicated to him, called "Dr. Toriumi's unhappy patients."
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i guess someone who d crowned him the best surgeon must had been paid to do so.

today i went to a dentist as my usual one is on holidays. this very well known clinic, big names. hurted my gums n all and i was super in pain. WORST dental visit ever.
where; my usual dentist survived in a small unknown clinic, i hardly have any pain at all and she is PRO.

sumtimes good skilled people are not as well known as those poorly skilled ones. purely marketing i guess or prolly just my luck.

i worked in a medical centre before. and i can tell you many doctors are worse than the nurses. yes they have the fundamental knowledge but not the technical application, until they "trial n error" themselves way thru it, spoilt many lungs n hearts till they save one.

oh well.

GL all
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Hi Vickie, I am looking at either going to VIP or Dr Hsu on Apr 28/29 (trying to capitalize on the public holiday to stretch out my recovery a little) Have you had a consultation in person with Dr Lee @ VIP?

Have you thought about going to Dr Hsu in Taiwan? This is his URL [http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/hsuyc1]; I am a huge fan of his work! I have had a long and involved consultation with him via email; he has been extremely patient with my numerous questions.

A shout out to everybody else: Is anybody thinking of going to Taiwan towards the end of Apr/beginning of May?
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actually wats the diff between dr hsu's noses n dr lees? or rather; the taiwan noses n koreans? diff style?

actually after researching n looking at so many nose jobs, i think i can spot on a nose job on the streets easily now.

for Asians; i think it is very rare to have a perfect nose , bound to have some flaws here n there even its high , tall, sharp or pointed. when i see nice looking nose on asian women these days i begin to doubt... oh watever.

taiwan shld be cheaper? i think u shld go with whoever understands your concern more n communicate better with you not to mention they r confident in your requirement.
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I'm planning on VIP. But I'm still researching other clinics as well. I will let you know. But I'm set on going during the dates as planned. I plan on using natural material just because I'm extremely afraid of my body rejecting foreign material. I have not decided if I wanted to do rib or septal and ear cartilage (even though it has a high reabsorption rate). I emailed Dr. Lee and am still waiting for his reply. Yes, definitely need a travel and moral buddy pre and post op. After reading all the post, it would be a good idea to have one.

Does anyone know if putting cold compress post op for 15-30 mins will help with deswelling? A lot of people just mention taking medication but nothing really about cold compress. Or is that a no go for blood circulation and discharge from the nose?
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and will the cold compress help ease the pain? For those of you that have had surgery?

Kind of like when you twist your ankle and you put ice pack on there to keep the swelling down and it feels kind of nice. Anyone?

Also, are you allowed to chew gum to keep your mouth moist post op? because you can't drink water. I use this method when I have a cold and stuffy nose in order to sleep, so I wonder if we are allowed to do this, since you are not allowed to drink water for at least 6 hrs after post op. I believe. :amuse:
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jus follow the dr instructions.

Dont think u wan to chew gum.

Ice does help for sure.
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Thanks rhinose! I had hope there would have been a slight possibility. guess not.

Just wondering then, many forum-ers have told that they woke up post op in the recovery room with an extremely dry mouth & sore throat due to thirst and from the breathing tube during op, what did you guys do to help alleviate/soothe this thirst/throat problem? or did you guys just tough it out for the next few hrs until you can drink water? I know these seem like stupid questions, but I'm just extremely curious. I just want to prep everything I can beforehand.

@ Laugnablevickie- are you looking at ticket prices already? I was searching for tickets and it is running $800-$1000 during mid-May. Wowzers. :wtf and what day are you looking to have your op? I'm probably planning on May 14 or 15th then I can have at least 2 weeks to do some recovering before leaving.
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Welll too be honest, when u remove your cast.. it WOULD be weird if u liked your nose anyways... but then again, ppl have different likes for what they want their nose to look like. When i saw my nose.. i wanted to cry.. i looked liek a freak... it was... no unnaturally big!! Thats why ppl are sad at the beginning and then end up liking their nose more and more each day. (but then im talking about girls not guys) My nose is really nice right now (a bit over 1 year of healing) if it shrunk 5% more its fine too. But honestly after 8 months it stayed the same.. like from 8-12 months i havent seen anymore shrinkage. Looks like its staying the same now. Also ppl's healing rate is different too. even tho my tip could be still healing and i probably just dont know. Those who want big noses without shrinkage normally should use non-natural. From what i saw from my friend, once the cast was removed.. it wasnt that scary.. it was big nose and stayed big nose. I think it even got bigger later cuz it became less defined.
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that sounds... racist.. but isnt he asian himself?????
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I am looking at the ticket price and it's around 1000-1200 from New York. Where are you from? I think it's best to confirm the date soon because I heard from JoAnn that the first 2 weeks in March is already booked at this time.
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Already? Interesting, I'm flying out from Minnesota. If that is the case then I will book to fly out on May 12 and schedule my op for May 14. I think these dates will be set unless (knock on wood) ...nvm shouldn't say it. What days exactly are you looking at? or planning for?
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I'm deciding between May 11 or May 16. The only reason I'm reluctant on going for the earlier date (11th) is because then my op will most likely be on the 13, which is a Friday =x (I know it's a silly thing to believe in)
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