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asian nose job 2

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is it a room 1115?
at least i remembered to sign out XD
good luck

i read that fevers are common after surgery. you got unlucky with the needles though. they only had to stick me once.

if you ask a nurse for eyedrops, they will bring a plastic syringe no needle) with saline solution. you can ask them to leave the syringe with you so that you can use it whenever your eyes get dry, otherwise they will take it and you will have to ask again if your eyes get dry.

also, they give you a 1.8 litre bottle of water. you should drink at least one full bottle everyday.

i remember the first time i took a peek at my nose. there was a wire sticking out of my nose on the bridge and the tape left sticky stuff on my nose that made it rly shiny which made all the imperfections look 10x worse. and it was still rly swollen and i had gauze inside my nose, which made my nose look wider, especially the nostrils.

don't look at your nose until at least a week later ;)
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Beefsoup, thanks so much for the pics - you really look very pretty, woah! I am going for ear cartilage too - is yours wrapped ?

By the way, did you do your eyes too? Very pretty.
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did it hiurt a lot when they removed the drain from the rib and stitches? ahhhhhhhhh..so scared of the pain. it's quite painful right now to keep getting up and using the restroom..holy cow. my rib hurts like somone kicked my rib really hard.

My ear doesn' hurt yet, and my head where they did fascia doesn't hurt yet. it's coming though, i know it. :sweatdrop:
laters guys, going to go nap
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Milkway, good luck on your surgery today! Try not to get too nervous I'm sure Dr Lee and JoAnn will take really good care of you!

Hher, your descriptions of pain are making me nervous about using rib and all the needles >"< Hope you're resting well! Remember to take lots of fluids and just relax, chill and think of the gorgeous nose you'll have :smile:
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my rib hurt a bit less after they removed the drain. i think the drain tube was poking me inside the incision site and made it hurt more whenever i moved. my ear never hurt. i was kinda surprised by that
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CONGRATS HHer!!! :biggrin: I hope your recovery is becoming easier with each day...

BeefSoup, you look so cute/pretty!!! :biggrin: Thank you for sharing so openly with all of us!

Good luck Milkyway52!!! :biggrin:

OMG what's this talk of a drain in the rib?!? : /
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thank you. they attach a drain to your rib to suck out the fluid build up. I hate this thing. but I guess it's good. My face is extremely swollen now after getting my nose clean. The DR. push so hard on my nose tears were coming out. Why do they do that? I was surprise he pushed down on my nose and squeeze it. OKay kind of tire and not getting any sleep. I've been taking 10-15 minutes nap here and there because I can't breathe.

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. JoAnn came to tell me that Milkyway is going to be my roommate tonight. That's good thing.

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Congrats for pulling it through my dear!!!

NOw you can just enjoy the stay and take your time to recover.
Its a good thing that you are going to have company!!!

Btw, please tell JoAnn to book the room for me!!!
Its room 1115 right?? Thats my old room as well ;))
Im coming on the 31 May.

Cant wait to see your review!

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Yes, Dr Lee has to push out all the blood and liquid in your nose after the surgery to prevent it from clotting inside. He pushes it really hard to adhere the rib to stay in place.

DId you feel warm liquid flowing down your nose when he did that ?
I saw my residue on the cotton pad and it is gruesome.
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Jesse, I'm thinking the exact same way! I've come so far with this nose and I've had friends envying it too but... but when I think about how i'll be able to breathe properly and ummmm the final outcome of how good my nose is (supposed) to look I'm not so indecisive?? Ok, those points actually did nothing for my indecisiveness and i don't think i'm making any sense anymore lol

Hher, how are you feeling?

Milkyway, how was the surgery??!! I hope there weren't any complications and that you're resting well with HHer :smile: Wish you two a smooth recovery, can't wait for the reviews :smile:
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lol remb i was about to freak out n cancel my appt ? but i went thru it .. the pain n sufferings and all.. and now i feel that its kinda addictive.. lke yes its painful but i kinda like the feeling of being thru n getting over it.. all the satisfaction. lol sounds sadistic, but i know there r many who feel n think the same way! keep going back! lol

i m used to scare of blood taking session but after VIP surgery.. its really nothing bothering anymore.. yes yes! poke me poke me!

u guys quickly recover and post some pics! cant wait!!! * jumps
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im definitely going to VIP but im just not sure when. My initial plan was to go in August. But its summer there and I dont like hot weather. Now early September. But someone told me its still hot during that time of the year. Damn. Are you getting rhino and paranasal as well?Have you confirm with JoAnn ?

Nway you mentioned that you read about makemeheal.com product over and over. Would you know that we are allowed to take the products together with the antibiotics/medicines from our doctor? Reading the instructions online...its a NO NO. But if anybody could confirm, it will be great.
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Milkyway and Hher, so envy the 2 of you. Wish im also there. Done it and could just wait until its fully recover. Nway, goodluck with the recovery!! god bless. xoxo
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