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asian nose job 2

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how did you find out that you had a UTI?

i didn't find out until i started peeing blood in the morning and checked on the internet cos the clinic wasn't open yet :sweatdrop:
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we changed money at the clinic, and at some money exchange vendors in dongdaemon and myeong dong markets. some of the vendors accept CAD, some don't. i heard taht the vendors have better exchange rates than most banks. the banks should accept CAD though. i've only been inside one korean bank, and it was an atm bank or something because it was a building filled with a dozen atms, and no tellers. :thinking: the atms were in korean and we didn't find a language option.

you can find money exchange vendors by looking for shops with a money sign on it, or asking some locals.

its held in place by several wires. it doesn't move even by 1mm or anything, i just feel it click when i press on one side or on the front, which is how i know it hasn't fused yet

i guess it could be kinda dangerous to have your son hit you, but unless he grows up to become the incredible hulk, i don't think he can break the medical wire :greengrin:
it would be really dangerous if you fell down though

thanks. the tip has either deswelled since i left korea, or i have gotten used to having a huge nose XD

i didn't ask dr lee but pneumothorax is really rare and if the surgery is done carefully, there shouldn't be any problems. i assume that he has never had that problem before

both, sort of. my protruded mouth was partially due to my weak chin.

for my upper lip, i think it is mostly due to my paranasals. i think they look a tiny bit too big from the side view, but i think it might just be the swelling

i don't think getting just a nose job will help much with the upper lip. its the paranasals that push out the area above the lip to balance it out.

you can bring the surgeon profile pics of what type of profile you like if you are worried that he will make the paranasal implants too big.

thanks XD
i have a girlfriend that i don't know about? next, you will be telling me that i had a wedding ceremony while i was under sedation, so i now have a wife :shocked:
are you connie? i don't think your chin was receded.
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Hi everyone,

I just discovered this forum. I want to get nose surgery done and have been trying to do research to go to the best Dr. possible. I am female and live in the UK but want to travel to Seoul since I am of Chinese descent and I hear Seoul is the best place for Asians to get cosmetic surgery.

I am worried about this rib or ear cartilage thing. Why does this need to be done? Is it only for the bridge of the nose? I have a flat bridge but I don't care about that, I think it's kind of cute. I think a high bridge would look bad on my face.

What I want done is for my the tip of my nose to be more narrow. Right now it is flat and wide and I think a simple operation would make it look a lot better. Plus I think that will make my bridge look higher anyway.

Right now I have e-mailed Dr. Jung at the Shimmian Clinic (I know he's had some bad reviews here though but I have also read many good ones) and Dr. Lee at VIP. If there's another nose surgeon I should consider please let me know! I want this done with the best surgeon possible. I speak English and Mandarin but no Korean.

Also if anyone has any advice on places to stay and how long I should be in Seoul for, also let me know. And if there's a way to pay for surgeries abroad. I'm looking to get this done in late September or early October.

Thanks everyone!
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I found out when I had severly burning pain when I pee, it's the worst feeling ever!!!!! The day of surgery when I would use the restroom it burned but it was bearable...I thought that they might of tore something when the inserted the tube...so I didn't think nothing of it. The next day was hell, I was so thirsty and my lips were so dry on top of it i ran a high fever. I should of told Joann but I was really hesitant cause I knew she was super busy, but I did some research online and without treatment it can do major damage to the kidneys. Luckily she stopped in that night and I told her, she was very kind and ran to the pharmacy to get me meds.
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Yes, I believe so! Well if your planning on getting your nose then anyways. When I research catheter and uti, it was very common for those two to be linked. Whether or not it could of been prevented....hmm.
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Hiiii welcome to the forum lol :P hmmm there are many reasons why people chose to go for rib... using rib cartiliage you have enough material to build a high bridge/create more of a dramatic look (if that's what you want) ect.. it's also commonly used for revision cases.. If you go a few pages back it is explained the pro's and cons of it.. like veryyyyyyy LOW chance of infection compared to using silicone or goretex. But than there is chance of warping meaning the nose can become crooked IF not crafted by a docter who specializes in it. And ear cartiliage it is mostly used for the tip because it is much softer...

Since it sounds like you want subtle change I think destiny here used diff material..And when I was at VIP I met an older lady who was too scared to use any of that stuff and just grafted some fat on to her bridge and tip.

Uhmm as for payment and accomadation.. you can wire transfer money and vip will offer you up to two weeks accomodation if you book early.. I don't know about Dr.Jung but they can probably get you a discount on nearby hotel.

I'm going back to Korea myself around October.....

***yah SORRY to those of you I told I'd be going in winter time.. couldn't get approval to go from work because way toooo busy :sad:
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Thnxxx for the info..... Good thing I am on a diet now lol. I started to read the forum very interesting.. I just emailed JoAnn about what procedure I will need too..... hopefully not full!
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Kain, sounds like your healing well. Unfortunately, mine is raised and the scar is right in the middle of the columella which is so noticeable when I tilt my head up or turn at an angle. Sucks!! I hate it. Just so you know the incision site is still raw so dont do anything to stretch the skin there such as frequent pursing of your lips or vigorous chewing which causes strong movement between the upper lip and the columella. Try pursing your lip and you will know what I mean.

is your incision scar at the base or in the middle?

Dr. Lee said he will pull my scar down to the base to hide my . I am just wondering if all of his patients have incision scar at the base of the columella or in the middle?
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my scar is 3 years now. Initially, I did not use any gel. The result of my scar is from contracture of surrounding tissue and tension of the ear cartilage at the tip. Basically, the scar is not smooth.
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I think I have the same issue, my columella scar is darker than most and the tissue around it is raised, I hate it. I try hiding the scar with concealed and foundation, it helps a little but from the side you can see the raised tissue, it really sucks. Iam only 2 months post op, so I dunno if it will get any better. Is there any type of surgery to fix this? And if so, does the dr. Usually covers it or do we have to pay to get it fix? My next appt is in 1 month with dr. Lee, so I will ask him then...... :T
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Damn. If it was Nov I'd go back w you for sure cause I have to visit a few other countries in Asia :graucho: I wanna get rid of my eye bags at the same time haha
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