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asian nose job 2

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@beefsoup: I copy and pasted your post to ask my dad. I live in America and my dad is in Vn. He has 2 tummy tucks today so hes quite busy but when he answers Ill tell you right away :smile:

@Juicyme. Actually my dad told me about some silicon that you can insert up your nose for temporary heightening the nose. I went back to America to search for it and found this nosesecret thing. I ordered it yesterday already, it should come next week. I'll try it on and take pictures:biggrin: He told me he had a patient whose one side of the nose is lower than the other side of the nose. So he made the sillicon thing so the patient can put inside the lower side of the nose to make two side equal ....I dont know if my dad just said it so that I wont get a nose job, but he said if you insert it in for awhile your nose will be higher, because your nose keeps changing. He said people who get restylane injected to nose for higher nose bridge later on, they will need less and less restylane injected after the 2nd, 3rd time, because the bridge will grow higher....

Nose job in Korea is so expensive:sad:( Nose job in Vietnam is only 300,400 (for primary)....for revision, it just costs a little bit more....
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this is primary. I am feeling okay. they finally took out all the tubes and inside thingys. I don't know what they were but holy hell that hurt so bad. They just kept pulling and pulling it out and my nose was raw and it was just bad. He pulled out two long cotton things from inside my nose and I was shock that those long things all fit in there. I thought he was done but he said oh 2 more just 2 more. Crap. It was the most painful thing yet aside from my unfortunate experience from needles. I also got the stitches from my rib, head, lips and nose (outside) taken out.

I got to look at my nose today and hell! I had a K -wire sticking out of my nose. They didn't tell me they were putting a K -wire in my nose. But now I do have K wire in my nose. I was shocked and surprised to see it. After pulling out the sutures he proceeded to squeeze my nose again. Oh man. that hurt so bad. Not gonna lie.

Good luck to anyone that is going to experience this. I will never wish this on you, but if you must, then, be brave!
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Milkyway - good luck tomorrow! I think you're getting your sutures/tubes taken out right? Remember to breathe! I feel so nervous telling you this because I am thinking of the process. ahh...be strong!

@ Kain - when you got paranasal implants did they take the stitches out from your upper lip? Or are the stitches dissolvable? I can feel the stitches up there.

I took a good look at myself today and man, I do not look like myself anymore. I look completely different! So shock about that too.
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my columella scar got darker :sad:

They are dissolvable. i have one or two stitches left up there. still got quite a few left from my genioplasty though

lol i just found this post from a while ago. i don't smoke -.-
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its less painful than a needle shot really. i guess you could ask for local anesthesia though. general anesthesia is for major operations :P

i got some medibalm which covers it up nicely. its sorta like medical makeup. i googled it but i can't find the particular brand that i have.
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Seriously, I need to be knocked out when they remove those tubes and stuff inside the nose. I had jaw surgery before and had 2 tubes too....but the pain wasn't too bad and the tube was short so one pull was like 1-2 second.

Based on what you described...it sure sounds PAINFUL.

You are brave.

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Oh I was totally joking.. ....although if I do happen to request for IV sedation when they remove the grueling wires and stitches, I hope it gets granted. I can't deal with pain .. although I heard revision surgery doesnt hurt much, only feel like inconvenience.
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Hher, how old are you?? I thought the K-wire was for the fairly young patients (i really hope that doesn't make me sound like i think you're old lol) I'm so glad you're telling me about all the pain, I'm trying to convince myself it's definitely better to be knowledgeable and prepared for the pain beforehand and goes to show no one should be going into a nose job lightly... Do you know when you'll be getting the K-wire out??

I'm now imagining them pulling two long cotton tubes out of my nose and freaking out... yum yum

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Hi everyone :smile:

I just had revision rhino with Dr Jung 3 months ago with rib but I'm not satisfied so I'm looking to do another revision. I'm not sure if I'll go back to Dr Jung or not, I'm planning to go to korea in sep to have consultations with a few surgeons. I noticed that the clinic called O & Young was being mentioned quite a lot, but I can't seem to find them on google. Does anyone know their website? I would really like to see their before/after photos.
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@coscrazy: Why are you not satisfied of your surgery with Dr Jung ? Did he make the radix too high ? He is apparently not as much of an expert with rib unlike Dr Lee. I think Dr Jung does a better job with goretex.I was thinking of having a consultation with him still, just because I'll be in Korea and I was curious what he'd have to say about my nose.
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