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asian nose job 2

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did you tell any of your friends that you were getting ps?
i'm still debating on what to do...
should i tell them before i go?
or should i come back and only tell them if they ask?

for those of you who had ps and chose not to tell people ahead of time, did anyone of your friends get really upset because you didn't tell them ahead of time about getting a rhino?

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oh no milk!

i'm so sorry to hear that you don't like the way your nose is turning out :sad:
i can't believe the absorption rate is so high! 35%?! is that what most of the ancestors noticed as well?

what did you use for your tip milk?

how come you are thinking about returning to vip even though you're not satisfied with the way your nose is turning out to be?

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May I ask how old you are?

I don't think it really matters whether you tell them or not, its your body and you don't owe them an explanation. :P

Although when I did my nose w/ silicone, I told some of my close friends. Most of them were supportive, but some of them were really against it - just due to their personal feelings about plastic surgery in general. It was kind of hurtful not to have their support.

And for the friends who didn't know about it, they did not even notice once I had the surgery. :lol: But I asked for subtle results, so I guess that's what I got.
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i didn't tell anyone. but i don't have any close friends anyway.
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i know this question wasnt for me but just wanted to answer hehe

I told my bestest friends before surgery..(were against it but still very supportive) and then all my moms friends noticed..and relatives..and then work..LOL. i'm surrounded by so many people everyday since i own a business.. so avoiding people post op was inevitable...but i really didn't care. non asians had no idea.. they just said i looked different haha...^^;;
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kain, after looking at your photos I want to get a nose job, haha. I'll have to look into paranasal. What did they use for your nose bridge? Any risks involved with the material for the nose bridge? Thanks
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dr lee used rib cartilage for the paranasals, bridge and tip. they also used some ear cartilage in the tip in order to make it softer. he also said that the ear cartilage would make the tip look bulbous until some of the cartilage reabsorbs

risks of rib cartilage:

the cartilage can warp (the entire implant curves so the nose looks crooked) but this risk is minimised by using proper technique to carve the cartilage

it can become infected

it can sometimes reabsorb too much and not give you the height you wanted. the surgeon will try to compensate for this by overaugmenting the nose so that it looks too big at first but looks the right size when the cartilage is finished reabsorbing

there is also a risk of something called pneumothorax when the surgeon harvests the cartilage

and then there are the risks associated with undergoing general anesthesia and medications
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ohh... i just doubled checked and found the old post... the author was not you. haha... i am so sorry >u<" i had so many windows opened at the same time when i was doing my research and just got very confused. thanks for letting me know!

and thank you for sharing your experience :smile: i will be undergoing surgery soon and i find all of you who have completed the operation very brave!! :biggrin:
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Good Luck!! Please share your experience ;)
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QUESTION everyone to has done eyelid surgery... im not doing anything drastic just removing the fats...... but is there high chance of permanent scarring? i've been reading through diff forums and have been hearing that without makeup its sooo obvious.... is this true?
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HOLY ****, you look soo different! He did I good job on you. your nose looks really, really good!
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